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Doomsday Clock Mafia - Town/ITP Win


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Yeah, I really need to read these past few pages and comment on them but too busy reading FIRE EMBLEM DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS OSTIAN PRINCESS (shoutout to SB's member title).

Also Darros, are you Russian Rolecop?

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No, I'm not Russian and I'm not a Rolecop. I'm going to blown up and it's inevitable apparently so there's not much that I have to say. I was talking about BBMs cop thing because isn't that what they were talking about?

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I don't see where anyone said that Manix and BBM have similar roles? Can you quote it?

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Manix shouldn't imply he's counterclaiming cop gets everyone confused (this is also what I was talking about). :V

Don't really have much to say to Darros because there's not much I can really say other than the stuff he's pointed out isn't really scummy?

which is not the stuff he's voting Darros on because that's a sheep.

Two things:

a) I was not just sheeping, I have felt that he was avoiding discussion and his case on me was really bad/scummy (I don't think "oh I just skimmed the interaction" is really an excuse for the blatant contradiction).

b) Is sheeping really that scummy in the first place? Town need to sheep too.

He's never comented on anything nor given reads based on those thoughts he wasn't saying.

I believe the only thing I haven't commented on afterwards is just the case on Eurykins which wasn't really valid as she was just busy and not really lurking. Asking people to react to that still had merit though in case they had a new spin on it or if they were to try and latch onto an easy vote. As for the other stuff I mentioned, I'm pretty sure my stance on FFM was clear even in that post, I defended myself from a lot of Scorri's accusations in the next one and when I clarified my problems with Darros it was obviosuly made clear what I thought of his Poly case.

He's also asked a lot of questions that he hasn't followed up on, and those haven't lead to any reads.

This is completely false, as a result of these questions I have a hard town read on BBM and the interactions partially fuelled my Darros suspicion. The only person that I mentioned that I didn't, and still don't, have a definitive read on is Scorri.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure what I can really say to Scorri except that this is my meta? Go back to Badass where I did exactly the same thing (I believe it was regarding BBM as well). I don't believe someone blowing something out of proportion is scummy if they're open about it.


##Vote: Eurykins

I don't like voting inactives but I think there's scum mongst them and there's no point voting Darros anymore even though he's my only real scumread. I might reread Elie's wall but I'm tired of rereading atm.

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@Manix- I don't think any active players are scum, yes. I've said this several times. My townreads currently go like: Manix > Refa > Mitsuki > Marth > kirsche > scorri > Darros (not that he matters anymore). So that leaves Elie, Shinori, Eury, and Poly.

Darros if you have investigation results of any kind you should reveal them.

I don't agree with Elie's Mitsuki read but I can't actually see anything scummy in his last two posts despite trying very hard. ##Unvote.

I will reread the thread again this evening. Elie, do you think that Mitsuki's reaction to learning that the reaction test was fake was faked? BTW I forgot to list Poly as a potential 4th but he didn't make the top 3 because of gut about his reaction test reaction.

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b) Is sheeping really that scummy in the first place? Town need to sheep too.

Sorry if it seemed like I thought sheeping was scummy. I didn't but I needed to mention you were sheeping to explain my points.

I believe the only thing I haven't commented on afterwards is just the case on Eurykins which wasn't really valid as she was just busy and not really lurking. Asking people to react to that still had merit though in case they had a new spin on it or if they were to try and latch onto an easy vote. As for the other stuff I mentioned, I'm pretty sure my stance on FFM was clear even in that post, I defended myself from a lot of Scorri's accusations in the next one and when I clarified my problems with Darros it was obviosuly made clear what I thought of his Poly case.

I don't think this reply has much to do with what I was originally saying other than the bit where you say you had a scumread on Eury you never commented on. I don't really know what to say.

This is completely false, as a result of these questions I have a hard town read on BBM and the interactions partially fuelled my Darros suspicion. The only person that I mentioned that I didn't, and still don't, have a definitive read on is Scorri.

