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COOKING~! FOOD! Ahem. . .

It's time to make a tossed salad~! What five ingredients will you throw in it?






your opinion on meat

like, do you like all meat or is there any you don't like, etc.

I'm generally apathetic at best with seafood, but I'm fond of pretty much all land meat. Kangaroo and pork are probably my favourites, but there's nothing like a good lamb shank. Or roasting a chicken and then having sandwich filler for the next week.

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Ah, so it's a pretension thing

No, it's simply an attractive concept I admire that also made an attractive name I could take. And I do like moths, but I don't see what the name has to do with them?

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Time to get to work. I don't feel like making a wall worthy of mafia, so have some post links instead. shytende, this is for you (and anyone else who wants to read it).

This mess actually started here, with something that wasn't even a question; instead, it was some passive-aggressive response that came out of nowhere. Furet said NOTHING to you, so why post that? Your next post is here, which is a valid (albeit passive-aggressive) question, which was then answered here. This is your next question - see a trend? You're asking him about annoyances. If I was the one running this thread, I'd stop and ask you what the HELL you had against me; instead you get this answer. Here's an example of a question that's both personal and doesn't tread on annoyances.

This reply. I'm disappointed in it for two reasons. First, it's rude to answer sensitive questions on behalf of another person. Second, I ran that question by Furet before posting it, simply because it is a fucking sensitive question. This was a pretty civilized response, given the circumstances, because your behavior in the thread so far was. . .antagonistic. If you don't agree, reread everything until now until it sinks in.

Reference 1. It's tempting as hell to quote every sentence, but that'll make this post nigh-unreadable. That first paragraph reeks of passive-aggressiveness - you're putting yourself as the passive voice, and putting the active responsibility on Furet, despite the fact that you're the one that's been needling him all through the thread. Second, "never insulted in the thread"? I think answering someone else's sensitive questions in their own thread is pretty insulting. Third, instead of complaining about "being mean to me for saying stupid things", why not ask yourself why you said those things in the first place? You admitted to saying stupid things, so were you expecting people to call you smart? You're the only one that knows your true motives; everyone else has to piece it together using external actions. If you open your mouth at inopportune times, you're not going to come across as socially intelligent. Alright, you call yourself stupid. Do you want to stay that way, or do you want to change? No, don't answer that here - I want to see your answer in your future posts. There's other ways of being malevolent without talking behind other people's back - like making the first response in a question thread a negative assumption.

Reference 2. You didn't seem to have a problem when Integrity used the term "silly turd", so why'd is suddenly jump to that level when Furet echoed the sentiment? Your next one-sentence paragraph is, for lack of a better term, insulting. It sounds like you're trying to validate your own opinion, while painting Furet in a negative light. If your opinion is so valid, then why does it even need to be vocalized at this point? The next paragraph is outright condescending - you're now putting yourself above him with that "teaching" bit (which you are in no position to do). That last bit is completely unnecessary - he doesn't have to answer to your standards, nor should he feel like he has to.

You admitted your own negative qualities, so are you willing to improve yourself? If you well and truly wish to change, think about what you're saying and WHY. Hell, leave a post in the reply window for five minutes, do something else, come back, and see if you feel the exact same way before posting it. If you don't want to change? Then my apologies for wasting your time.

tl;dr: Read it.

I didn't knew that bolded point was so sensitive. Really sorry. That was said on a passive-aggressive/joking tone, because the way the question was formulated seemed jokingly enough. I excused myself afterwards on Integrity's reply.

Indeed, Everything I said here was pretty wrong, because I already had started to antagonize Parrhesia at this point, and should have just let it go.

However, this thread doesn't exist on a vacuum.

This is where everything started. That answer was pretty blunt.

I try to justify myself, and this happens. I don't insulted Parrhesia, yet this answer was pretty aggressive.

Here, this may pass as passive-aggressive, but given the precedent answer, I think it's justified.

I reiterate my point here.

Then I don't confront Parrhesia for the rest of this QOTD.

Then, there was the song topic. I list the whole page.

...In retrospect, I shouldn't have started this, because it didn't even really concerned me...

Then, there is this angry answer by me.

And here I start antagonizing Parrhesia, which would lead to everything in this thread.

Yes, wanting to change someone is stupid and arrogant, especially, when this problem is more with me than them.

At the end, it's a mutual lack of understanding between each other.

Parrhesia surely didn't think I'll take those remarks so badly and personnaly (It may be stupid, but it honnestly hurt me. I'm hypersensitive and react badly at every slightly mean remark.) I took them at some kind of personnal offense, when it probably weren't.

I don't know Parrhesia (or Integrity, to a lesser extent) to know if this counts as a joke, direct offense, or normal answer.

