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Doomsday Clock Mafia - Town/ITP Win


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[18:16] nekorex to whoever sees this

[18:17] nekorex i am having some issues with getting an update out due to:

[18:18] nekorex yesterday i was busy and suddenly had my computer taken

[18:19] nekorex today im low on time and currently typing using a virtual keyboard and mouse

[18:19] nekorex so i am not in a favorable situation

[18:20] nekorex so im sorry. ill prob need a comod

[18:20] nekorex also i forgot my sf login but thats minor

[18:21] nekorex no physical keyboard is hard

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After time finally started again, you strung Shinori up.

Welcome, Shinori to Doomsday Clock Mafia.

You are an American Military General

You are one of the top generals of the United States Army, who is currently in a stalemate with Russia. However, you know that if Peace Talks between Russia and the United States devolve further, things could devolve into total war, possibly even a lost war for your country. Worse still, the Doomsday Clock ticks down, and when time runs out, there's even worse things out there then war.

Despite the fact you command quite a force of the military, you aren't a fan of needless bloodshed, and would like to see the war end soon. Thankfully, forces you control also include a network of spies, and at night you may gather intelligence on a player to determine their alignment and help neutralize their operations. (You're a cop)
You also have your Voice and your Vote to help settle the Peace Talks in a less violent way.

You win when your faction (The Americans) has neutralized all hostile factions and ended the war.

That could've gone better.

Just as you were about to leave for the night though, Darros explodes.

Welcome, Darros to Doomsday Clock Mafia.

You are Russian Kremlin

You are most noble leader of the Glorious Motherland of Russia. Death to all America. You wish to destroy all of America with big exploding bombs. You are engaged in Peace Talks and filthy Americans do not wish you to make their country smithereens. You wish to show them otherwise.

Because you are most noble leader of the Glorious Motherland of Russia, you have some diplomatic immunity, and failure American spies have nothing on your superior Russian counterspies. Attempts to determine that you are actually Russian Kremlin, or that you have taken actions at night, will fail.

You win when your faction (Glorious Mother Russia) has taken control of all votes or nothing can prevent the same.

That, however, couldn't have.

It is now Night 2. You have 24 to send in your actions. Night 2 ends tomorrow at 17:45 GMT+0.

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I briefly exist except to confirm the situation I posted on IRC. I won't be around for the start of Day 3 but I'll try and see if I can't at least get SB something to post with the actions I've been PMed for tomorrow.

I don't have my computer proper and I likely won't have internet access at all tomorrow, so things are somewhat difficult to deal with. I hope people understand.

Edited by NekoRex
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Somehow the Americans have managed to talk the Russians down from retaliation as the third day begins, although things seem to have escalated quite far with the results of the nuclear strike. Perhaps it has something to with the sudden death of the Russian leader throwing the country into chaos. Nonetheless, it's a miracle that was hasn't completely broken out already, at least, for now.


"It's 4 minutes to midnight."

Day 3 will end in 72 hours. It takes 6 votes to hammer a player.

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Also, here's a post from Mitsuki since she won't be around:

Good morning guys!
I'm posting this because I will be quite busy during the first half of D3 and I don't know if I'll be able to post. I need to move back to my town and before that I'm meeting friends and other stuff.
Also sorry for the wall but this took forever to write and I wanted to spend that time with Vhaltz, so I'm going to rage so hard if you ignore it.

My suspicion on Kirsche remains the same. I'll make a small summary of my case on him (original post here):

- Not commenting on the stuff he implied he was holding back on saying. Looks like scum faking having thoughts so that they seem more active and contributing.
- Not giving original thoughts on the game other than the BBM townread and now the Elie scumread, which I'll talk about later.
- Asking lots of questions that didn't seem to have a particular train of thought behind them and not following up on them with reads. Kirsche replied to this saying that his questions gave him a townread on BBM and made him more suspicious of Darros (here), but he only asked two questions (here) to Darros with regard to his reads and he never commented on why those made him scummy. Also, other than questions, there are a lot of interventions that seem to be there just for the sake of seeming active.
- Asking people to give reads on people he hadn't (and hasn't) commented on. Someone else mentioned this but I think it's a good point.

I don't think Kirsche and Darros interactions make Kirsche townie. When Darros and I were scumbuddies in EM he bussed hard, to the point that he drove me close to the lynch and I don't know how I managed to avoid being lynched, and everyone thought Darros and I couldn't be scumbuddies the next day.
Also I'm inclined to think Darros voting Kirsche when Manix performed his reaction test was scum distancing in case of a flip.
As I said before, Kirsche's case on Elie looks like a case on Elie being bad more than a case on Elie being scum. I don't see how Elie's misreps on BBM are scummy since he's not trying to draw reads from that. I don't see where Elie is panicking over BBM's townreads either, and when scum try to discredit townreads they don't insist that much. They try to keep it to a minimum so that it's not noticeable they're just trying to spread suspicion.

