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Who Would Win? (Pit vs Meta Knight)

HK Motendra

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  1. 1. Pit vs Meta Knight

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This whole discussion is irrelevant since Samus could vaporize the whole roster with a power bomb

I guess Ike could be carrying 4 elixirs, which drastically increases his healing ability too (12 uses of full healing). But stopping to use it would leave him open for more attacks/let Link set up something crazy too or just distance himself. So I guess it all evens out. My answer remains the same once again.

Winning Links: MM, WW, SS, Loz/AoL, ALttP*

Potentially Losing Links: OoT, Oracle Link, TP.

5:3 Split in Link's Favor

EDIT: Not that it's really relevant, but I just realized something kinda funny. So Link can usually do about four hits when he gets an opening. (Like in MM, OoT or TP) It's kinda like he has a brave weapon. Then I remembered he has the Triforce of Courage. Therefore, Triforce of Courage = all weapons function as brave weapons :P

OoT has Naryu's Love to act as a temporary invulnerability shield (and has Din's fire that allows him to cast a huge dome of fire while the enemy is immobilized IIRC). TP Link has the magic armor that gives him invulnerability to damage as long as he has rupees.

Can't speak for oracle link, but I think OoT and TP Link have a good chance or winning

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Haha, I'm just saying. When does Link get a 1v1 match with Ike? There's pages of talking about ingame circumstances, but we seem to be imagining a match in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or something, and not, you know. Any situation where they would really be fighting each other, that might've actually been the case in their games. Which could only be 1v1 in a Black Knight kinda scenario, because that's not how Ike actually fights people the grand majority of the time.

Like, okay, is Ike is in his camp, being assaulted by a strange, mute elf? Does Ike besiege a city, and Link happens to be there, and "who's this asshole?" Does Link wage a Rambo-style one man campaign of guerrilla warfare against Ike's entire army, waiting for his chance to sneak in and assassinate Ike? Do they meet in the context of a larger battlefield, effectively dueling amidst utter chaos, like how the fights in Fire Emblem are often portrayed as happening? Or does Link just fucking walk past the Crimeans/Mercs and pull a sword on Ike?

Oh pshh, man, let's be real, when is Ike ever without his army when he's doing anything? The end of RD, when he fucking retires, and once in the middle of the woods when a strange man murders his dad. Then a couple times more when he beats up the strange guy who murdered his dad. If you're gonna say "Ike needs his army," ever, okay, give him his army, then! Haha.

It'd be like asking "who would win, Link or General Eisenhower," and saying Eisenhower doesn't get to use the army under his command. That's his toolset, dude! It's being a spoilsport.

Besides, it makes for a fun image, doesn't it? At first, I thought it was implied that this would be a swordfight, a gentleman's duel, but people brought up Link using bombs and magic and arrows and shit and "okay, there goes that." Then I realized how awesome Link going up an army, for most of us a huge insurmountable-looking force, (which Link tackles in every one of his games) would be.

I also didn't say I thought Link couldn't win, haha.

I'm just having fun thinking about it, it's simply another version of Ike vs Link to consider. You can still have and talk about the duel (or rather, the Hunger Games/Battle Royale/Smash Bros edition of the duel, where Link is obviously treating Ike the same way he would Ganondorf), it's just that nice to be reminded that there are a lot of circumstances "Ike versus Link" could happen under.

How about Ike sails off alone at the end of his game (he does disappear alone after ) and lands in Hyrule/whenever and starts dueling the strongest people around to test his strength against theirs. Eventually, he'd run into the Hero of this land he and they would of course duel each other. That sounds like a pretty Ike thing to do.

OoT has Naryu's Love to act as a temporary invulnerability shield (and has Din's fire that allows him to cast a huge dome of fire while the enemy is immobilized IIRC). TP Link has the magic armor that gives him invulnerability to damage as long as he has rupees.

Can't speak for oracle link, but I think OoT and TP Link have a good chance or winning

I did consider those factors in an earlier post. OoT magic takes a while to cast, and I don't know if it'd still work when interrupted.

And the TP's Link main disadvantage is definitely his lack of magic. That means he'd have to chip away at Ike's mad defense, while avoiding Aether so Ike doesn't heal as well. I did say this fight would be really fun to watch. I think it would be close either way... Unless Midna is there and crushes Ike with fused shadow. but we agreed that it was a duel, so no help. Also Ike could handle his wolf form as well. He wouldn't be surprised/is familiar with fighting Laguz.

