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The ~controversial~ opinions topic

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People who bring their own bags to stores instead of using plastic ones are annoying.

Assuming you actually work in retail, why is this the case? Unless it's like a really dinky bag or something (which I've been occasionally guilty of - specifically a satchel). If it's a pretty solid calico affair that stands up on its own, then what's the problem? Genuinely curious because I don't want to piss people off lol

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The gameplay of all the Fire Emblem games before Thracia is boring (especially FE4).

FE4's characters sucked (only exception is Silesse crew (Lewyn, Fury, Sety, and Fee))

Frozen and Kill la Kill were good but had too many things holding them back from being great.

Attack on Titan has horrible art design.

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i had a bad day and I needed to hate on things

I don't know the problem with this thread

so contribute or gtfo

Bad reason. Vent to someone. Make an untitled Notepad file, fill it with pissiness, and don't save it. Remodel your room. But spreading negativity is the wrong answer.

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Oh, I remembered some other controversial opinion of mine

Mocking someone autistic because he said something ~dumb~ that didn't harm or affect anyone isn't funny

It's actually fucking disgusting.

Also, in what universe is that controversial?

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Assuming you actually work in retail, why is this the case? Unless it's like a really dinky bag or something (which I've been occasionally guilty of - specifically a satchel). If it's a pretty solid calico affair that stands up on its own, then what's the problem? Genuinely curious because I don't want to piss people off lol

[spoiler=Everybody is annoyed by something pointless at work don't judge]The carousels next to most cash registers are made with prongs to hold plastic bags. It has two prongs that hold the handles of the bag, and one in the middle that suspends them which is used to fluff out individual bags. Most fabric ones either don't fit the two side prongs because they're zucchini-thin or bathtub-wide, or lack a little strap in the middle to hang from. This means that they rarely ever fit in the individual bag areas, and so filling them up almost always requires the use of both hands. That's after they're actually hung on, though, which forgets the time it takes to sort through and individually hang the massive mountainous wad of assorted bags some shoppers bring. To add, they also tend to be incredibly dirty and smelling of mold and/or cat piss. The former tends to happen because the bags inevitably get contaminated from foods placed in them and are never cleaned, and the latter happens because they put them in the garage right next to Fifi's waterbowl or something. Finally, customers usually insist on you stuffing like thirty pounds of stuff into these things like because they're fabric they are stronger than titanium, and quite often as they are walking away the bags' handles inevitably snap and now someone (who's got two thumbs and has to wipe up a gallon of Prego off the floor?) has got to deal with it. Really, for me it's generally just a speed problem. Almost universally these things are plopped down on the belt by people who are buying hundreds of dollars of stuff that's going to take like fifteen minutes to get sorted and into the cart.

Also I know this is a minority but I'm sick and tired of hearing pompous customers harping on about the dangers of plastics in one breath while also complaining about ultra-thin bioplastic bags Walmart uses. "You know, plastic bags are awful there's a mound of it the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean," "Wow these bags are so thin, I feel like they're going to rip at any moment, Walmart's really gone downhill cutting corners." I meet some people that think they're being environmentally friendly by using their cotton bags, but the reality is that those bags they've walked around the store filled with melted, soggy frozen goods over and over again will almost universally be unusable before they ever break even with the impact they cause when thrown away.

My recommendation is this, if you're going to make it easy for your cashier and the people behind you: Get nice rectangle-shaped bags that fold with hard bottoms, and only use them when storing dry things with a definite shape that can be easily stacked and centered. Use plastic bags for frozen goods, or bring an ice chest or something to drop them in if you absolutely can't use plastic bags.

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My recommendation is this, if you're going to make it easy for your cashier and the people behind you: Get nice rectangle-shaped bags that fold with hard bottoms, and only use them when storing dry things with a definite shape that can be easily stacked and centered.

Okay yeah these are the ones I use except for when I'm buying like two things anyway

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btw unless they're literally vegetarian or lactose intolerant, people who don't like pizza & bacon are the dull, lifeless hipsters of the food-consuming world, especially if they go out of their way to talk about it

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Oh, these too. Bolded only.

Don't know why everyone gets so defensive about stereotypes... Perfectly natural human behavior.

It's often because not everyone conforms to stereotypes and often people get degraded to nothing but the stereotype. I think people who conform to a stereotype aren't bad, but stereotyping people without getting to know them ((this happens A Lot)) is.
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btw unless they're literally vegetarian or lactose intolerant, people who don't like pizza & bacon are the dull, lifeless hipsters of the food-consuming world, especially if they go out of their way to talk about it

I'm lactose intolerant hehe

And i don't have a galbladder, which justifies my dislike for fat food like bacon

So yeah...

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It's often because not everyone conforms to stereotypes and often people get degraded to nothing but the stereotype. I think people who conform to a stereotype aren't bad, but stereotyping people without getting to know them ((this happens A Lot)) is.

i mean you say aboot but that's not your only character trait eh bud

Edited by Michael Hurst
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- The Adventure of Link is superior in every way to the original Legend of Zelda.

