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I swear, Mike being revealed for SSB4 is making every thread in the subforum an argument.


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Apparently everyone is tired of hearing a certain blue-haired mercenary's name in the SSB board and they blame only me even though I wasn't the only person making threads related to him. I actually only made ONE thread. I AM partly at fault for this, though, and I apologize. I never thought that things would go this far.

But I've definitely learned my lesson. No more talking so much about my favorite things. I mean it. I don't care if this is FFtF, I damn well mean it. Because jokes like this Mike thing are just annoying. And people have voiced that my talking has made them like these things less. I don't want people to like them less, I want them to like them MORE. If possible. If not, oh well.

I talk about my favorite things all the goddamn time. The key is not to get so goddamn defensive when someone's opinion doesnt match yours. Like ill be all "Loki is the fucking bomb." And someone is all "No he isnt. Its all about Dr. Strange! Loki is small potatoes." Im not gonna be all "OMG YOU BASTAGE! LOKI IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN THE MARVELVERSE! LOOK, HE EVEN HAS BEEN IN THREE MOVIES AHHHHHHH!" Cuz no one likes that. So if someone is all "Dr. Strange, man!" im like "yeah ok cool."

Acacia talks a lot about Star Trek. Rey talks a lot about Japanese stuff in general. Lumi talks about Thor and computer science and muscles. A bunch of people talk about anime. Its not talking about your favorite stuff that people dont like. Its being really forceful with it and being the LOUDEST about it that rustles everyone's jimmies. Just so you know, bby, you arent on as many ignore lists as you think. That honor goes to someone else~~



So is it bad I dislike both extremes of the Mike spectrum?

Not at all. Massive extremes of anything give me headaches. The Anti-Mike Brigade is pretty lousy too. You know, ill let you in on a little secret.

All the Anti-Micaiah stuff ive seen...kinda makes me like her more.

No, don't worry, SOC. I rather dislike both now too, believe it or not. I've also been a little too hard on you, by the way. I believe I misinterpreted some of what you've been saying to me in the many times you called me out on things. But I think I understand now. I still hate how I'm so slow on this a lot, but yeah.

I admit. I'm hard-headed, stubborn, too vocal sometimes, and too blunt at times. I need to tone that down.


Owning up to stuff like that is always a sign of strength. People are trying to help you when they call you out on stuff. (even if we have a weird way of showing it.) If you are going to make an active effort and do you best to keep moving forward, well...im on your side. But the moment you start lapsing, dont be surprised if im gnawing on your dome. :P:

Im tickled pink that the Mike thing is still a thing.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I wonder when it will be lifted... in the meantime, I'll just keep avoiding writing Ɩke. Well, other than in this one case.

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Just use Dwight D. Eisenhower

I remember looking up about Dwight there, and apparently not just him, but all his brothers were nicknamed Ɩke. I find that a little amusing. I know, let's just all alternate between each Einsenhower whenever speaking of Ɩke.

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Owning up to stuff like that is always a sign of strength. People are trying to help you when they call you out on stuff. (even if we have a weird way of showing it.) If you are going to make an active effort and do you best to keep moving forward, well...im on your side. But the moment you start lapsing, dont be surprised if im gnawing on your dome. :P:

I mean some people are, but I have seen people who I'm pretty sure are just trying to be shitty to Ana for whatever reason

Edited by Fluorspar
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I talk about my favorite things all the goddamn time. The key is not to get so goddamn defensive when someone's opinion doesnt match yours. Like ill be all "Loki is the fucking bomb." And someone is all "No he isnt. Its all about Dr. Strange! Loki is small potatoes." Im not gonna be all "OMG YOU BASTAGE! LOKI IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN THE MARVELVERSE! LOOK, HE EVEN HAS BEEN IN THREE MOVIES AHHHHHHH!" Cuz no one likes that. So if someone is all "Dr. Strange, man!" im like "yeah ok cool."

Acacia talks a lot about Star Trek. Rey talks a lot about Japanese stuff in general. Lumi talks about Thor and computer science and muscles. A bunch of people talk about anime. Its not talking about your favorite stuff that people dont like. Its being really forceful with it and being the LOUDEST about it that rustles everyone's jimmies. Just so you know, bby, you arent on as many ignore lists as you think. That honor goes to someone else~~


Owning up to stuff like that is always a sign of strength. People are trying to help you when they call you out on stuff. (even if we have a weird way of showing it.) If you are going to make an active effort and do you best to keep moving forward, well...im on your side. But the moment you start lapsing, dont be surprised if im gnawing on your dome. :P:

Im tickled pink that the Mike thing is still a thing.

Yeah, I understand the thing about forcefulness now. I'm glad I know. I can't be shoving stuff down people's throats and crap. Although, even if it looks like that, I don't really mean to. I'm usually just trying to get a point across and that's all. But I'll do my best to be less forceful about it. And yeah, I've learned that admitting and owning up to your mistakes is always the best first step to fixing a mess like this.

And don't worry, I never thought I was on many ignore lists to begin with. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I want to be like Mike.

Wait fuck, this isn't the 90's. Mike Jordan is irrelevant now. :(

Jordan is too immortal, no one even tries to emulate him anymore

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