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Gangrel's Tale Idea for an FE hack


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Well, this is probably the first time most of you have heard about me, as this is about my third or fourth post in the forums. I have an idea for a new rom hack, with a completely new story line, and mostly new characters. This is mainly to see who would be interested in working on a rom like this.

I want to make a story with Gangrel as its main protagonist, as he rises from a common thief to king of Plegia. The setting is during the first Ylisse- Plegia war, not the one with Chrom, Robin, and the Shepherds, but the holy crusade Chrom's father instigated.

The main reason why? Well, its generally more enjoyable if you can actually understand the villains motivations, and as Awakening only put it in as an after thought, I would rather come up with my own story and purposes then try to think about stuff vaguely. Besides, I already wrote a little bit of the story, and I can either pump it into a fanfic or try to make a game out of it.


What needed to make the Hack.

Everything except script writers, and support writers, although some of those would be helpful too, I'm horrible with computers, so the only thing I can contribute is writing the story and supports. Sorry.

If someone qualified likes this idea, and wants to manage this, they can go ahead. I'm inexperienced at this after all.


What I have so far.

A basic idea for a plot.

A chapter list still in progress. (That doesn't really explain anything, but reminds me of the chronology of the damn thing. I'll work on a summary of the plot later. I have with held it for now, as no one would understand it. If you want it, I'll post it. )

A handful of characters.

And a rough prologue, and prechapter one dialogue.


It had been three years since Cornelius the sixth Exalt of Ylisse began his crusades into the Plegian Desert. For the sake of their god, Naga, the armies of Ylisse, plunged deep into Plegian territory, capturing city after city, and purging them of anyone who did not prostrate themselves before a statue of Naga and swear fealty to the Halidom. Despite the strength and discipline of the Plegian Wyvern knights, infantry, and magician corps, the Plegians were defeated and forced to retreat further and further into the desert, losing much of Plegia’s fertile land to Ylissian forces. Despite the Plegian navy shipping large quantities of crops, from Cho'sin and Valm, it only mitigated the issue of food shortages. The severe famine further demoralized the people. Many, especially those who lost their friends and family to the Ylissian aggressors became desperate for vengeance and sought any way to return to the old way of life. These people became enamored by the idea of Grima, the fell dragon rising to the world and destroying the Halidom of Ylisse. The Grimleal, the worshippers of Grima, ballooned in numbers, and extremists among the Grimleal became well known for their terrifying methods of searching for a way to rouse the Fell Dragon from its slumber. Rumors of the cult’s activity included kidnapping women and children to sell to slavers in order to fund their research. Now the starving people of Plegia, facing impending doom from the Ylissian army, now faced the terrors of being taken by their own people to be sold into slavery.
It almost seemed as if all hope was lost….
_Chapter one_
_The Street Rats-
Ethan: Gangrel, is there any food… I’m so hungry… Just something to chew on, anything…
Gangrel: Ethan, we already ate our last hunk of bread, and nobody’s throwing away anything now. Grain’s tight, and the Ylissian’s burned the harvest from the north, so we aren't going to get any more except by ship.
Elena: But none of the grain ever gets to us! The nobles who own the ships sell them at prices so high, no one can ever buy it. Even if we sold this sword, we’d barely get a few handfuls. Though with how we are, maybe that’s what we’ll have to do.
Ethan: Sister, but that’s father’s sword! It’s the last thing we have of him. We can’t-
Elena: Father would have wanted us to live. I’m sorry Ethan.
Ethan: No! After we held onto it for so long? Isn’t there anything we can do?
Elena: I tried my hardest, to find anything. The larger gangs control the trash heaps by the nobles, so we can’t steal anything from there, no honest man in town wants to hire gutter rats like us, and no man in general desires this skinny body enough to pay for it. I tried, but I don’t see any other way…
Ethan: *Sob, Sob.* Is there anything we can do? Are we going to starve like the others?
Gangrel: No, we aren’t. I know you’re weak, but are you capable of fighting? How good are you at sneaking around?
Ethan: I can do that.
Elena: It may be difficult, but I suppose I could.
Gangrel: Alright, Ethan use this knife. Elena, you said your father taught you how to use that sword? Take it along with you then. We’re going to get some food.
Elena: Where?
Gangrel: Follow me.
Chapter Start_ Objective_ Reach objective. (Store room)
Elena: A noble’s mansion?
Gangrel: I’ve stolen a map of this mansion a while back. Apparently the person guarding this place is a captain of the army, so I never really tried to sneak in here before. The guard is gone now though, so we have a chance to steal some food.
Elena: Surely not all of the guards left with the captain?
Gangrel: ... We’ll just have to be careful. We grew up in the gutter, our senses are sharper then most. We’ll go around them, and if it comes down to it, we'll just have to ambush and kill them.
Ethan: Al-alright. Let’s do this.
Gangrel: According to the map, the pantry and store house are there. (Map Beacons) Watch your step. We can do this.


Who would be interested in working on this? Does it seem interesting? Did I break any forum rules or guidelines?

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It's in the correct place, and there's nothing in the rules against posting what little you have for a hack~!

That being said, are you extrapolating this based off of what's in FE13, or is this your own idea as to how Gangrel wound up in his FE13 form? If it's the latter, you might have better luck with a fanfic.

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  • 2 months later...

spriting is hard work, asm hacking harder, weapons need to be made, maps and events for each battle to properly convey what is going on, no one is going to take on you prject when they just do their own, it might sound mean but thats the truth

I've seen you all over the forums, and I don't mean to me mean (hehe) but you are kinda annoying. Please don't necro post tho.


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I've seen you all over the forums, and I don't mean to me mean (hehe) but you are kinda annoying. Please don't necro post tho.


do not do this

EDIT: lmao this isn't even a necro

Edited by Integrity
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