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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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I need to import a Light Ball for my special Pikachu, when I get it...

real men get them from wild pikachus you filthy casual

Edited by Comet
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Does anyone have a spare Diancie? Or one I can just borrow?

EDIT: After a bit of testing, I discovered that the Cosplay Pikachu is, in fact, treated as a legendary in that it has guaranteed three perfect IVs.

The reset fest to get a Hasty/Naïve Pikachu with perfect Atk, SpAtk, and Spe begins.

EDIT 2: Oh, and does someone have a spare Light Ball? I can trade on back later. I have some extra on my X version, but no extra 3DS to transfer with...

EDIT 3: Ugh, after finding this out, I realized that I have to EV train this Pikachu, too, as I cannot allow it to be tainted by irrelevant EVs... SO MUCH WORK. ;n;

EDIT 4: Also, Sharpedo is going to be my primary HM slave. OWO

EDIT 5: [spoiler=Not perfect, but good enough.]





Pikachu takes hits as well as a thin sheet of paper, so HP, Def, and SpDef literally don't matter at all...

And yes, I'm playing the game in Japanese...

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I don't think you'll find someone to spoil you here, Neal. Just find a Light Ball yourself~

And of course you'd get the cute Pikachu ~o3o~

Edited by Kon
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I don't think you'll find someone to spoil you here, Neal. Just find a Light Ball yourself~

And of course you'd get the cute Pikachu ~o3o~

Brendan gets the cool one, May gets the cute one, you can change it once you have it though.

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Brendan gets the cool one, May gets the cute one, you can change it once you have it though.

Neal already has it judging by the picture, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to change it~

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I don't think you'll find someone to spoil you here, Neal. Just find a Light Ball yourself~

And of course you'd get the cute Pikachu ~o3o~

But I need mah Light Ball... ;n;

It's the kawaii-est.

DexNav grants Pelippers with infinite lucky eggs.

Just lol

I thought this was possible with Chansey in X/Y.

Only more time-consuming.

Neal already has it judging by the picture, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to change it~

Icicle Crash is tempting, but... but... Pop Star Pikachu is the cutest. ;n;

AND she matches with May's Contest Dress.

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But I need mah Light Ball... ;n;

It's the kawaii-est.

Icicle Crash is tempting, but... but... Pop Star Pikachu is the cutest. ;n;

AND she matches with May's Contest Dress.

Too bad

Besides, you can just DexNav Pikachu in the Safari Zone anyways, can't you?

Of course you could always bribe me to part with one of my Light Balls >u>

Pfft, knew it

Typical Neal~

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Too bad

Besides, you can just DexNav Pikachu in the Safari Zone anyways, can't you?

Of course you could always bribe me to part with one of my Light Balls >u>

Pfft, knew it

Typical Neal~

I dunno, I'm not there yet...

Bribe senpai how.

Obviously kawaii is the objective best. :>

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I know that you could find them there in Ruby and Sapphire, anyways. New Mauville I think as well, although I'm less sure about that one.

Hmmm... well, I really want a Swablu right about now, but I've only gotten to Rustboro so far... maybe with Hyper Voice? As long as the nature isn't bad I'd take about any Swablu as long as it at least has Hyper Voice

I think I like the Scientist better, but whatever floats your boat~

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Anyone have a spare Master Ball they could part with? /shameless

Anyone have trouble catching the Primals?

The catch rate wasn't THAT bad but Kyogre could have OHKOed my entire party.

I had trouble with catching it, only because I was way overleveled so I had your issue in reverse. I could OHKO Kyogre all day long... and I didn't have False Swipe then!
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what happened to mauville

i just got there and what

more like mall-ville

Right now I have Marshtomp, Skitty, Mightyena, a new Roselia, and a HM Zigzagoon. Planning on Starmie and Froslass.


I turned Cosplay Pikachu to Cool as dat all 4 Cool movepool.
I put CP in my Contest Box and gave it Pokeblocks. I'm saving contests til the postgame, but I have a feeling it'll be really fun.

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I still have to wait till friday till I can get this game. I do have a question in the meantime though. I'm planning on putting a lanturn on my team, but from what i've read you only encounter chinchou fairly late in the game. Is that still the case here or can you find him earlier? I checked serebii and I believe it said you could find it on an early route, but Bulbapedia did't say the same.

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I know that you could find them there in Ruby and Sapphire, anyways. New Mauville I think as well, although I'm less sure about that one.

Hmmm... well, I really want a Swablu right about now, but I've only gotten to Rustboro so far... maybe with Hyper Voice? As long as the nature isn't bad I'd take about any Swablu as long as it at least has Hyper Voice

I think I like the Scientist better, but whatever floats your boat~

We'll seeeee. I have some in X, but no extra 3DS to trade with.

They're all pretty cute.

Pop Star is just the cutest. :3

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Anyone have a spare Master Ball they could part with? /shameless

I had trouble with catching it, only because I was way overleveled so I had your issue in reverse. I could OHKO Kyogre all day long... and I didn't have False Swipe then!

Well I play with EXP Share turned off so...

I also forgot the Master Ball and had like 1 Net Ball, 1 Dive Ball and 4 Ultra Balls and I was too lazy to go back.

That said, a challenging Primal fight is pretty damn epic.

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does anybody know if rayquaza, groudon, and deoxys are shiny locked in this game? so far, i only know that lati@s is the only possible shiny (and lol cut scenes, not resetting for that). it'd also be nice to know about the other legendaries, but the three mentioned are all i really care about.

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