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Boops on a Canvas


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KgaAJ8Q.pngEliwan T2

I'm... very unconfident in the detailing though, so I want to get opinions before I even start sheeting.

re: Wirym (beastgirl): Amusingly to me, that's actually a regression. She used to have those and then she lost them and now she has them again (the retrigrade fox-feet)

edit re Wirym/Marcul (shared anim)

Not sure if, for her first transformation, if her feet should move backwards or her body move forward.


Left = Feet moving backwards, Right = Body moving forwards in this context.

Or... perhaps I could add in a jump? :/ I'm so stuck.


k2dkk.gif :V

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[This entire post is either «No» or has a better version farther down or is incomplete]

So... suckiness. :V


1- Splice of Priscilla, Nino, Erk, and Ninian.

Then I felt that I had done her great injustice because she's not flatchested (quite the opposite), but the cloak is shaped as though she is.

2- Splice with custom bits, some outlining... Unfortunately I don't know who contributed. Also features art theft! :V

(Some of the things that were outlined were from the FE4A compilation sheet. I know that much by looking at it (due to the mismatching), but I can't identify whose they were originally nor who did them. I don't have the compilation sheet anymore, either, so :/ I would've loved to identify exactly which parts of the hair I stole, but alas.

I am pretty sure that the neck and face are spliced from IntSys things and custom, though. They're... too terrible to be anything else.)

Then I put her down again.

3- Trace of a drawing.

Drawing is hard. But for me, hackboxing was a lot harder.

...Hackboxing a drawing was even worse. >_<

4- Colors! And expression!

This already has huge problems and I feel bad for not having seen them earlier, but I didn't see them unitl I was done with step 5...

5- Shading shading aa

Seriously the shading hurts me to look at now that I know better.

Especially her bust. I bet you can't tell that her cloak is actually being pushed behind her breasts.

Because that's totally what's going on. :/ It just doesn't look that way because the piece was so bad and that pigtail is going completely the wrong direction.

Then I went on a spriting hiatus for a number of reasons.

And now I recently got back to sprites, so I decided that I was going to make a new Tayhine sprite that was anatomically correct and etc., which is what 6 is.

7- blockshade (need assistance)

But then I realized I have no idea how to do a good bust while keeping to style.

Nor do I have any idea how to shade a collarbone, nor how to work in a nose.

So... I really need help with those. I know how to shade a collarbone-- just not at that size.

Also I think something's wrong with her neck but I can't tell at all.

Maybe I should stick with splices, but I'd like to actually get better at this...

Nor, sadly, how to fit her in the hackbox without shrinking her more-- which I want to avoid, because I want to emphasize that she's supposed to be bigger proportionally than others including even her head.

Also I was just thinking of how terrible an artist I am and etc., that people would berate me for not being able to follow basic human anatomy and how flesh is supposed to fall and etc so I got demotivated and stopped working on her. -Again-.

So I made 8-9-10 just for some fun, 8 is the finished one. What? I like battle sprites. :2

(And yes, the dress is too short. It, annoyingly, is something that she always does as a character, so I thought I would be true to form there, if nowhere else.

And her stockings/socks are purple with red streaks)

11 is the palette for 8-9-10

12 is the full palette for 1~7; which quite obviously goes far past the color limit, but is a comprehensive palette for Tayhine and all of her outfits.

Also I do constantly flipflop on what color her eyes should be. I like the red (accents her hair) but I also like the green (accents her cape).

Less suckiness. Equally not-all-mine.


Three and two half lords. Though I suppose Wirym suits being a Gotoh so far in my game sketches.

In order, left-to-right...

Tayhine (Future), Tayhine Lustruv (Ancient), Lyd*, Eliwan, Lyd (t0)

Tayhine Lustruv (Ancient)**, Lyd, Eliwan, Wirym

*Reshade of Gabriel Knight's female Mercenary.

**Reshade and edit of female Ranger.

The half lords are Future!Tayhine and Wirym.

Also, would you believe that *nobody* in the top 30 google results had a complete sheet for the Intelligent Systems GBA soldier?