I also did not say they would lose. Just that there was a possibility the fight could go either way. I was just giving it to Ike in the interest his best chances.

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I did consider those factors in an earlier post. OoT magic takes a while to cast, and I don't know if it'd still work when interrupted.

And the TP's Link main disadvantage is definitely his lack of magic. That means he'd have to chip away at Ike's mad defense, while avoiding Aether so Ike doesn't heal as well. I did say this fight would be really fun to watch. I think it would be close either way... Unless Midna is there and crushes Ike with fused shadow. but we agreed that it was a duel, so no help. Also Ike could handle his wolf form as well. He wouldn't be surprised/is familiar with fighting Laguz.

I also did not say they would lose. Just that there was a possibility the fight could go either way. I was just giving it to Ike in the interest his best chances.

IIRC, enemies froze in OoT when Link casted the 3 'divine' magic.

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This whole discussion is irrelevant since Samus could vaporize the whole roster with a power bomb

I'd like Zero Suit to go, but whatever floats your boat. And as long as it's Samus or Zero Suit that's blowing up everyone, I'm good.

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IIRC, enemies froze in OoT when Link casted the 3 'divine' magic.

Yes all the enemies did freeze, but there wasn't any explanation for it. Everyone also froze so you could dump a fish out of a bottle. It's just a tad unrealistic part of the game. Plus some enemies would jump back and avoid dins fire as well (Shadow Link). I just thought it would be a little out of place if Ike just froze to let someone cast magic, as that never really happens in FE games. I know they stand because it's turn based, but I imagine it as fluid combat like the cut scenes. Another reason I think it wouldn't freeze anymore is because that's a little outdated in Zelda now. They stopped all the silly freezing in Skyward Sword. It might have just been because of the console's limited ability or something like that too.

Anyway, it's a tough call, I just see it this way.

EDIT: It's not like we're expecting Link to participate in turn based combat, trading blows with Ike. So we shouldn't expect Ike to stop and let Link cast magic.

Edited by Kyea
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I'd say RD Ike is smarter and more skilled than Link, but Link's varied arsenal, agility and the fact that he can lift gorons and ancient mech swords makes me think Link may win this one. As for Ragnell vs. the Master Sword, they're both just swords, neither of them are so destructively powerful that they completely out class each other and both have long-range capabilities, it'd be mostly a battle of skill, agility and physical strength and Link wins 2 out of 3 of those.

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i've just had it pointed out to me that honestly link's got his entire modus operandi in his favour

think about every boss fight in every zelda game. the bosses are usually enormous and/or staggeringly powerful, and are invulnerable most of the time to basic attacks. what does link do? why, he finds a weak point and takes advantage of it with the right tool for the job, whatever it may be. in this respect, link has a pragmatic approach. he's not going to charge recklessly right into ike's sword swings, but rather play defensively until he can find a possible vulnerability, whatever it may be for ike (probably his lolresistance)

let's face it, compared to basically every boss in the history of zelda, a bog standard human is pretty much nothing, no matter how stupidly strong he may be or how many magic swords he's got on him

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But they use very different skills. The Link from LoZ may not win at his time, but when he gets older, learns new skills, and becomes the AoL Link he would definitely triumph. They also feel so distinct because they're games are completely different. But I guess we're using RD Ike for comparison and not PoR, so I'll give this point to you. Thanks for helping me work though that.

As for OoT versus MM Link. I'd still keep the difference. There's a huge timeline split all dependent on what happens in OoT. Another main point is that I'd post adult OoT Link versus Ike. I think young OoT Link would get demolished by Ike. Adult OoT at least stands a fighting chance.

MM Link only happens after OoT, and that means that Adult OoT Link never exists. So I keep the split because they really are two different Links from two different timelines. Sorry if this part is a little confusing.

M'kay, I see what you're saying :3

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How about Ike sails off alone at the end of his game (he does disappear alone after ) and lands in Hyrule/whenever and starts dueling the strongest people around to test his strength against theirs. Eventually, he'd run into the Hero of this land he and they would of course duel each other. That sounds like a pretty Ike thing to do.

I did consider those factors in an earlier post. OoT magic takes a while to cast, and I don't know if it'd still work when interrupted.

