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Been replaying DQ8 since I've never completed it. Even employing some speedrun strats but still a casual playthrough.

Gotta 50 Tension Magic Burst bosses yo.

Might play DQ5 and 6 on the side since I've never finished those either.

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Ohh... Dragon Quest. Naughx you know me well to point this out.

Personally, I prefer IX and V. Working on postgame things in a recent FE4 themed run of IX. Disruptive Wave is still dumb by the way.

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I still have yet to beat my copies of V, VI, and IX...eesh. Although I did start Dragon Quest Swords since I got it for five dollars. It's been a lot of fun.

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The DS remake of DQV is the only one I've played so far, but I so wanna play everything else. My big problem is GOD KING MONGOL KOROL impeding me, and it's been so long that I don't even know what to do any more.

Great game though. So warm, sentimental and minimalistic. It was a very different experience than usual, for sure, for it to tell a grand story in a lot less words and a lot less fluff than a lot of its contemporaries.

Also, Koichi Sugiyama is life, Koichi Sugiyama is love. Just ignore his political ramblings.

And pray he doesn't die too soon. ;_;

Edited by Nightmare
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Dragon Quest 8 was my first and my favorite. I especially loved the fact that once your characters reach a certain limit in power they go purple haired super sayians! What's the most recent DQ to try out?

The Japan only DQX is the most recent in Japan, while DQIX is the most recent overseas.

Edit: Unless you count the DQVI remake.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I'm tempted to mess with the casino in Pickham just to make money. That and getting some of them weapons there. Probably just the staff for Jessica and Angelo.

I'm wondering just how much luck there is in defeating that boss in the Swordsman dungeon place since its desperate attack can OHKO Jessica and Angelo even with the best defensive gear at that point.

But yeah. Having some fun DQ8. I dunno. I get the feeling I enjoy the games just to see the slime enemies and add them to my party if the game allows. And Metal Slime hunting.

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I'm tempted to mess with the casino in Pickham just to make money. That and getting some of them weapons there. Probably just the staff for Jessica and Angelo.

I'm wondering just how much luck there is in defeating that boss in the Swordsman dungeon place since its desperate attack can OHKO Jessica and Angelo even with the best defensive gear at that point.

But yeah. Having some fun DQ8. I dunno. I get the feeling I enjoy the games just to see the slime enemies and add them to my party if the game allows. And Metal Slime hunting.

Desperate attacks are the worst. They were literally the one thing that made level 1 Baramos tough since he has no Disruptive wave.
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My favorite is the Slime Knight's smash you with the slime.

Can't wait to get Smiles so I can go get Healer, Metaly, and Slimehopper for the arena battles. Should be fun. Just wish you had control over them instead of just sitting back and pressing X when the teams are finished attacking for the turn. :L

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My favorite is the Slime Knight's smash you with the slime.

Can't wait to get Smiles so I can go get Healer, Metaly, and Slimehopper for the arena battles. Should be fun. Just wish you had control over them instead of just sitting back and pressing X when the teams are finished attacking for the turn. :L

Not helped by kinda dumb AI.
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I've yet to complete II-IV, VII and (obviously) X. I will eventually get back to playing DQ games, as soon as I can work my way a little bit through my enormous backlog.

Dragon Quest V is my favorite, for reasons Nightmare already mentioned. Though the advanced age of Sugiyama can be a little worrying, he hasn't at least shown any manner of decline in quality, since he's been putting up some quality stuff still in the recent years.

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I remember a petition going around. I think it only needed a few hundred more signatures.

Edit: In other news, I just remembered that I managed to pick up Cobi's Journey at a local game store. Now my GBC collection is finally complete after a decade. =D

Edited by Dai
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I remember a petition going around. I think it only needed a few hundred more signatures.

Edit: In other news, I just remembered that I managed to pick up Cobi's Journey at a local game store. Now my GBC collection is finally complete after a decade. =D

Where is this petition?

I'm interested.

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wait what People actually want DQ7? Have they not played it before? Because that game is the epitome of looking a guide to know exactly what to do to not get dicked half way through the game just because you missed an important item required to beat the game or not grinding the right jobs to get decent offensive skills and access to the other better jobs with better skills needed to actually heal and deal decent damage.


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wait what People actually want DQ7? Have they not played it before? Because that game is the epitome of looking a guide to know exactly what to do to not get dicked half way through the game just because you missed an important item required to beat the game or not grinding the right jobs to get decent offensive skills and access to the other better jobs with better skills needed to actually heal and deal decent damage.


I dunno, I just want them to localize it after not localizing X, since it is a series that occasionally has trouble getting localized.

We don't want Japan only-dom to become too strongly rooted in the series.

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I personally really liked the atmosphere and the themes of DQ7 and did wholeheartedly enjoy the game with Sugiyama being as great as ever, although the game is extremely long. Estimated 140 hours makes it feel way too stretched.

Besides that, the engine actually does feel really dated and stiff. The 3DS version has most likely dealt with most of the initial problems the PSX version may have had (i.e. I'd imagine the remake fixing the majority of the issues Ein already mentioned), so I think this is one game that desperately needs to be localized.

Edited by Topazd255
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I really enjoyed DQ7 when I last played it, and am looking forward to its localization. Having played all the DQ games save X, it remains my favorite. My last file was at 100 hours before even getting to the second disk.

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Don't get me wrong. The game is quite good but the amount of crypticness and item hunting and the insane amount of grinding needed to just be able to survive some bosses gets ridiculous really quickly. Then there's the fact that you stop getting job points once you hit a certain level until a certain point in the game so grinding too much can get you into hot water.

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Don't get me wrong. The game is quite good but the amount of crypticness and item hunting and the insane amount of grinding needed to just be able to survive some bosses gets ridiculous really quickly. Then there's the fact that you stop getting job points once you hit a certain level until a certain point in the game so grinding too much can get you into hot water.

Agreed. DQVI has some of the same problems as well, although not at the same magnitude.

Strange though, how the rest of the series almost never forces the player to resort to a guide and then there're these two games that involve that to such massive amounts.

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Agreed. DQVI has some of the same problems as well, although not at the same magnitude.

Strange though, how the rest of the series almost never forces the player to resort to a guide and then there're these two games that involve that to such massive amounts.

Which would you consider the other one to be? Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Don't get me wrong. The game is quite good but the amount of crypticness and item hunting and the insane amount of grinding needed to just be able to survive some bosses gets ridiculous really quickly. Then there's the fact that you stop getting job points once you hit a certain level until a certain point in the game so grinding too much can get you into hot water.

There was actually a spell in that game that allowed you to continue to gain job points without gaining exp in battle. I think it was some sort of spell that sent the enemy away, rather than actually slaying them.

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Which would you consider the other one to be?

I'd classify DQ6 as the other example, although (like I said) the magnitude of the problems wasn't as large in 6 as it was in 7.

Edited by Topazd255
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