- Call of Duty is overhated. From what I've played, they tend to be good games. What people should be annoyed of is the fanbase, not the games.

- On that point, I find it hypocritical that people dismiss Call of Duty, yet at the same time are in love with Megaman, considering that it follows the same pattern. If anything, I believe that Megaman was the Call of Duty of its generation.

- Blazing Sword is the worst Fire Emblem ever designed, with crappy maps and crappy storyline.

- In Fire Emblem Gaiden, Claire >>>> Alm. Alm has a strong earlygame, but Claire Lv12/1 crushes the game with her omg-wtf 40 HP, 12 Def and innate effectiveness against monsters.

- I think Ena from Path of Radiance is underrated, considering that she saves our sorry asses in 0% growths.

- Plan 9 of Outer Space is so utterly bad, it's good.

- Blue Velvet sucks, and is massively overrated. The same goes for Moulin Rouge!

- The Silence of the Lambs shouldn't have won the Oscar. Not when JFK and Beauty and the Beast were also nominated.

- Princess and the Frog's style and acting + Tangled's solid storyline + Wreck-it-Ralph's characters and themes = Frozen.

- Apocalypse Now > The Godfather.

- Cockfight roosters > Cats > Dogs in awesomeness.

- Atticus Finch is the most badass individual in all media.

- Revolutionary Girl Utena > Neon Genesis Evangelion.

- Nausicaä from Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind is a Mary Sue done right.

- "Defying Gravity" from Wicked > "Let It Go" from Frozen.

- Jane Austen's work is massively overrated.

- I don't like feminism.

Edited by Xator Nova
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i mean you say aboot but that's not your only character trait eh bud

Spot on, I also watch hockey, drink beer, and add eh to the end of every sentence, eh?

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Spot on, I also watch hockey, drink beer, and add eh to the end of every sentence, eh?

and eat at tim's and work at tim's, eh

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Actually holding my feet to the proverbial "I dare somebody to disagree w/my opinion" fire, even though it's just like whatever:

Multiple sig pics, even good ones, can only take up so much space before somebody (not unreasonably so) calls your posts obnoxious for taking up so much space, so you have to jam them in together to avoid that. The lack of negative space makes them all blur together, and makes it more difficult for the eyes to not skip over all of them

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This is what they call gluttony:

I'd think it'd be more likely for "I am a feminist" to be the controversial opinion than the reverse. Maybe not everywhere, but definitely on a lot of video game forums. I'd hazard an assumption most, even

I've heard not a couple of online acquaintances who actually identify as feminist say they tend to avoid bringing it up on the internet, particularly on forums

(tumblr is at once the exception and very much the same)

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and eat at tim's and work at tim's, eh

since i still feel way too sick from downing way too much coffee we will not mention that currently

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This is what they call gluttony:

I'd think it'd be more likely for "I am a feminist" to be the controversial opinion than the reverse. Maybe not everywhere, but definitely on a lot of video game forums. I'd hazard an assumption most, even

I've heard not a couple of online acquaintances who actually identify as feminist say they tend to avoid bringing it up on the internet, particularly on forums

(tumblr is at once the exception and very much the same)

You're probably right.

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Life is incredible. If you know how to look at it, it's a neverending miracle.

The Internet is an amazing invention. Being able to talk to other people all around the world, and share your passion is really impressive, when you think about it.

For someone shy and socially awkward like me, it was a truly great opportunity.

So... Before starting to bitch about whatever, remember how freaking lucky you are to be able to do it on the first place.

Hating things, and acting like a jerk doesn't makes you looks tough, and even less mature. It makes you look like a whiny teenager.

Being naive or enthusiast isn't a mark of weakness, nor delusion. Being able to stay positive, no matter what is a true mark of strength.

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I might as well post some unpopular opinions:

  • The United States is a crap nation by first-world standards, and any US resident who disagrees with that is likely part of the problem.
  • Uniracers >> Super Mario Kart and the original F-Zero. Combined.
  • McDonald's is overbashed compared to other fast-food chains.
  • I find it grating that people prefer physical copies of games to digital copies only or mainly for the nostalgia towards them or any other bullshit reason (as opposed to slow/long downloads, DRM on digital copies, no/limited internet access, etc).
  • I don't like the majority of black people around me very much, despite me being black. But lately, I am also starting to dislike more white people around me than before.
  • Trailer Parks > Suburban Sprawl.
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Metroid: Other M looks fun

It takes no skill to spam wheelies or use bikes in Mario Kart Wii

Going with friends to a resturaunt? I'm going to eat

Pork is pig disgusting

Turkey > Chicken

Fast food resturaunts are great, you better hope the workers aren't crap tier

Opinions are subjective

Root Beer is the best soft drink

Ace Combat is amazing

Summer is a terrible season

Spring is pretty mid tier

Winter has great early game

Fall is the best mid game unit

Starfox Adventures is pretty great

Touhou has an amazing storyline

I appreciate the entierty of a game

Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars are all amazing

F/A-18E(and F) Super Hornet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F-22 Raptor

Samurai Shodown is the best fighting game series

I want a Wii U

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