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My Review of: Shadow the Hedgehog

Alright I know what your thinking "OMG Teh 3-d Sonix Suksers" well this is an in depth review of a game, and maybe this review may change your mind a little.

Gameplay: 5/10

Alright let's jump right into this. GUNS alright when I saw this I was like "Da Fuck, who's idea was this" but Tails and Gamma have used types of guns in the past so...what the hell. Well the gun system royally sucks (It may have worked for an FPS but for a TPS/Adventure game yeah...) well it would have been better with a more Ratchet and Clankish gun selection system, but since guns are optional, let's talk about other stuff. Well it keeps the basic Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic/Shadow really fast race gameplay, but in more Knuckles-ish Adventure stages...so it's like takeing everything good about Sonic Adventure 2 and makeing it harder to use...

Story: 8/10

Crazy ass government conspiracy theory!!! COOL!!!!

Anyway, the game starts with you just standing around haveing flash backs and chilling when Aliens attack...I know REAL original, but moveing on from the weak beginning it really has a decent story with over 100 ways to complete the game and the ability to choose between good and evil, not to mention all the filled plot holes and major plot twist.

Well let's just say the good story and choose your own adventure type of thing REALLY boost replay value, but lose points for the quite weak beginning...

Graphics: 5/10

While the opening and cutscenes would suggest otherwise, the graphics are pretty much the same as Sonic Heroes. That's not a bad thing but I wish they hadn't just taunted me with those opening the opening...

I'm not real big on graphics so it's not a big thing to me but other people might care...

Multiplayer: 6/10

It's a simple little side mode, a way to waste time with a friend.

Nothing on the scale of Halo or SSB but it's good enough...

Overall: 6/10

More reviews on the way.

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My Review of: Pheonix Wright, Ace Atourney

Speaking of OBJECTIONS, my next review will be Pheonix Wright.

Gameplay: 9/10

It's half court room drama, half detective game. AWESOME, anyway you control everything through the Touch-Screen, which you also use for Court Menu's and picking apart Testimony. The detective half of the game isn't as much fun but none the less entertaining, and with everything controlled by the Touch Screen it's easy for anyone to pick up and play...

Story: 10/10

A great story with some of the most original and fun characters I have ever seen, You Defend 5 clients over the course of 5 cases each Case being 1/2 Trial 1/2 Detective. All the trials are linked to the mysterious DL-6 incident.

Through it all you have Pheonix and his "OBJECTIONS" and 'TAKE THAT" as well as Meya Fey and her "interesting" comments. With amazeing Plot, great characters and some of the best dialogue I ever saw in a game...

Graphics: 6/10

Stylized Mangaish character art and some of the best yelling text ever.

It's GBA quality graphics at best but once again Graphics don't make or brake a game.

Multiplayer: 0/10

It has no Multi player.

But it would be awesome, one person is Edgeworth one person is Pheonix Wright that would be cool.

Overall: 9/10

It was one of the best games I've played recently and definitely the best new series to come out of the DS-Era

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My Review of: Sly Cooper 3

Gameplay: 8/10

Sort of a cool mix of Metal Gear Solid's Stealth and Super Mario 64's 3-D Platforming, and with over 7 Character's to play as and like 15 Mini-Game levels this game is not lacking in variety. But moveing on, I'll be doing in depth reviews of everyone's diffrent gameplay.

Sly: Don't fix what aint' broken, Sly hasn't changed munch since the first two games and that isn't a bad thing, Sly's Stealth is my favorite thing about this game and the implementation of skills only make him all that much better.

Bentley: Bentley is even better since being put in the wheel chair, for one reason, THIS IS THE MOST PIMPEN WHEEL CHAIR EVER! He still has the God-send that are sleep darts and his bombs are more fun and easier to use, not to mention his new toys. The Grapple-Cam is hilarious and an absolute treat to use and his Magnet on a rope is definately useful for being able to pick pocket when your not Sly.

Murrey: THE MURREY IS BACK! Well not much to say here, Brute force and Ball Bounceing, EPIC.

With several weird Power-Ups and a crap load of insane moves the murrey is entertaining to play as at the least.

Guru: His speech is hilarious and his gameplay is even better. The Guru can capture and control Enemies and use their attacks (He can also run them into walls XD)

Penelope: RC Cars and Helicopter, Her levels are either Top Down helicopter levels or RC Car raceing levels.

Panda King: Badass, He fires fricken missiles and stuff, only problem is he isn't playable long enough.

Dimitri: Talk about getting screwed out of a good thing, HE IS PLAYABLE FOR ONE FRACKING LEVEL!

That being said that one level was fun.

Plot: 9/10

So Sly and his crew need to break into the Cooper Vault to win back Sly's inheritance.

To do this they need to build an army of world class theives, So they start Globe hopping to recruit said army. The dialogue is just brilliant and the story is a bit cliche' but none the less enjoyable.

Graphics: 7/10

It's Cel-Shaded sort of like Wind Waker, and the Cartoonish take kind of gives the Game a comic book feel (Furthered by the "POW" graphics when you land a combo.

Multiplayer: 5/10

Four Multiplayer games, Cops and Robbers is generally just a pass, and the other three are kind off fun.

However if they added in sword dueling from "Dead Me Tell No Tales" it would be so much better.

Overall: 8/10

Even more fun then the original but it's hard to top number two.

I also have some problems with with playability (Dimitri, Panda King) but overall a fun game.

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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