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What new class would you like to see in FE14/Make your own class

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Well, here's an idea I had once:


A redeemed thief or humbled clergymen, uses a swift blade and shining light to defend people of all kinds

Either a thief or a monk could promote to this (I was experimenting with each class having 3 promotions), and it would wield swords and light magic, so it's a very accurate class.

Neither strength nor magic excels, but has decent amounts of each to effectively damage enemies with it's weaker weapons. High speed and pretty good skill, above average res but low defense.

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A class that can use a physical weapon, a staff and a tome. FE13 really seemed to be going out of their way to prevent that, since Brides use bows instead of tomes. Plus we haven't seen a unit like that since Magefighter Tailto/Tinny.

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How about a promotion for Bards/Dancers? I'd call it Gleeman/Sword Dancer. The difference is that Bards/Dancers could not defend themselves while Gleemen/Sword Dancers could. Gleemen use knives(swords if knives aren't a weapon type) and Sword Dancers use... well... swords.

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I would put in a legionary class that promotes to centurion. They would be similar to the hero class, but more defensive and slower. They could wield swords and lances.



level one- March: Gives two extra move points when walking over roads.

level 10- Testudo: Immune to ranged attack, but only when next to another unit of this class.


I suppose it would get more supportive abilities.

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I'd like to see a flying Bow user. I mean, LET IT RAIN would be a pretty cool crit quote or something, and it would add a strange utility to Flying that would make them more support than brute force offense.

Maybe promoting would give them a second weapon type, but I think it'd be better to see it be like a Airborne sniper, with a crit boost.

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I've wanted the Baron class to make a return for a long time now. Though it wouldn't have to be called that, just them being heavily armored units with tomes would suffice. Besides that, there could always be more Halberdier/Sentinel -style classes.

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  • 6 months later...

if in the next FE the Soldier class won't be a playable class like in Gaiden and PoR and RD, then i guess what would be cool is a replacement Soldier for player units. Like the name would be just "Lancer" and it would be focused more on Strength and speed (like a small mix of soldier and knight) and it would promote to "Dragoon" who might have similarities to the dragoon from FF.

And also a Nature magic user (Geomancer) and a Lance/Magic user unit.

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if in the next FE the Soldier class won't be a playable class like in Gaiden and PoR and RD, then i guess what would be cool is a replacement Soldier for player units. Like the name would be just "Lancer" and it would be focused more on Strength and speed (like a small mix of soldier and knight) and it would promote to "Dragoon" who might have similarities to the dragoon from FF.

And also a Nature magic user (Geomancer) and a Lance/Magic user unit.

How would the not soldier class be different to soldiers? It's possible we could have two, in some games we do have both Archers and Hunters after all. Lancer is also the European name for Radiant Dawn's sentinel class. A lot of the time I prefer the PAL name changes but in this case I'd have to go with the US. Sentinel sounds cooler. In Japanese it's called Holy Lancer which I took as inspiration for a Halberdier promotion that uses Lances and Light Magic.

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How would the not soldier class be different to soldiers? It's possible we could have two, in some games we do have both Archers and Hunters after all. Lancer is also the European name for Radiant Dawn's sentinel class. A lot of the time I prefer the PAL name changes but in this case I'd have to go with the US. Sentinel sounds cooler. In Japanese it's called Holy Lancer which I took as inspiration for a Halberdier promotion that uses Lances and Light Magic.

1.if they do it like Fe11/Fe12 and add a second lance unit pretty much alike the soldier but with difference in stats, it wouldn't be that great, i'd admit.

2. didn't knew Lancer was the European name for the sentinel, i haven't really played RD.

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Have Dark Knights actually use Dark Magic. And Axes.

Taking a page out of FETO's book...

A new promotion for the Wyvern Rider: The Wyvern Fighter!

A seasoned Wyvern Rider that excels in Speed and Skill. Wields Swords and Axes.

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I've yet to play Awakening but I do not like the idea of Pegasus Knights promoting to two classes with access to magic and Wyvern Riders having none, so I'd give back Swords to Falcoknights, move Staves to a second promoted pegasus class (not sure on a name), and move Tomes to a second wyvern class that would replace griffons. I'd call them Wyvern Seers because it sounds more menacing and mystical than "Wyvern Mage" or "Dark Wyvern".

The second promoted pegasus would wield Lances and Staves, and have higher Def and Res but lower Str and Skl compared to Falcos.

Thw Wyvern Seer would wield Axes and Tomes, and have higher Spd and Res but lower Str and Def compared to Wyvern Lords.

For DSFE I would not create new classes per se but I would introduce at least one more type of Magic to justify the existence of three Tome/Staff classes.

Edited by Axie
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I would like better designs of older classes NOT like Awakenings(I'm looking at you knights). Maybe Pirate Captain.

I agree with this especially with the knights and generals also return hero class to classic FE7 look or something like Ike in FE10.

Have Dark Knights actually use Dark Magic. And Axes.

Taking a page out of FETO's book...

A new promotion for the Wyvern Rider: The Wyvern Fighter!

A seasoned Wyvern Rider that excels in Speed and Skill. Wields Swords and Axes.

This never seemed to make much sense to me I mean come on its in the name of the unit its like having a dark mage not use dark magic.

We could bring back knives as a weapon for theives/assains maybe add them as a weapon for archers so that they can defend themselves in direct combat.

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How about a promotion for Bards? I'd call it Gleemen. The difference is that Bards could not defend themselves while Gleemen could. Gleemen use knives(swords if knives aren't a weapon type).