And the TP's Link main disadvantage is definitely his lack of magic. That means he'd have to chip away at Ike's mad defense, while avoiding Aether so Ike doesn't heal as well. I did say this fight would be really fun to watch. I think it would be close either way... Unless Midna is there and crushes Ike with fused shadow. but we agreed that it was a duel, so no help. Also Ike could handle his wolf form as well. He wouldn't be surprised/is familiar with fighting Laguz.

I also did not say they would lose. Just that there was a possibility the fight could go either way. I was just giving it to Ike in the interest his best chances.

That'd be more like it for a 1v1 fight, yeah, but I think it'd then make more sense there if we were supposing it was analogous to the wind waker duels against the old whaler dude, as opposed to Link using magic and weapons and shit like he was actually trying to put Ike in the ground.

I think it'd be pretty close to even with those rules. Link's a preternaturally gifted athlete who can backflip from a standstill and roll behind you as tightly/quickly if he's actually on wheels, and Ike can somehow fucking jump ten feet in the air and come crashing down with enough force to incapacitate trained soldiers in two blows or less.

(just to put it out there, I've heard that the one hit kill/KO in swordfighting is mostly/often a myth, merely due to adrenaline sometimes making people still go on after what were mortal wounds, and to inertia. but if somebody jumped ten fucking feet in the air and brought down a two-hander on somebody... I could believe that'd just put somebody out, once I accepted the "jump ten feet in the air" thing, I think)

Not being reckless assholes, though, I imagine they'd prefer to use practice swords. Unless they're both as badass as that whaler dude, and "getting hit" doesn't actually mean "getting hit" for them while dueling

Edited by Rehab
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Orca (Whaler dude) is invincible. Hit him like 100 times with a sword and he's fine.

I also feel like Ike would wanna test his full strength (Both his own and Link's). So they may go full power then stop just before a killing bow. IDK, you're right it's not a really realistic fight scene. We're just up to fun speculation.

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I "hit" him a thousand times once, and then stopped and let him hit me because I thought that was what you had to do to get the last prize (which was kinda shitty, all things considered).

I had to go back and "hit" him 1,001 more times

why didn't that guy take out Ganondorf, damn

He could totally take Ike, imo

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Why does this even exist? Your comparing a regular human to a person from a world where you can jump off a 100ft mountain and only loose half a heart.

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Why does this even exist? Your comparing a regular human to a person from a world where you can jump off a 100ft mountain and only loose half a heart.

Regular human? You mean the guy who can easily jump several times higher then his own size? Unlike Link and his little hops.

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Is trained in a large variety of different weapons types, and has access to a whole assortment of powerful weapons. To power up his weapons, he has an assortment of power slots that can provide things such as: healing. stamina, invincibility burst, lazers, etc. He's also quick and agile, able to out-maneuver and dodge around most opponents. He's proven to be fairly tough too; for those times when he can't quite dodge. Another pro, due to his weapon selection, is that he can definitely out-range MK. He'd probably also go for a quick, light weapon to match up speed and so he could constantly dodge without getting tired too quickly. He does have a limited amount of stamina after all.

However, he cannot fly on his own and even with help he can only fly for 5 minutes tops.

Meta Knight

While Pit is quick and agile, MK is definitely faster. (Pit is probably still more agile though) And although he only has one weapon-Galaxia-he has become a master of the sword. He is able to shoot beams, create shock-waves, and launch tornado with his sword. Additionally, he can use mach tornado occasionally. This either covers himself in energy or blasts across the whole screen. MK's style of fighting is to quickly hop in and deal a flurry of blows. He has short, powerful bursts of damage. After attacking, he can hop back or keep up the pressure with more attacks.

Also, MK can fly on his own. And does excel at defense with his guard.

Hmmm... This is certainly a tough one. All things considered though, I'd actually go with Pit. First of all, Mk would have to get inside of Pit's range and would probably take some damage. He could definitely do it, being faster and being able to fly longer. Then, it may seem like MK should then have the advantage a close range, but I don't think that's entirely accurate. I think Pit could learn to dodge around his short bursts of damage and counter at any range, so it doesn't matter if MK keeps up pressure or backs off. Eventually, Pit would chip away and defeat MK. But it would be close. If Pit misses a couple dodges he could be finished.

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Judging by feats, Pit defeated a god, but Meta-Knight defeated the strongest warrior in the galaxy. I don't really know which one is stronger, but Meta-Knight can fly consistently and is deadly at a close-range battle. Pit has long-range and some unique powers. I'm going to do my chivalric duty and say Meta-Knight.

Edited by Knight
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