I mentioned you getting a townread on BBM. I still see a lot of questions and such that are just telling other people that their suspicions are bad; while I think town could comment like that as well, they'd focus on scumhunting. To me it looks like you're focusing on that to look like you're doing more than you are.

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spoilers: i slept more

to people who thought i was cc'ing cop: do you think i would have gone through and been just that bit more suspicious when refa did his reaction test back on day one? use some context

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Votecount 2.1

Poliwrath (1): Refa

kirsche (2): Mitsuki, Poliwrath

Mtsuki (1): Elieson

BBM (1): Curly Brace

scorri (1): Bluedoom

Eurykins (1): Kirsche

51 Hours till the day is over, 7 to Hammer

Going to start handing out prods liberally soon.

Eurykins still needs replaced.

Nicknames are hard :X

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also i'm really not impressed with darros. you're going to die and that's it? would have thought you'd at least be a bit more... incensed. claimpls

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@kirsche- why Eury over Shinori/Poly?

Shinori had a semi-decent content post, and when I was thinking of inactives I was using your three choices. Elie had also posted something worthwhile I should really reread, but Eury has never done so.

I guess there's no real reason FMPOV to vote Eury over Poly but you said Poly was town might as well sheep.

I don't think this reply has much to do with what I was originally saying other than the bit where you say you had a scumread on Eury you never commented on.

Sorry, I guess I didn't make it clear enough. That was in response to

Kirsche implied several times that he was holding off stuff to coment, which is not the stuff he's voting Darros on because that's a sheep (Darros was null to him here and then he sheeped the emerging cases on him here). He's never comented on anything nor given reads based on those thoughts he wasn't saying.

In that response I showed how I have commented on and deduced reads from all the stuff I have implied to have been keeping to myself.

I think town could comment like that as well, they'd focus on scumhunting.

In a general case this is probably true, but this game was moving awfully slowly and I don't really know how to get discussion going except by asking questions and hoping? I don't like flashy reaction tests.

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also i'm really not impressed with darros. you're going to die and that's it? would have thought you'd at least be a bit more... incensed. claimpls

I'm VT. If I'm going to die and it's inevitable I'm not gonna be too interested in the game since no matter what I'm dead. My vote is on who I think is scum.

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to people who thought i was cc'ing cop: do you think i would have gone through and been just that bit more suspicious when refa did his reaction test back on day one? use some context

Honestly, I kinda thought you were CC'ing him, but it was due to the way you handled it. You really blindsided BBM while he was performing that reaction test with a really aggressive interrogation, and I didn't think that you would do something so hardcore srsmode if you were something like dayvig (or anyvig).

I will reread the thread again this evening. Elie, do you think that Mitsuki's reaction to learning that the reaction test was fake was faked?

This? Well more yes than no. You asked for it

Refa's cop result was a reaction test? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH

seemed kinda over-the-top

The thing with your reaction tests on EM is that you do something scummy, not claim a cop guilty. I'm skeptic because from my point of view you could be scumslipping and trying to pass it as a reaction test.

The fact that the cop guilty on D1 could be a reaction test never crossed my mind. Also I was kind of townreading Refa before and it would make no sense to fake a report as scum.

I still think Refa is town. He's basically acting like he has nothing to hide and scumhunting.

This is a general mechanics analysis, and doesn't come across as anything more than a waffle read.

This isn't a bad defense of Refa, and more or less explains why he's so town. I'd probably have a better read on Mitsuki overall if she had just left it at that.

What I've seen in previous games is that he tends to WIFOM a lot or (in the last game) he acted normal but didn't do much and was scummy as hell. I've been expecting Refa to act like he's doing now as town from a couple of games already, and I don't think I'm wrong this time.