There's one for Bards: Sage. Edited by ScarletFlame
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We could bring back knives as a weapon for theives/assains maybe add them as a weapon for archers so that they can defend themselves in direct combat.

I actually liked knives and wouldn't mind seeing them return, but it is kind of hard to think of how they'd be useful given they're the weakest weapon and would be wielded by the weakest classes. Still, it would be cool to have again. Maybe all classes could use knives? It would be interesting to give them to archers and mages as back up weapons. Well, maybe not for mages, but it would make the weapon more useful.

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I actually liked knives and wouldn't mind seeing them return, but it is kind of hard to think of how they'd be useful given they're the weakest weapon and would be wielded by the weakest classes. Still, it would be cool to have again. Maybe all classes could use knives? It would be interesting to give them to archers and mages as back up weapons. Well, maybe not for mages, but it would make the weapon more useful.

Had a topic a good while back talking about all the potential things that could be done with knives. One of the ideas I liked most was making them do pretty pathetic damage but the enemy couldn't counter attack if used on player phase which would make your weak knife wielding units still some what combat viable.

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I had the idea to give knives WTA over everything when initiating the attack and WTD against everything when counter-attacking.

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Only if the character's name is Lewyn, though. And Lewyn wasn't really a proper Bard, he was just a Mage with a different sprite.

Homeros promotes to a sage too.

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Had a topic a good while back talking about all the potential things that could be done with knives. One of the ideas I liked most was making them do pretty pathetic damage but the enemy couldn't counter attack if used on player phase which would make your weak knife wielding units still some what combat viable.

That's an interesting idea, which I can sort of see, given that a knife can be concealed, but the enemy is still fighting that unit and so it seems more like a character skill than a thing for a weapon.

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I've yet to play Awakening but I do not like the idea of Pegasus Knights promoting to two classes with access to magic and Wyvern Riders having none, so I'd give back Swords to Falcoknights, move Staves to a second promoted pegasus class (not sure on a name), and move Tomes to a second wyvern class that would replace griffons. I'd call them Wyvern Seers because it sounds more menacing and mystical than "Wyvern Mage" or "Dark Wyvern".

The second promoted pegasus would wield Lances and Staves, and have higher Def and Res but lower Str and Skl compared to Falcos.

Thw Wyvern Seer would wield Axes and Tomes, and have higher Spd and Res but lower Str and Def compared to Wyvern Lords.

I dunno how I'd feel about Wyvern Riders having Magic. They've always been the physical tanks to the Pegasus' magic tank, so it kinda makes sense to me that they'd stick to physical weapons while the Pegasi got magic.

I agree on getting rid of Griffons though.

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I dunno how I'd feel about Wyvern Riders having Magic. They've always been the physical tanks to the Pegasus' magic tank, so it kinda makes sense to me that they'd stick to physical weapons while the Pegasi got magic.

I agree on getting rid of Griffons though.

It would be interesting though to have a unit that excels at magical offense but it still vulnerable to magic in terms of defense. A magical armored knight could fit the same niche though.

And why does no one like Griffons :(

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It would be interesting though to have a unit that excels at magical offense but it still vulnerable to magic in terms of defense. A magical armored knight could fit the same niche though.

I suppose. I'd actually like to see Mages have less Res in general (Bishops excepted).

I've had a couple ideas for an expanded family of Magic users. I'm pretty sure I've posted them, but here are a few just in case I haven't(These go along with the return of the GBA Magic Triangle):

[spoiler=Probably dumb ideas]

-a "core" set of Anima/Light/Dark Mages that all promote to Sage (they get to pick one other magic type on promotion, like FE9 Paladins)

-a Shaman/Druid class line seperate from the Dark Mage listed above, with high magic, low speed.

-A fusion of the GBA/SNES Bard Class. Use light magic, but has a poor magic stat, but can also dance and/or provide stat bonuses similar to the dancer rings

-A return of the SNES Mage fighter(Anima/Swords on foot) as a Tier 1 Unit that promotes into Mage Knight.

And why does no one like Griffons :(

for me it's just weird that Wyverns randomly change mounts when promoting. I GUESS they could work as a separate class but I find it hard to believe IS could adequately justify the existence of 3 flying class families.

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I suppose. I'd actually like to see Mages have less Res in general (Bishops excepted).

I've had a couple ideas for an expanded family of Magic users. I'm pretty sure I've posted them, but here are a few just in case I haven't(These go along with the return of the GBA Magic Triangle):

[spoiler=Probably dumb ideas]

-a "core" set of Anima/Light/Dark Mages that all promote to Sage (they get to pick one other magic type on promotion, like FE9 Paladins)

-a Shaman/Druid class line seperate from the Dark Mage listed above, with high magic, low speed.

-A fusion of the GBA/SNES Bard Class. Use light magic, but has a poor magic stat, but can also dance and/or provide stat bonuses similar to the dancer rings

-A return of the SNES Mage fighter(Anima/Swords on foot) as a Tier 1 Unit that promotes into Mage Knight.

for me it's just weird that Wyverns randomly change mounts when promoting. I GUESS they could work as a separate class but I find it hard to believe IS could adequately justify the existence of 3 flying class families.

I reckon anything can be justified if it's balanced and interesting enough. My ideas for incorporating Griffons is making them the primary axe using flying class (leaving Draco's to Spears and Pegasi to Swords) with their final promotions giving access to bows and an armored variation respectively. Don't think I've posted it in a while but if anyone's interested I have a whole bunch of classes lined up in a system found here.

Also Pegasi used to turn into Wyverns way back in the first few games and again in Sacred Stones. I find it funny more than weird since in the support convos they usually still refer to them as pegasi/wyverns.

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