I can, because I found that out. :|

Everybody was missing some frame--a lot of people were missing frames from the crit animations, but one group was missing one of the ranged attack return frames...

This is relevant, of course, because...


I've made it my goal to make a completely underped generic soldier animation.

(sorry for the mostly-blank space all up at the top. I'm not good at arranging sheets...)

The original soldier.

Assembly-based sheet.

But... something is still a bit off, no?

[Also I think that the return isn't smoothed enough, but I can't figure out a good way to improve it.]

Something... like a complete and total lack of interest. The soldier class animation has nothing special-- this is fine, given the class is supposed to be nothing special...

But it's kind of lame to look at.


So... reshades of the legs and shield.

And I just want to know... which one people like the best.

I could also do something different for the shield entirely, but it would take some extra time (there are 13 unique shield frames so far)

Now, this is something that may, just may, surprise people, I'm constantly working on a game.

GsNalnk.gif More map sprites.

This is the Hunter class; which specializes in mobility to the Archer's range.

Their class skill is Acrobatics, which lets them use half of their remaining Move after attacking.

To fit with this, I wanted to make an archer that LOOKED frail, so I borrowed Eirika's legs and proportions.

Left: Female. Skirt, half-knee footwear. Light bowstring.

Right: Male. Pants, ankle-high footwear. Dark bowstrong.

Also I don't like the neon arrow, but I didn't have any other choices-- it was either the neon arrow or the possibility of the fact that it's an arrow being easily lost.

Also I just realized I forgot to draw the shadow for the bow on two of the frames. Whoooops.

[The idle frames don't satisfy me, and I haven't started the movement frames. When I get around to those, I'll put a proper sheet.]

i have an essay due in an hour and a half and I haven't started it

I've been assembling this post


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I'll comment on the mug, since I mostly do those. The splice actually looks pretty quality, I like it. After that though, the quality goes down, and art theft is bad D: Her face gets lopsided, her eyes are huge, and it looks like you're trying to add way too much detail into the nose which just ends up looking messy. I made some edits to your latest version to point you in a more correct direction, but since I don't know who this character is I couldn't do a whole lot. Overall, I would recommend you stick with splicing for a while longer. I really like your splice, but your customing is a bit shaky, the proportions aren't quite right and the shading is messy. I would recommend splicing more until you really get a feel for the size and style of mugs.


I think my edits might have a bit too much forehead, but I didn't want to spend too much time since it's late. Blargh

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I think my edits might have a bit too much forehead, but I didn't want to spend too much time since it's late. Blargh

That magenta is so pretty.

[and so not very not Tay.]

Those eyes are so nice, too.

... though I think I get FE necks now. :/

And while your edit has a lot of forehead, my original has more forehead...

Have Lustruv, since Tayhine's modern form is impossible for me.


Anna (FE6, FE7, AND FE8), Lucius, Fir, Angry Lyndis, and the eyes from Toa right above.


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So... reshades of the legs and shield.

And I just want to know... which one people like the best.

I think I prefer the short boots in general. It feels like the red ones draw the eye to them more than the upper part of the sprite (Maybe if the red bits were darker?) and the long leather boots kinda make the groin pop out...

The grey rim and boss version of the shield is definitely my favourite, and I like the brown background a little better than the red - it does look nice, but red on the shield as well as armour feels maybe a little top-heavy? (The grey rim, red background shield does work pretty well with the red boots, though!) The red rim blends too much with the armour - might work better if you used black to outline the shield? Gold rim isn't too bad, but maybe a little too fancy for a generic soldier?

Would be interested in seeing the new animation, well, animated. :P

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I think I prefer the short boots in general. It feels like the red ones draw the eye to them more than the upper part of the sprite (Maybe if the red bits were darker?)

Yeah.. hm.

the long leather boots kinda make the groin pop out...

Ick, you're right.

The grey rim and boss version of the shield is definitely my favourite,

So 1~3?

and I like the brown background a little better than the red - it does look nice, but red on the shield as well as armour feels maybe a little top-heavy? (The grey rim, red background shield does work pretty well with the red boots, though!)

