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How big do you envision these continents to be?


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Are these evil kings and righteous lords fighting over land as expensive as Genghis Khan's domain or are they fighting over an insignificant island like ancient Ireland? What impression do you get from each of the games in the series?

Edited by Jotari
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Magvel always struck me as really small (otherwise, Saleh being in Grado to meet Ephraim then going allll the way to Rausten/Carcino to meet up with Eirika wouldn't make even less sense)

Elibe is pretty big, so is Archanea. Not sure about Jugdral...

Edited by L95
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Are these evil kings and righteous lords fighting over land as expensive as Genghis Khan's domain or are they fighting over an insignificant island like ancient Ireland? What impression do you get from each of the games in the series?

I'd figured Archanea was pretty small, maybe the size of Europe or even Japan, thanks to Hardin's line in FE3 about "one small continent." I also figured Valentia was smaller than Archanea because the war takes less than a year. Then a later installation in the series made them appear to be the size of Eurasia/Africa and North & South America, respectively. Yow.

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I'd figured Archanea was pretty small, maybe the size of Europe or even Japan, thanks to Hardin's line in FE3 about "one small continent." I also figured Valentia was smaller than Archanea because the war takes less than a year. Then a later installation in the series made them appear to be the size of Eurasia/Africa and North & South America, respectively. Yow.

Ike's lap around Tellius and subsequent battle against Ashnard takes just over a year too.

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Ike's lap around Tellius and subsequent battle against Ashnard takes just over a year too.

Many of the wars do.

War of Heroes: About a Year

Valentian Civil War: Less than a year, 'cause the Peg sisters show up, do their thing, and get home in time for the next war.

Gen2 of FE4: A bit more than a year

Thracia 776 also appears to take up a year (776), but there's a six-month time skip built into the plot.

ETA: Actually if you took the distances given in Leonster Falls (x-ref, "two days' ride from Conote" or whatever) and compared that to the maps in FE4 and FE5, you could extrapolate how big Jugdral is.

Edited by Cymbalina's Revenge
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I always viewed the general biggest to smallest to be Judgral>Tellius>Elibe>Archanea>Valentia>Magvel.

Many of the wars do.

War of Heroes: About a Year

Valentian Civil War: Less than a year, 'cause the Peg sisters show up, do their thing, and get home in time for the next war.

Gen2 of FE4: A bit more than a year

Thracia 776 also appears to take up a year (776), but there's a six-month time skip built into the plot.

Let's just all agree that IS doesn't have a realistic view of how long wars last.

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Many of the wars do.

War of Heroes: About a Year

Valentian Civil War: Less than a year, 'cause the Peg sisters show up, do their thing, and get home in time for the next war.

Gen2 of FE4: A bit more than a year

Thracia 776 also appears to take up a year (776), but there's a six-month time skip built into the plot.

ETA: Actually if you took the distances given in Leonster Falls (x-ref, "two days' ride from Conote" or whatever) and compared that to the maps in FE4 and FE5, you could extrapolate how big Jugdral is.

I don't know how accurately Leonster Falls can be. In that they get all worked up about something like two dozen dragon knights as if the number we see in the game are meant to be taken literally for the armies yet the games themselves make references to numbers in the tens of thousands. Unless there's just a huge number of civialion population and only a hundred or so people bother to do any fighting. I also think the second generation takes place over longer than a year. At one point, I think Leven at the end of chapter 6, mentions fifteen years since the Battle of Barhara yet when Leaf speaks to Altenna he says she was kidnapped seventeen years ago. Unless the last chapter of the first gen is meant to take place over two years which seems unlikely.

Edit: Actually I just checked the script. Leven does indeed say fifteen years but its fifteen years since Alvis unified the continent not the Battle of Barhara which is said to have happened seventeen years ago in the opening narration of Chapter 6. I guess that means Alvis spent two years subduing Thracia and invading Lenster which makes sense with timeline events coming to think of it. Though on the inital topic, in defense of Jugral's size, the second generation doesn't take place over the entire continet like most games do.

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I don't know how accurately Leonster Falls can be. In that they get all worked up about something like two dozen dragon knights as if the number we see in the game are meant to be taken literally for the armies yet the games themselves make references to numbers in the tens of thousands. Unless there's just a huge number of civialion population and only a hundred or so people bother to do any fighting. I also think the second generation takes place over longer than a year. At one point, I think Leven at the end of chapter 6, mentions fifteen years since the Battle of Barhara yet when Leaf speaks to Altenna he says she was kidnapped seventeen years ago. Unless the last chapter of the first gen is meant to take place over two years which seems unlikely.

Edit: Actually I just checked the script. Leven does indeed say fifteen years but its fifteen years since Alvis unified the continent not the Battle of Barhara which is said to have happened seventeen years ago in the opening narration of Chapter 6. I guess that means Alvis spent two years subduing Thracia and invading Lenster which makes sense without timeline events coming to think of it. Though on the inital topic, in defense of Jugral's size, the second generation doesn't take place over the entire continet like most games do.

The Final chapter intro of FE4 says "Over a year had passed since the liberation army's initial uprising in Isaach," though of course it's not nice enough to say whether it's a little over a year or closer to two. I agree not all the dates wrt: Gen2 appear to add up, though.

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The events over Gen 1 occur in 757 according to the opening timeline. According to the unused Thracia timeline the Battle of Barhara takes place in 761 meaning Gen 1 is probably the longest conflict in the series at four years, even though it's not really a single conflict. However the second generation starts in 776, or at lest Thracia does as that's what the number in its title means. assuming the year 777 starts at the outset of the invasion of the Thracia country by Seliph it still doesn't add up since only sixteen years have passed since Sigurd and Quan's death. Which probably means we can't take the unused Thracia timeline into account and also means in order for the seventeen years stated repeatedly in Gen 2 to make sense, Gen 1 can only last three years, which actually makes a fair amount of sense.

It still seems odd that Gen 1 takes place over only a year when they put emphasis on Gen 1 taking place over a several years, something that really gives a sense of scale to the game in my opinion. Coupled with the really big maps, it feels like a large campaign. Like moving your unit down that road doesn't feel like a two minute walk, it seems like a week long ride. I guess they only bothered making Gen 1 longer than most other games is because the realistically had to have two children born throughout it.

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It still seems odd that Gen 1 takes place over only a year when they put emphasis on Gen 1 taking place over a several years, something that really gives a sense of scale to the game in my opinion. Coupled with the really big maps, it feels like a large campaign. Like moving your unit down that road doesn't feel like a two minute walk, it seems like a week long ride. I guess they only bothered making Gen 1 longer than most other games is because the realistically had to have two children born throughout it.

Also, keep in mind the fact that gen 1 has at least a year and a half of timeskips. The chapter 3-4 one in perticular is explicetly mentioned to be around a year. the 1-2 and 2-3 time skips are both implied to be several months long, so i suspect that actual gameplay (and thus movement) takes around a year and a half (which is around as long as i think gen 2 takes)

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I look at a map of Jugdral and assume its a fair bit larger than the Asian continent.

Tellius, meanwhile, I imagine as a bit smaller, with countries like Crimia and Daein being comparable in size to China.

Magvel I would guess is about the size of Australia, I don't know why, maybe because of the shape of the landmass looking similar.

From awakening I would assume that Valentia and Archanea are roughly the size of Africa.

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To give another quote of scale, the FE12 translation says the Ice Dragon Temple is located higher than 5000 meters (Everest is 8000, almost 9000) which puts the scale of the world a lot bigger than what I was imaging.

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