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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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May's design in R/S was to me the literal best, just like how May MADE the anime during Hoenn/Battle Frontier.

I was little, and I seriously think I cried when she left. just like with misty

I feel that Sugimori's character peaked at R/S and fell down, horribly down with X/Y. I'll always love her old design.


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I'm not saying it's horrible. It definitely has the super cute element to it but compare this:


to this:


And it's not even a competition. The latter is way better. That slightest of smirks. Them eyebrows. It captures cuteness as well as badassery.

Sugimori's significant art style change for Gen 6 is definitely something alright. Not necessarily bad but yeah.

On a related note, I hope we get a new updated version of this:


Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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The gym leader and E4 redesigns are all great, though.

Roxanne and Phoebe (though all she really did was get updated) are my favorite designs, and then you have Norman's pose of pure badassery. Enough said.

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And it's not even a competition. The latter is way better. That slightest of smirks. Them eyebrows. It captures cuteness as well as badassery.

To you it is. Not everyone agrees. I personally think May is the ugliest female design in the series as far as RSE goes. Her ORAS design, however, is nearly as cute and awesome as all the other females, imo. I don't think females are supposed to look badass either. I think they try to go more for cuteness and pretty stuff so they actually appeal to female players. Badassery is for the male characters, imo. Although unfortunately, I have yet to really like a male character design that isn't Lucas from gen 4...

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Mega Salamence is my favorite Mega, it's a shmup ship.

I wish Lisia was endearingly smug, oh and I like May's redesign despite me not playing as the girl hehehehehe.

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Oh. I never saw her before for some reason. But she is cute. ^^

Still, I think her Pokemon named Ali should've been a female Aurorus. For a cute Land Before Time reference! If GameFreak even knows about that series, that is.

Edited by Anacybele
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shes just holding the thing with three fingers for no reason, dats all.

impracticle anime hands for the win

of the new desings i think both look pretty neat but i like magmas leader more, archies new desing is stupid and i like his mafia gangster outffit more.

though still the new desings arent bad overalll in my opinion.

though the megas are stupid and pointless as always.

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I don't think females are supposed to look badass either. I think they try to go more for cuteness and pretty stuff so they actually appeal to female players. Badassery is for the male characters, imo. Although unfortunately, I have yet to really like a male character design that isn't Lucas from gen 4...

The thing is, that way of thinking is severely outdated and is perpetuating more than just “oh, women must look pretty when they want to do anything!” It contributes to male gamers not taking female gamers or women in general seriously, for one. But that’s not the point we’re trying to make. The point is that women have been portrayed as badass in media – not just videogames – and a lot of them weren’t sexualized or set to the industry’s beauty standards.

I mean, look at Ripley from Alien, she was one of the most badass female characters in media to date and by the end of the movie she was sweaty and gross and yeah she walked around in her panties a lot but she wasn't sexualized. In the end, female players should have the choice to wear frills or sweatshirts or full body armor, and they should have the choice to be a total girly girl or a tough-as-nails badass.

Not everyone fits into the stereotypical gender roles. Saying that females aren’t supposed to look badass, that to appeal to female players their main characteristics should be being cute and pretty and that badassery is for the male characters is encouraging sexism and keeping women “inferior”. And if a woman wants to play as someone badass and female, shouldn’t she get the option to?

One of the issues that women, not just female gamers, face is not being taken seriously – by men or by other women. This idea that being badass is for men and that women are only drawn by what’s cute and pretty is a very harmful thought. This is why more than a few female users on SF have set their gender to male – because they feel that they would be taken less seriously if they set their genders to female.

You can’t just make a generalization about a topic you have no knowledge about, especially when that generalization is still in rampant effect today and makes women all over the world look bad. Not just in videogames, but also real life. Saying that badassery is for men and that female characters must be pretty and cute to appeal to women is an outdated, and frankly, disgusting, mentality to have in the year 2014.

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Uh, I clearly meant females in terms of Pokemon player characters, not females in general. :/

These games are aimed towards children.

Edited by Anacybele
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It's even worse for children, because young children are impressionable. If they see girls running around in frills and skirts and pink bubblegum bright clothing, they will grow up thinking that they must be that way. It happens all of the time, this is not an exaggeration. Teaching kids early that it's ok to be pretty and frilly and wear bright clothes, or to wear something they're more comfortable with is beyond important in their early lifetimes, so they don't grow up under the influence of damaging and disgusting values that set back society as a whole.

Game Freak's not perfect (hell they just let you play as a black trainer one game ago), but it's so very important that we enforce positive things on our children, such as a girl doesn't have to play as a frilly girl and a guy doesn't have to play with the hardened badass, which makes your point, frankly, moot.

Besides, just because kids play it doesn't mean an adult can't enjoy the games either and stuff be annoyed by it, and it's equally damaging to say that men must be the badass as it is damaging to say that the girls must be cute. The mentality is just too old now for it to hold up in a society when people are challenging gender roles left and right.

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