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Mafia Question of the Whenever - LYLO


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If I had a scumteam full of people I like and are good as scum, I'd probably prefer that to town sometimes, but that's kinda rare, so I'd say Town is probably more fun. ITP is okay but I dunno, I kinda worry about getting shot a lot.


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i think that you'll find more people who prefer being town than mafia because most people are introduced to mafia as a game where you catch the bad people, not a game where you lie to others while trying not to get caught. but anyway.

sk > town > mafia > other itp, depending

pros of being sk: no teammates, so it's just your own play that'll get you through. cons of being itp: usually the setup. but anyway i like hunting scumbags and i like killing submitting nightkills on people, so itp combines the best of both worlds.

i like being town because the feeling of lynching scum is like, really great, like a high, even more if scum is salty about it. of course, you feel terrible when you lynch town, but it's nice when you get it right. plus, playing the hero. plus, town is more about catching scum and scum is more about not getting caught. i dislike having to make up bullshit, and being mafia is just stressful because 1) you'll never get nightkilled, only lynched, and i hate getting lynched and 2) as mafia i know that cases on me are right whereas as town i can dismantle cases on me at ease because i know they're wrong. pretty much a mindset thing, but yeah.

itps that cant kill like survivor are just terrible roles and i hope i never roll them. lyncher might be interesting but i dunno.

Edited by Conqueror
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Lyncher is lame imo just because it boils down to "will people believe your inevitable fake cop claim????"

somebody should host a lyncher game where the target is a miller, that would be funny.

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I hate being scum because you have to make mislynches happen and they are inevitably terrible, and I'm paranoid as hell the whole game. I hate being town because being in the dark is terrible and I'm paranoid as hell the whole game. Never been ITP but I'm sure it'd be terrible and I'd be paranoid as hell the whole game. IO and Host are good alignments.

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Get on j00's level.

yeah I prefer town if only because it's still a refreshing novelty for me, I've been town like what, 5 out of 15 games?

real talk scum can be fun, especially now that I'm used to it, but it's still stressing and you feel a lot more pressure about not screwing up. As town you're more free to mess up and catching scum is immensively satisfying.

ITP > town > scum because as ITP you try to cheat the entire game while still scumhunting, if you mess up you just mess up for yourself

Also I'm probably the only person on SF that likes survivor because it's pure selfish troll

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I should make a setup that's like, 2 towns, 1 mafia and 20 deathmiller survivors. It will be called "SF's favourite Mafia Game".

As for alignment preference I don't really know yet. I really enjoyed being mafia in Healer (sorry about the bus Eury I was dumb and locked myself into it) but I disliked NOCers somewhat because I was a nervous wreck at times, I didn't have the time to properly influence the gamestate and it got significantly worse after I replaced out because I was vouching for my team but things didn't go well and I couldn't really do anything about it.

Then again I'm also a nervous wreck when I'm town and I screw up badly like in ITTD D1 but eh.

I feel like rolling ITP someday because it will probably mean being forced to drastically change my playstyle, as town I try to look very town and as scum I try to look very town, but that's not a strategy that's gonna work for SK/Cult or whatever.

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I've never been ITP, but I pretty much like town and mafia equally. They both have their different appeals, but I couldn't pick one over the other.

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ITP is my most favourite but also super stressful. I'm glad I haven't been ITP in a while (other than on EM where I was ITP like 3 times in 5 games what the fuck) because there was a period of time where I was ITP 4 times relatively close together and I was just super on-edge the whole time, especially because I somehow roll all the ITPs that don't have BPVs. >_>

The camaraderie in playing as mafia can be fun but I feel like town is more challenging and interesting. Each game as town is different, but each game as scum boils down to the same stuff.

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Each game as town is different, but each game as scum boils down to the same stuff.

As someone who rolls scum all the time I disagree, scum games are different depending on scumbuddies and team dynamics, as well as how night actions and lynches turns out.

I think it was CYOR where the we got max unlucky and no one was ever nightkilled, and unexpected events makes it so you have to think fast to save either you or a buddy from a lynch, or just decide if a bus is the best.

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Or you could be like me in my early scumgames and always lose a buddy to the D1 lynch and then have another scanned by the cop night 2. >:

No wonder you bus your scumbuddies so much.

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I've only been scum once and it didn't really count, so I can't give an accurate opinion on this, but I think I'd like to be scum much more than town.

First of all, I love to know I can rely in other people and to unite our efforts towards a goal in common. It just seems so wonderful to be able to share a goal in common and work towards it together. Being town usually feels lonely.

Second, coming up with creative strategies to overcome any challenges sounds like a lot of fun.

And finally, I like to lie. I don't do this unless it's really required because it's not right to manipulate people, but in the context of a game it seems like fun!

Being town is fun, but sometimes it gets frustrating when I feel like I can't come up with any good reads, and being on the edge of being lynched is too stressful. However, hydraing with Vhaltz while being town or being neighbours/masons with someone cool is the best. I really like commenting the game on a more individual level.

I think my preference would be something like this: town hydra/neighbour/mason (with someone cool) > scum > town = ITP

I've never rolled ITP and it kind of feels like it'd be quite similar to being town for me, maybe easier. I'm not usually lynched nor nightkilled, and I'd want to scumhunt anyways.

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Day 2 - You rolled town! Which role do you want to be in your role PM the most?

gotta get the easy ones out of the way first

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Infinite-shot Bulletproof Miller Dayvig ofc

realtalk: probably something that can copy other people's roles.

or some really weird info role, that might be fun

I've rolled very little at all though, so my opinions are likely to change

e: Mason would be fun

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Role I've always wanted to be: Linker (everything that affects PLAYER1 will also affect PLAYER2). However, this role rarely shows up (I did this, like, once).

Something more realistic: Oracle. :P:

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Vigilante. I always want to roll Vigilante, preferably the Day variety.

EDIT Anything but Roleblocker. Yeah, including Vanilla.

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Remember kids: if you don't roll dayvig, you can always fakeclaim it anyways! What's the worst that could happen?

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Mason or alignment cop is most preferred (because mason sounds fun and I want to be a town cop once), but I wouldn't be upset about any town role unless I rolled vanilla or courier.

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If you're not Prims, you're liable to get Dayvigged despite the fact that scum never actually fakeclaims Dayvig ever because it'd be dumb as fuck.

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If you're not Prims, you're liable to get Dayvigged despite the fact that scum never actually fakeclaims Dayvig ever because it'd be dumb as fuck.

I think they've done fake dayvig reaction tests though.

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I think they've done fake dayvig reaction tests though.


I claim dayvig! REFA, YOU'RE IN THE CIRCLE! I want you to tell me why I shouldn't shoot you!

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