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Is there any point to Lewyn's Light Magic Rank?


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He starts off at C and it raises to B when he promotes but so far as I can see the only light magic Tome in the game aside from Naga is Aura which is already A. What's the point in him, or anyone that's not Deirdre/Julia having a light magic rank? I think it's the same situation for the Master Knights.

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There is a C-Rank Light tome later in the game. One exemplar is carried by Seti, the other appears in the final chapter.

It's a basic damage spell but it is a lot stronger then the rank suggest. And as a Light element spell, it also has WTA advantage against any other type of magic but Dark.

Of course, the tome is still useless for Leaf and Lachesis. But that is not because of the class but because the growths of those two are entirely physical. The Master Knight class has the exact same bases and caps for every state and therefore would work just as well for a magic user.

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It's just for show really, to say "Bards are capable of using these types of magic".

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There's actually quite a few Light tomes in the game, but there's only one in Gen 1, which is Dierdre's A rank Aura tome. Asides from that there's also Resire, Ced/Hawk's Light tome, Julia's (replacement) light tome and like you said Naga.

Anyway, for Lewyn, his Bard light rank might as well not exist, it wouldn't affect anything gameplay wise. As a Sage, well, it's based on being a Sage, and other Sages do use Light, so, yeah.

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Ah that explians it. I didn't get Ced on my first playthrough, Fury was too busy flying around the place saving villages to hook up with anyone. And it's been a long time since that first playthrough that I've forgotten the other tomes. Still it's weird they didn't throw another light tome into the first generation. You can't even use Deirdre after chapter 2 anyway cutting light magic out of the first half of the game almost entirely.

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But I think the Bard class is unique to Lewyn. He promotes into sage which other playable characters appear in along with enemies but I think he's the only Bard in the game.

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iirc the only other bard in the entire game appears in the opening demo reel with no game clears, and even then it's just some generic velthomer guy using elfire. nope, still no light magic here


there's another one that appears only in the map battle parts of the demo reel, but the only indication it's not lewyn (it even wields forseti) is that it's doing so in chapter 7 for some dumb reason

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The developers probably originally planed to either give you lightning in gen one, or start sety unpromoted. Then they changed that without changing the magic ranks. Note also that there is an unused "empty book" for b light magic in the game, which implies that either rezire or aura had it's rank changed last minute (dark magic, which was never planed to be used by the player, has no empty books). This also explains why sages have b rank light magic instead of C.

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iirc the only other bard in the entire game appears in the opening demo reel with no game clears, and even then it's just some generic velthomer guy using elfire. nope, still no light magic here


there's another one that appears only in the map battle parts of the demo reel, but the only indication it's not lewyn (it even wields forseti) is that it's doing so in chapter 7 for some dumb reason

They easily could have planned to have Lewyn playable in the second generation at some point since he is hanging around giving advice at the time.

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Arione was also supposed to be playable and married to Altenna upon joining but such is life.

Meanwhile, Lachesis won't touch Light magic, but Leaf can use Lightning if you really want to. Considering the Light Sword may be inherited from his mother and that you can get the stronger and lighter Tornado a chapter after Lightning, nevermind his low magic in the first place, he probably won't use Lightning.

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