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OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire Speculation Thread


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Why would these games not use Emerald's storyline? HG/SS used Crystal's because of the Suicune stuff. I think both Team Magma and Team Aqua will be fought and Juan will be gym leader 8 while Wallace is the champion and all that.

I still am on the pass list though. I've no need to explain why at this point. But I will be checking updates to see if anything just so happens to catch my interest.

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If any main series game is "passable," you aren't much of a Pokemon fan.

But possibly, it could use Emerald's storyline where both legends are awakened and come into conflict with one another, but it'll probably have to be tweaked to include mega forms (possibly a postgame storyline where you'd get to catch the version legend).

Edited by Arch
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Why would these games not use Emerald's storyline? HG/SS used Crystal's because of the Suicune stuff. I think both Team Magma and Team Aqua will be fought and Juan will be gym leader 8 while Wallace is the champion and all that.

Ruby: Pursue Team Magma.

Sapphire: Pursue Team Aqua.

Emerald: Pursue both teams and awaken Rayquaza.

Gold: See Ho-Oh.

Silver: See Lugia.

Crystal: hai Suicune

G/S/C had a plot way different than R/S/E. HG/SS easily found a way to incorporate Suicune in their respective plots, but I believe OR/AS will handle things differently.

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HG/SS also had Eusine, who I heard didn't appear in the original G/S.

Arch: Then I'm not much of a fan in your eyes.

Edited by Anacybele
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Why would these games not use Emerald's storyline? HG/SS used Crystal's because of the Suicune stuff. I think both Team Magma and Team Aqua will be fought and Juan will be gym leader 8 while Wallace is the champion and all that.

I still am on the pass list though. I've no need to explain why at this point. But I will be checking updates to see if anything just so happens to catch my interest.

The plot additions in Crystal didn't conflict with the G/S plot. Emerald's plot did conflict with the R/S plot. These games won't make much sense if they use Emerald's plot, because you'll not end up fighting Groudon or Kyogre despite them being on the covers until postgame. And you can say they'll alter it to work, but if you fight both teams, what determines which legendary you fight? They could still keep Juan and have Wallace as the champion, but I really hope they don't.
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And I think it wouldn't be too hard to use Emerald's story in these remakes.

I was gonna say something, but RFoF pretty much summed up all my thoughts.

It wouldn't make sense to keep Emerald's storyline for the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire, which had different storylines.

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A few alterations, just as you say, RFoF. I haven't thought of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure I could figure out something, and if I can, so can GameFreak.

In any case, I definitely hope these games use Emerald's plot for the most part, or the chances of me buying one will just get lower. Even Emerald was better than R/S, imo.

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I liked the Emerald storyline more and pretty much everyone wants the Emerald Battle Frontier, but I agree that putting the Emerald storyline into ORAS wouldn't work very well.

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Based on what happens in that footage (and the TV show teasing the differences on the boxart), I think we've been given a hint for MegaGroudon and MegaKyogre typings. Groudon unleashes fiery hell (Ground/Fire) and Kyogre starts a raging thunderstorm (Water/Electric). While it's imbalanced, this gives both mons a super effective against each other and a resistance (keep in mind, the original forms were imbalanced too).

Imbalanced compared to what?

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Imbalanced compared to what?

I think he means the relation is unbalanced, with Kyogre having STAB SE move against Groudon and Groudon STAB dealing normal damage to Kyogre.

But Dialga also has a type advantage over Palkia and Xerneas has one over Yveltal, so it's not like GF always went for balanced duo.

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A few alterations, just as you say, RFoF. I haven't thought of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure I could figure out something, and if I can, so can GameFreak.

In any case, I definitely hope these games use Emerald's plot for the most part, or the chances of me buying one will just get lower. Even Emerald was better than R/S, imo.

Are we talking about the same Game Freak here? Because the Game Freak I know has about the least amount of common sense possible such that millions of fans have thought of great ideas that have never even come close to entering Game Freak's realm of thought. (Case in point, keep B2/W2's Easy / Challenge Mode stuff, but make them available to everyone from the beginning instead of requiring a specific version to match with Unova Link and requiring them to be used on a second playthrough.)

