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Iron Man Challenge - No Death Let's Play

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Hey everyone. I've started a Let's Play of Path of Radiance on youtube. This isn't a structured play through or anything but it does have one goal and one requirement:

Goal: Complete the game with 100% Recruitment and All Characters Alive at the end of the game

Requirement: Absolutely no resets! So if any of my characters DO die, I HAVE FAILED MY GOAL.

Obviously, I will keep the Let's Play going even if anyone dies, but the point is to strive not to. The reasoning behind this is that I've played Path of Radiance so many times, I know it like the back of my hand. But doing this, on Hard Mode, will test my true prowess of the game and my abilities to keep everyone alive!

A few caveats however, I'm not striving for LTC. As I'm playing on hard mode, I can't always trust myself to take the risks involved in LTC while also trying to keep everyone alive in one single playthrough.

But it will be fun! The ONLY time I will be able to reset is if Ike dies, obviously, but this doesn't mean its okay if Ike dies! At the end, I plan to give myself a grade on how I performed, and Ike dying will SURELY make my grade go down.

If you're interested, keep a lookout on my channel on youtube. The first video is embedded down below!! Expect more soon!

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