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Training Filler - Game Over


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What am I reading?

@The buddy thing with Poly: I fully believe Poly's claim because they have been crumbing it and their play has been consistently pro-town this whole game. I can't explain why he thinks I'm town, but if you disagree with his reads it would be helpful if you could bring up specific instances.

Pascal, you have consistently tried to draw focus away from the wagons and I have no idea why you would do that. Earlier you were focusing on just one person to do this, now you seem to be suspecting everyone without basis. What is your reasoning for spreading everything too thin at the last moment? Are you just that unsure of your reads or is there a play I'm not seeing?

This is LYLO. Committing yourself to a single vote without considering all alternatives is a recipe for disaster.

I can honestly see a Junko + Frosty + Terrador scumteam at this point. Frosty's been acting hella sus, and I don't see Junko (or Refa) and Eury collaborating as scumbuddies for a bus of that sort at this point in the game, when they could easily force an ML and win.

As for why Terrador over the others (the others being Ciraxis/Cam/Makaze), I feel like at least one of the commonly-noted "townier" players is scum, and of the three, I trust him the least. Makaze seems legitimately townie, and Cam's posts since subbing in read a lot like his ITTD stuff, where he was also town. The only other possibility I really see is that Ciraxis is a scum non-visiting role, but meh. Terra's been playing kinda... off all game, and he's almost vanished this phase while others have taken the lead.

Out of the 1v1, I've already said my piece on Junko, and I feel like Eury's playing more like she would as town. Then again, she wallposts a lot, but her one big one feels a lot townier. Frosty can easily be Junko's buddy, since the half-assed arguments on Junko's part could very easily be seen as bussing to give Frosty towncred. Plus, his #360 pisses me off because that's such a shit defense when suspicion is on you and you're not actually addressing it in lieu of the "I'm town I swear don't lynch me guiz" argument he's putting forth.

Uh, no, I've already established I've been pretty half-assed. Feels like you've done a complete 180 on your opinion, seeing as how you were pretty sure I was town until a page or so ago.

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This is LYLO. Committing yourself to a single vote without considering all alternatives is a recipe for disaster.

Uh, no, I've already established I've been pretty half-assed. Feels like you've done a complete 180 on your opinion, seeing as how you were pretty sure I was town until a page or so ago.

feels hypocritical considering you know, your 180 from ciraxis to me. I say we get eury today and get this guy tomorrow as I am pretty sure both of them are scum.

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I'm tired of this waiting around and it seems clear we are not going to get any more content today.

I'm sticking with my biggest Scum read.

##Vote: Junko

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If the scum haven't jumped on the chance to lynch Eury/Junko yet, does that mean everyone is just lazy, Eury or Junko is scum, or both of them are scum?

Argh, I don't want to put a vote down and screw over town if I'm wrong...

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At this point in the game, a random lynch is about as bad for mafia as it is for town. The fact that they are not targeting someone else is strange.

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Sorry, I just got on.

Since I'm prolly gonna be dead tonight due to being a PR, I'm gonna just throw out my reads now.

Confirmed, 200% Town: Polydeuces

Leaning Town: Makaze, Cam

Null: Ciraxis, Eury

Slightly Leaning Scum: Terrador

Scummy As Fuck: Frosty, Junko

Not gonna vote for a little bit, though, just in case anyone else has things to add.

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Blargh... really tired from IRL problems/issues, but I should be around for phase end.

- Junko currently still ranks as the highest priority/scum read today. Pretty damn sure he's scum after what I've seen from him.

- Poly is probably the towniest read atm, followed closely by Makaze. Terrador lags in behind Makaze, and above the last 3 listed.

- Pascal/Cam/GC are questionable to me in terms of gameplay/content, and far from cleared in my books. Probably would go GC > Pascal = Cam (GC seems a little better than the latter two) in terms of where they stand.

##Vote: Junko

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You couldn't decide on anything today.

This random bolt of lightning straight to Terrador's head however, could.

Terrador - Mafia Roleblocker - Random Lynched Day Three

It is now Night 3. You have 24 hours to submit night actions.

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oops late update

Day Four:

"You know what would be cool; having a vanilla killed" - not the mafia

Polydeuces - Town Tracker - Killed Night Three

It is still LYLO. With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. You have 72 hours to decide on a lynch.

Edited by Curly Brace
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you all want to know who visited poly last night, eurykins...

Watched him because since the roleblocker was dead they would want him out of the way as soon as possible.

##vote eurykins

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I know Terrador was there when the phase ended, in fact he posted only a few minutes after. I see no possible reason why Terrador wouldn't of hammer'ed Junko if he was town. After all, doing so would've secured a scum victory. Just something to add on to the growing mountain of evidence pointing to Junko being scum.

##Vote Junko

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