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First Part-time job


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I have no idea if you're still searching for a part time job, but don't let rejection or bad impressions put you down. I got my first part time job via a "School to Work" program back in High School. The first place my teacher sent me she sent someone else who was more qualified too. Sure, it really sucked when they would ask questions and I'd feel like a fish out of water, but you just give your best answer and try to ignore or shake off the nervousness. Heck, I almost didn't show up for my interview because I was so scared of looking like an idiot.

Afterwards I went and used my Mom and Dad's contacts rather than the teacher's. The lady who hired me liked me because of who I'm related to and how I presented myself. I wasn't dressed too fancy, but I didn't dress lazy either. I agree with a lot of people in here who say to use contacts, they really do give you an edge in trying to get a job.

As for applications, some places (at least where I am) have the forms sitting near the front desk or the cash register. If you don't find it, you could just ask the employee who is at the front if you can have one, if not turning in your resume works too.

I think it's okay to be nervous because having a job is a big deal.

I guess I just need to accept that I'll be nervous and hope I'll get used to it, the first attempt was the worst because it caught me off guard. Sadly, in terms of contacts I don't really know many people who work around where I live. I will probably start trying again when I come back from my trip, then I'll be putting 95.99% effort into finding a job. Just gotta keep trying. Thanks for the advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I just need to accept that I'll be nervous and hope I'll get used to it, the first attempt was the worst because it caught me off guard. Sadly, in terms of contacts I don't really know many people who work around where I live. I will probably start trying again when I come back from my trip, then I'll be putting 95.99% effort into finding a job. Just gotta keep trying. Thanks for the advice.

Like I said, being nervous is okay. I was very nervous going to job interviews and introducing myself to a potential boss. You're right, keep trying and heck you might not be so nervous once you know the drill on what employers want (resume, dress code, etc). It's okay if you don't have contacts, it just makes things easier it's not what makes or breaks the deal all the time. I've found, for me anyway, that the most important reason my boss hired me was because I was trustworthy. If I said I was going to do something, I did it. So if the potential employer says to meet you for an interview at 2PM, show up 10-15 minutes early. Show that you really want this job and they might pick up on that, because you gave your word that you would show up on time. (You wouldn't believe how many people would walk through my workplace late for their interviews, it was ridiculous).

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Rule number one of looking for a job: People don't give a shit about YOU. What they care about is the business and if you are going to be a positive or negative for them. Th name of the game is money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*shudder* Newspaper jobs. The work-to-pay ratio is not worth it at all.

Rule number one of looking for a job: People don't give a shit about YOU anything.

Fix'd. Just apply to places, don't worry too much about it. A lot of hiring decisions are whimsical, anyway.


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