That said, HG/SS did incorporate a fair number of the minor improvements that Crystal added/modified (though definitely not all of them), so I think it's fair to assume that OR/AS will incorporate several of Emerald's. But if Game Freak can't replicate the freaking roof of the Goldenrod Department Store added in Crystal for the remakes (something which should take very little development time in comparison to other portions of the game), I don't know if they're going to put effort in to trying to find some way to tip-toe around Emerald's plot to make it work in split versions.

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A few alterations, just as you say, RFoF. I haven't thought of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure I could figure out something.

But I thought you said you didn't even finish playing R/S? How can you say you can figure something out when you haven't even experienced the games first-hand?

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I never did much in R/S, but I did get to the league in Emerald. So I know about the plot.

Anyway, I hope Juan sticks around. He's actually the one gym leader in this gen that I really like. His design is way cooler than Wallace's and that eyebrow in his art is badass. :D I liked him in the anime too.

Edited by Anacybele
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A few alterations, just as you say, RFoF. I haven't thought of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure I could figure out something, and if I can, so can GameFreak.

In any case, I definitely hope these games use Emerald's plot for the most part, or the chances of me buying one will just get lower. Even Emerald was better than R/S, imo.

Can they? Well, I'm sure they can. But should they? I don't think so, because the changes they'd have to make would be too drastic and they'd no longer have the elements that make them Ruby and Sapphire instead of Emerald. I mean, if Gamma Emerald were a thing, I'd be all over it, but if they're going to remake Ruby and Sapphire, they need to make sure the games still are Ruby and Sapphire. Good Emerald features like the Battle Frontier should definitely be implemented, but plot elements are basically a no.

And I don't know why that would be a deciding factor for you. The basic plot itself was still pretty much the same. On the other hand, if they can find a way to implement Emerald's plot while keeping the games in the spirit of Ruby and Sapphire, that will be pretty awesome. I don't think they can nor do I think they'll try, though.

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The could surprise us by removing trainer customization and Amie :c

This wouldn't surprise me much at all, just given how Game Freak seems to introduce features in a game and then inexplicably remove them in at least the following one (before possibly bringing it back later).

See: Pokemon following trainer (brought back once and dropped again), Battle Tower (brought back seemingly permanently, though not necessarily with that moniker), animated sprites (brought back permanently), Mach/Acro Bike, Underwater areas, seasons, etc.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Can they? Well, I'm sure they can. But should they? I don't think so, because the changes they'd have to make would be too drastic and they'd no longer have the elements that make them Ruby and Sapphire instead of Emerald. I mean, if Gamma Emerald were a thing, I'd be all over it, but if they're going to remake Ruby and Sapphire, they need to make sure the games still are Ruby and Sapphire. Good Emerald features like the Battle Frontier should definitely be implemented, but plot elements are basically a no.

And I don't know why that would be a deciding factor for you. The basic plot itself was still pretty much the same. On the other hand, if they can find a way to implement Emerald's plot while keeping the games in the spirit of Ruby and Sapphire, that will be pretty awesome. I don't think they can nor do I think they'll try, though.

It's a deciding factor because I never liked gen 3 much. The only reason I would get these remakes is if the things that annoyed me the most become less of a hassle (like those annoying water routes later, and having a hard time choosing a team because I only liked a few Hoenn Pokemon and a couple other things) and Juan staying the eighth gym leader. I had forgotten how much I liked him. lol

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If you only liked a few pokemon, wouldn't choosing a team be easier...? As in, less competition for slots?

i would think it would get boring only using a few pokemon in the region for every playthrough... ana, please tell me you like the swablu line

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Altaria is okay. But I don't think it's spectacular. The Hoenn Pokemon I really like are Aggron (it's pre-evos are kinda meh, but Aggron is epic), Poochyena (So CUTE!!) and Mightyena (so cool looking!).

The Emerald Hoenn dex didn't have many Pokemon I was willing to use though. I don't even really like the starters. I think Torchic is cute, but I find its evos hideous. The entire Mudkip line is fugly, imo. The Treecko line is okay and the only one I could stand to use. I did use Torchic first, but that was before I knew what its evos looked like.

I needed a Water type for surfing, but the dex didn't have any I liked at all. I forced myself to train a Seaking.

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