Hmm. Yeah...

The red rim blends too much with the armour - might work better if you used black to outline the shield?

I'd do that, except it would reinherit the problem when sheeted (if you use the outline on some of the shield parts, it no longer looks like it is in a position that is even remotely practical / looks like its floating).

Gold rim isn't too bad, but maybe a little too fancy for a generic soldier?

Yeah... Hmm.

Well, I know what I'm doing when I get around to making a not-so-generic soldier. :V

Would be interested in seeing the new animation, well, animated. :P

I did not have a good place to use my mouse until now, so...

Melee | Ranged


Everything but the dodge since that went completely unedited.

Note that while the melee crit looks really weird here, it doesn't when the screen's shaking and the lance is actually inside an opponent.

Feditor soon. E_E

actually I need to add whole frame to the ranged return. I can't cheat it with small blurs, now that I'm looking at it more.

[frame added]

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So 1~3?

Well basically 2, but 10 is good too. 22 is nice as well.

I'd do that, except it would reinherit the problem when sheeted (if you use the outline on some of the shield parts, it no longer looks like it is in a position that is even remotely practical / looks like its floating).

That's too bad. Otherwise, 16 isn't bad either.

Well, I know what I'm doing when I get around to making a not-so-generic soldier. :V

The gold could work if they were some kind of elite troops, like maybe some noble's bodyguards or something.

Note that while the melee crit looks really weird here, it doesn't when the screen's shaking and the lance is actually inside an opponent.

Feditor soon. E_E

All right, I'll hold off commenting on that until I see the real thing.


Rather like the hit sparks, but it does differ a bit from the usual FE style, more like SRW.

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Still can't record video

But the package is in the feditor thread


emoting is fun and quick, also XNA-size? body for Lustruv.

Not sure since only source I can find says to extend by 16-20 pixels, but this is 16 pixels taller than the GBAFE hackbox.

oQ8NvW4.png since zooming gifs can be impossible

(also I noticed that i made a mistake with her hair so I fixed that before uploading this, but I'm too lazy to fix it on the gif)

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[Click for sheets]


Rogien E. Seldric, or in generic terms: No helmet, no accent face (thus enabling the spear to be modified by the palette without needing a very light color as the first color)


Generic Soldier with gold-rimmed shield and red-topped boots.


Generic Soldier with gold-rimmed shield and greaves with blue-white metal straps.

Smoothed soldier videos, forgot to post earlier:



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I like the no-helm guy, and that regular attack looks pretty sweet, but


this frame kinda pops out. It doesn't have a lot of movement from the previous one, it's just kinda extra bright and shiny, and it looks odd in-engine. The biggest problem, however


is that this part gets really confusing for the eyes. It seems obvious at first that this is a swing that goes towards the viewer and back in again, because that's the only way that kind of arc makes sense. But it's in his right hand, so that clearly isn't the case. I'm sorry, but the frames make no sense at all.

It also seems like a weird attack in general. A spear is for thrusting. Whacking someone with it is probably going to hurt, sure - but impossible spin aside, that crit is a less effective attack than the regular stabbing one. It'd work a lot better if you re-worked the spear to a halberd or other more hack-and-slash-capable pole arm - or, like Ephraim, let the twirl lead into a proper thrust.

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this frame kinda pops out. It doesn't have a lot of movement from the previous one, it's just kinda extra bright and shiny, and it looks odd in-engine.


I must say that it never looked odd to me-- the sprite moves forward two pixels relative to the edges of the very blurred frames, which possess less definition than this frame and are immediately prior.

Logically, the construction was a fast motion meeting resistance, hence the sudden stop in forward momentum-- but it's still a fast motion, hence the blur behind.

And like all blurs, it's lighter in shading than it should be.

The biggest problem, however is that this part gets really confusing for the eyes. It seems obvious at first that this is a swing that goes towards the viewer and back in again, because that's the only way that kind of arc makes sense. But it's in his right hand, so that clearly isn't the case. I'm sorry, but the frames make no sense at all.

It, um, was supposed to be scuffing / going through the ground, like it does in the movement frames.

