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E3 2014


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Hey, some of you are going to be on summer vacation when E3 actually starts. I might have to work during it! >_<

Nintendo likes airing their stuff in the morning and I work in the morning.

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What all is there that disproves this? I personally don't see the Nintendo logo being red instead of gray being enough, personally. Might have been used for differentiation.

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I find it kind of funny that none of the games that haven't been announced have any titles on the sheet other than [name of series][name of console], you'd think at least one would have an official title.

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What all is there that disproves this? I personally don't see the Nintendo logo being red instead of gray being enough, personally. Might have been used for differentiation.

Rather, it's the small points that add up that make it not even worth considering, to be honest.

Let alone the fact anyone can create a piece of paper like that, there's just no reason to really believe it. I find it sad, considering how many things on that list I'd want.

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Hey, some of you are going to be on summer vacation when E3 actually starts. I might have to work during it! >_<

Nintendo likes airing their stuff in the morning and I work in the morning.

Have it be happening in the middle of your finals week, then come talk to me. Luckily, I'll only have one last final by the time E3 starts up.

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I still think that the fact that anybody can create it and the Nintendo logo being red instead of gray are kinda...weak points.

the biggest issue with it are legal reasons. Nintendo ditched the red logo in 2006 because of marketing reasons for the Wii brand.

When you change your company logo you have to keep it consistent for every documentation you create. Every single manual for every system and games all use the grey logo. Their main site uses the gray logo. My Nintendo 3DS repair receipt has the Nintendo logo on it and it is grey too. Look up all the official documents where it includes the logo from Nintendo post 2006, they are all gray.

The only reason they use the white and black logo in boxarts is to prevent the grey from blending in with the artwork.

If all of a sudden a document they created uses their old 2006 red logo, someone in the department would of obviously noticed before distributing it or approval.

Edited by kingddd
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I still think that the fact that anybody can create it and the Nintendo logo being red instead of gray are kinda...weak points.

Kingddd already explained why the logo is kind of a big deal

The release date of Hyrule Warriors and FE x SMT is also really early considering the lack of info concerning these games. The unnamed Wii U Star Fox also looks like wishful thinking.

Edited by LuxSpes
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I still think that the fact that anybody can create it and the Nintendo logo being red instead of gray are kinda...weak points.

You don't actually buy it, do you? It's not even like that's the only print-out running around the net that is supposedly some E3 schedule of announcements.

Obviously we can't disprove it (or any of them) absolutely 100%, but if you're telling me you believe it right now, I'll gladly point out the multitude of things about it that strongly suggests it is a fake.

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Red stand out pretty well, so if papers got mixed up, it would be quicker noticed and fixed faster than if it was gray.

The issue is that this is a technical perspective not a design perspective. Once the higher ups approve that this logo must be used than it must be the one to be used no exception. Yes it sucks they got rid of the red design and some people don't like it but everyone has to follow this regulation. You can't do much about it.

I worked with a technical writer where I had to create a new installer for the newest version of software I was working on. I had to change every single icon to follow the new approved company standard. The old icon was a very nice 3D vector looking shape. The new icon was just a flat 2D icon with a cartoony flat surface. Everything has to be consistent with that standard. If it's not, then it is filed as not approved until it conforms with what the company wants.

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Does anyone know where on this screenshot of the Schedule was taken from? I did ask this from the SSB4: Discussion Thread, but I don't see any recent replies nor other answers where it gotten it from.

But, I just wanted for clarification to see if this might be either real or not to see where was this from at:

You know you could've just posted the image:


Keep in mind that this is unconfirmed.

Where did you find that webpage at?

And also, I look forward to see more veterans and newcomers for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U from the E3 and/or the Best Buy event.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Does anyone know where on this screenshot of the Schedule was taken from? I did ask this from the SSB4: Discussion Thread, but I don't see any recent replies nor other answers where it gotten it from.

But, I just wanted for clarification to see if this might be either real or not to see where was this from at:


I just reposted it from someone on Smashboards.

It's pretty much confirmed to be fake now, so it's not like it matters.

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I'm kind of glad it's fake, due to the lack of a 3D Mario for Wii U on it. :P

I DID say I wished for a Galaxy-esque title. lol

Considering we got a 3D Mario by Nintendo EAD last winter, I wouldn't hold my breath to see another one announced this year, even though I would like a 3D mario more in the style of Galaxy

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I don't know, we're talking about Nintendo's flagship franchise here, not to mention that the Wii U needs saving. And a Galaxy-like game would certainly help it right about now, methinks.

Edited by Anacybele
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The Galaxy series actually sells worse than the New Super Mario Bros series and the WiiU already had NSMBU as a launch title. I don't think there's any real killer IP that can attract people to the Wii U if Mario Kart 8 and Smash don't bring up the sales. Mario Kart Wii was one of the best selling titles on the Wii, much better than any other Mario title.

I'm not going to complain about any sort of new games on the Wii U as I've been enjoying all the titles I own, especially Super Mario 3D World, but there aren't really any IPs Nintendo can rely on to get a big boost. I'd actually rather see them work on their smaller core franchises like F-Zero, Star Fox, and Metroid, to keep those fan bases from shrinking into oblivion.

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I find that hard to believe. The Galaxy titles are the highest rated games of all time, even managing to dethrone Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I just can't see them not being the best selling games in the series.

And I didn't mean that a Galaxy-like title alone would save it. I mean that it combined with Zelda Wii U, Smash Bros., Hyrule Warriors, SMT x FE, etc would give it the boost it needs.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ratings don't equal sales. I never said the Galaxy games were worse, only that they don't sell as well. The best selling games on the Wii were Wii Sports (obviously), Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii, and New Super Mario Bros. Galaxy is up there near the top, but when you compare Galaxy's sales to NSMB, it's $12.22 mil compared to $28.65 mil. MKWii sits at a lofty $35.53 mil.

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