This is a metacase that doesn't really have any foundation (since it's a metaread). It put a sense of doubt out there that just reads like unnecessary justification, and invalidates her own defense of town!Refa, despite how it actually reads.

It boils down to "Well he could've been scum" "He's probably town" "Yea I'm pretty sure he's probably town", and it just seems like too much effort and justification for such a simple reaction test.

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his reaction was not townie at all. i'm pretty happy with this

also: i can stop this nuke before 24 hours from now. i didn't claim it initially because it didn't make any sense to.

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[NORAD SYSTEM] Attempting to locate launch site...
[NORAD SYSTEM] Missile tracked to facility JE-946, currently commanded by CURLY-F-7
[NORAD SYSTEM] Analyzing flight trajectory…
[NORAD SYSTEM] Missile is currently targeting coordinates registered to Poliwrath
[NORAD SYSTEM] Estimating time until impact...

[NORAD SYSTEM] Warhead will detonate on Thursday, June 26, 10:00 PM EDT

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##Vote: Shinori

So I didn't actually reread the entire thread because I'm not feeling very well but I read the inactives (lol). In hindsight I didn't actually like Shinori's one post much. Most of it was just saying he agreed with people's posts, with saying that kirsche and I are scummy because our argument sounded forced and because he didn't like people "asking for attention" which isn't even scummy. Kirsche is scummy for a weak FFM vote, but all he himself says about FFM is that his posts are not that good but that he wasn't worried about him. This is actually really bad because FFM was the biggest wagon at the time IIRC with at least 4 votes- purposely avoiding committing to an opinion is suspicious.

Also IIRC at that point both SB and Mitsuki were townreading me and had said so explicitly, so saying he agrees with all their posts and that their posts were sheepworthy and then scumreading me makes little sense. Darros read is also kind of weak; mainly sheeped from Mitsuki I think.

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Ok since Darros is getting nuked we need to decide on a lynch (we've got uhhh one and a half days left I think? we should start early to avoid confusion)

Currently I'm fine with lynching one of BBM/scorri/Mitsuki

Scorri: I can't argue with scorri over why she thinks kirsche's tone ED1 wazs scummy. HOWEVER, I think the defence against my meta usage was bad. Yes she was SK in ITTD, but that doesn't discard the fact that she was still anti-town and there's nothing stopping her from acting the same was as mafia(her last scum game was all inactivity btw). She also needs to provide something more concrete which isn't " I'm tunneling on my RVS vote in D2 and my reasons come from ED1."

My only hitch is I'm also a wary of bias and possible tunneling on my part because I feel like I keep repeating myself.

BBM: The fact that BBM keeps insisting that he has no scumreads irks me and makes me feel like he's coasting off of it. Things like "I felt something off about Marth's scorri case" without explaining why reminds me of his ITP play in Mystery Mafia where he kept insisting on scorri crumbing something N0(talk was allowed) and made some of his posts related to that even though nothing seemed evident to me. Also I know BBM is capable of PoEing well, but I doubt that he'd do it in this situation where he townreads half the game and tries to figure out scum from inactives. As town anyway.

Mitsuki: I think Mitsuki's case was bad against me because it was heavily semantics based and there are contradictions/questions that Eli and I have pointed out. She should respond to those ASAP. I feel like the Darros case and case on me lacked conviction too so that's scummy. Also suggesting that someone come up with a candidate to turbo lynch at the end of D1 is scummy too.

As far as my priorities go I'll need to think about it. I was so sure with my scorri read but I'll need to re evaluate my priority list now.

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I don't really feel like replying to most of what Elie said but:

This is a general mechanics analysis, and doesn't come across as anything more than a waffle read.

No, it was a reply to something SB said.

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Also @ Manix: You should definitely stop the vigshot, it's so obvious Darros is town from how he reacted.

I don't think that lack of motivation was scummy since it's obvious he believed in the shot, if he were scum in the same situation he wouldn't have tried to give some reads.

Or is it unstoppable now?

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