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I swear, Mike being revealed for SSB4 is making every thread in the subforum an argument.


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Well you are often the problem and you know it. ;):

But I'm not the only one. Why am I always the one getting picked on when it usually takes TWO to tango? I'm not saying I'm never at fault. I definitely am sometimes, you're right. But it's not ONLY me.

Edited by Anacybele
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Apparently everyone is tired of hearing a certain blue-haired mercenary's name in the SSB board and they blame only me even though I wasn't the only person making threads related to him. I actually only made ONE thread. I AM partly at fault for this, though, and I apologize. I never thought that things would go this far.

But I've definitely learned my lesson. No more talking so much about my favorite things. I mean it. I don't care if this is FFtF, I damn well mean it. Because jokes like this Mike thing are just annoying. And people have voiced that my talking has made them like these things less. I don't want people to like them less, I want them to like them MORE. If possible. If not, oh well.

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@xinnidy if you study under me, one day you could be a master at procrastinating at your work and getting into a last-minute flurry of panic.

@Ana I think the reason is that your posts are always so forceful. They give me the impression you're trying to be the centre of attention, though obviously you're not, and they do attract attention. Not to mention their sheer volume; even if you didn't start it, you have 3x more posts than anyone else in the Ike reaction thread, so it's natural that people will associate them with you. If you can tone it down, you won't get into so many arguments.

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