My posts were also more insensitive that I wanted them to be.

But Parrhesia shouldn't care that much about how people answer to them, given how Parrhesia answers to others.

While overly moralizing and condescending (because I was really tired of all this), this was the point of Reference 2.

So, here it is. The fault is mostly mine to have pursued God-know-what (recognition ? Excuses ? "Victory ?". Some stupid bullshit anyway.)

i would have preferred this to be treated with everyone exposing their feelings, instead of passive-aggessiveness (on my part), and snarky, condescending short phrases (Parrhesia).

Sorry, Parrhesia to have derailed your thread for some personnal vendetta.

Sorry everyone to have shown you this poor spectacle.

This was just my last explanation.

It at least helped me to definitely let it go, I think.

If you want, Parrhesia, I can delete all my posts here, or you can ask a mod to delete them.

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Wow, that's very fitting.

ANYWAYS, what do you think of Snatcher? I think you commented on my avatar on a while back (whenever it was Gillian Seed), but I never actually remembered to ask you what you thought about the game itself.

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Favourite breed of dog?

I really like heelers and kelpies. Sheepdogs, more or less.

Wow, that's very fitting.

ANYWAYS, what do you think of Snatcher? I think you commented on my avatar on a while back (whenever it was Gillian Seed), but I never actually remembered to ask you what you thought about the game itself.

I only saw LPs of it. I liked its lifted-off-blade-runner aesthetic, though, and probably would've enjoyed actually playing it had I ever the chance.

i never finished reading your lp so let's talk about what really matters: who was the best character in Sengoku Rance

I don't remember her name but there was one woman who I respected chiefly because she wouldn't put up with any of the main's shit. Pretty much alone in that regard, in fact.

She wasn't actually particularly good in gameplay terms, but eh.

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No, it's simply an attractive concept I admire that also made an attractive name I could take. And I do like moths, but I don't see what the name has to do with them?

what moths do you have in australia? there are some really pretty / cute / beautiful moths out there but all the ones in cali around where i live are just the small, common ones
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what moths do you have in australia? there are some really pretty / cute / beautiful moths out there but all the ones in cali around where i live are just the small, common ones


Bogong moths are the ones that spring quickest to mind. They're pretty big - from memory roughly thumb-sized.

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I like how your apology mostly continues to insult me. Nice work.

I don't believe in deleting posts.

You, of anyone, should know the difference between insult and a straight, bold answer (can't find better term right now).

I admitted being wrong about taking your answers as insults (though you never denied them being insults. I read that Parrhesia article, and it makes everything far more clear.).

This became an apology half-way, because I realized how goddamn stupid I had been, and how much I had overreacted.

It started as a way to explain how everything began on my part.

I stopped victimizing myself, and won't try to start a new conflicts.

I don't want to delete them either, actually.

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I can still post regular questions, right ?

Usually medium. I'm also really stereotypical and think kangaroo steaks are the best, but you have to cook them a certain way and I... probably can't do that right.

How does Kangaroo taste ? What is the closest meat if any ? (Rabbit, Beef...)

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I can still post regular questions, right ?

How does Kangaroo taste ? What is the closest meat if any ? (Rabbit, Beef...)


If I had to say, beef.

why is some guy whose posts im not reading writing so many words in this thread

You're missing very little.

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why is some guy whose posts im not reading writing so many words in this thread

You're missing very little.

You're actually gaining a lot by not reading them.

Do you have a favorite swear word ? If Yes, which one ?

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Do you have a favorite swear word ? If Yes, which one ?

I like the duality of 'cunt' and 'prick'.

whats your favourite madoka is it homura

also do u prefer eetchy or shonden??

The fact that I don't know what any of the words you said mean fills me with perverse pride.

Favorite Mythology?

Does mythology only refer to dead religions? Like people feel free to say the Norse or Greek 'mythologies', since only Neo-Nazis believe them nowadays. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful. Once someone clarifies, I'll happily answer, though.

what video games are good

From my Steam Library, I have clocked the highest number of hours on Age of Empires 2 (164), Football Manager 2014 (123), Saint's Row III (85) and the remake of XCOM (82). Much of AoE/SR3 was down to near-daily multiplayer. (My account technically has 'like a billion hours' on the Sims 3 but that was back when it was shared. It still kind of is, but eh.)

Edited by Parrhesia
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Does mythology only refer to dead religions? Like people feel free to say the Norse or Greek 'mythologies', since only Neo-Nazis believe them nowadays. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful. Once someone clarifies, I'll happily answer, though.

Umm, no...? I don't even think dead religion counts...?

I had something more in mind like those myths about creation and/or great epic battles or some such...

Can you believe this is the first time I've ever heard of Neo-Nazis?

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