Precedent for showing the weapon even though it should, logically, be hidden by the floor was present from Great Lord Hector, Eliwood w/ Durandal, and the Hero's smears.

So I agree that it looks weird but I maintain that I was justified in making it that way at first...

It also seems like a weird attack in general. A spear is for thrusting. Whacking someone with it is probably going to hurt, sure - but impossible spin aside, that crit is a less effective attack than the regular stabbing one. It'd work a lot better if you re-worked the spear to a halberd or other more hack-and-slash-capable pole arm - or, like Ephraim, let the twirl lead into a proper thrust.

Though thiiis is probably something I should have thought of, to me the spearhead already had some sembalance of that appearance, and I was thinking completely from the idea 'spins are cool' and not at all about practicality of the strike.

But you are absolutely right, I'll work on it to make it better / more logical.

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It, um, was supposed to be scuffing / going through the ground, like it does in the movement frames.

Precedent for showing the weapon even though it should, logically, be hidden by the floor was present from Great Lord Hector, Eliwood w/ Durandal, and the Hero's smears.

So I agree that it looks weird but I maintain that I was justified in making it that way at first...

I think he meant that while the spear is in his right hand, and thus on the right (far) side of his body, we can see the motion of the spin on the left(near) side of his body, meaning that either the spear is going through him, he's doing a 360 no scope, or the frame makes no sense.

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If the spear was actually cutting through the ground, it would be going into it, dragging up a lot of dirt in the process.


(Disregard my mspaint dirt.)

(I'd have issues with that too - sure hector and heroes also have frames of their weapons hitting/scraping the ground, but none of them go that deep, and both of them do it with much heavier weapons.)


The only way that makes sense with that pose and the weapon in his right hand is if it is clipping through his legs.

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if you could make that into a generic axe soldier that would be lovely and potentially useful. nice animation regardless.

Was already planning on doing that! d:


Axe attack is done.

Axe return is done.

Axe missed is done.

Axe missed return is done.

[Well, I mean, done in the sense that it's workable. Not that it's particularly -good-.

I don't know how to make a good 'effort exertion' sprite that fits in the rest of the animation and I'd rather not redo 5-6 frames. ;;]

This leaves crit w/ axes, dodge, and ranged anims.

[And then reskinning it for generics. Twice.]

Range with axes is something I don't know how to do I am led to believe that there are special rules regarding them? I dunno, I'll muddle through making the sprites and then find out later. >_>

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I quite like! Still have the same problem as with the lancer, though:


This frame sticks out as a bright flash.

The miss animation looks like it kinda breaks his wrist; I recommend letting his arm swing further down instead of just the axe. And, if you're going to have the axe hit the ground...


...dirt splash? :awesome:

Hand axes aren't actually that tough.


Basically, at the first red line, the boomerang axe animation comes out, and then it waits at the second red line until that's done before finishing the rest of the animation. The flying axe is handled automatically; you just need to sprite the part where it's in the character's hand.

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I quite like! Still have the same problem as with the lancer, though:


This frame sticks out as a bright flash.

I like this frame myself, which is why I kept it.


The miss animation looks like it kinda breaks his wrist; I recommend letting his arm swing further down instead of just the axe.


And, if you're going to have the axe hit the ground...


...dirt splash? :awesome:


Hand axes aren't actually that tough.

Basically, at the first red line, the boomerang axe animation comes out, and then it waits at the second red line until that's done before finishing the rest of the animation. The flying axe is handled automatically; you just need to sprite the part where it's in the character's hand.

Oh. Okay. Phew.

I just remember something weird being said about them.

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I just remember something weird being said about them.

Hand axe animations in the vanilla game tend to have issues with using other magic animations. (ex: making a bolt axe by just playing thunder doesn't work right, I forget the issue/how it's fixed though)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My brother insisted that splices take a long time to do well (3-5 hours, he said).

NWbIMuz.png«No», sadly

Firancas Dilyan Qentil

So I decided to make a splice (<2 hours).

But then something went bad:


The last smile frame bugs out and I am incapable of figuring out why.

some proof

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