I reread Mitsuki's and Scorri's cases on me and neither of them are really that opportunistic, especially Mitsuki's, which sucks because I was partially baiting such opportunistic voting.

This makes no sense. Why would town try to look scummy on purpose just to get one scumtell that vague and little telling as opportunistic voting? Also I don't see where Kirsche was baiting and how. I think this is scum trying to pass their scuminess as them behaving in a scummy way on purpose.

But it's not Kirsche who I want lynched today.

##Vote: Marth

First of all, let me make a summary of my case on Marth as well (main post here):

- Discrediting townreads generally without explaining why they're bad.
- Not looking at the context of the game to use scumtells that are usually valid, and selectively using them on BBM.
- Using "this could be town behaviour but it could also be scum" as scumtells.
- (Another post) Selectively saying his reads are weak when it comes to defending himself and saying they're strong afterwards.
- (Another post) Saying my Kirsche read is good but invalidating it saying that he's scumreading me.

Marth says here that my case (on him I assume) is based on semantics. I don't see how that kind of cases are bad by default, but that's not the point. I don't see how my case is based on semantics, at all. It's based on looking for scum behaviour within words, which is what mafia is about. I'm quite sure it's scum trying to discredit a case on them by painting it as weaker than it is.

The only good case on kirsche is from Mitsuki, who I'm also scumreading lol.

The activ lot of you are willing to vote Shinori, let's fucking do this then.

Double standards, go. As I pointed out before, Marth said that my case on Kirsche was good but didn't consider it because he thought I could be scum. Why vote Shinori, then? The person who suggested lynching and cased Shinori was BBM, and then Marth agreed with him (before what I quoted). Why consider a case made by one of your scumreads but not the other one? It's not just that, but I also expressed suspicion towards Shinori after that, and before most people. It looks like scum trying to push an easy mislynch.
This will be specially rellevant if either Kirsche or Marth flip scum, as an associative read between them.

Also, in the last quote: Marth is trying to put the blame of the mislynch on the other people, and not look like an important part of the process.

Darros having no follow-up on poly makes me think Poly is probably town. I don't think scum would forget about suspecting a scumbuddy.

Prims also seems like town from what I've seen, but I still need to see more posts by him.

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hi prims how does it feel being scum; your LD2 posts read really badly

also bbm is still a scumlord

##Vote: BBM

fite me irl

god damn it Manix do you try to be as wrong as possible? btw you're dumb as he'll for vigging Darros instead of lynching him + shooting a lurking after the reaction, just throwing that out there.

scorri / Elie are my top suspects as is, but I haven't read yet and am too tired to do so right now. Marf voting Darros over scorri D2 when he had no strong priorities between the two is a hard towntell as far as I'm concerned; I don't want to lynch him today. BBM I don't think is scum and am content just lynching on policy if he never gets NKed.

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I'm pulling an all nighter so fuck it you get contextless ISOs. I don't promise quality but I do promise general grouchiness.

kirsche: still scummy, was leaning not so much after Darros flip but Mitsuki's points are fair... really depends on whether Darros thought FFM would get lynched over him or not, and given Refa had just expressed interest in FFM over kirsche, it seems possible. Decent lynch option.

Elieson: Didn't like his D1 FFM vote because he just calls it strange/weird without elaborating on why it's scummy, or what more he needs from FFM. His Mitsuki case is not actually there - he calls out her speculation but doesn't explain why it's scummy, not useless. He also doesn't explain -why- the Marf case is forced, just states that it is. reading over his posts it looks a lot like he's trying to find scummy things Mitsuki did rather than find scum and concluding Mitsuki is mafia. i'm not sure how "too much effort" is even a scummy thing. it's also inconsistent how he constantly pursue a read on mitsuki but just leaves his scorri FoS on standby - why press the active poster but not try to get anything out of the suspect who gave less to read them on? tl;dr elie's throwing out random shit and not elaborating on why it's scummy because he's scum struggling to generate content. ##Vote: Elieson

Refa: not interested in lynching, would read a case though I guess

Bluedoom: Darros vote here is town, no I don't think he went "well my buddy and this other player are scummy, time to turn my buddy into a wagon". maybe if scorri flips scum but even then voting her instead decentralizes the votes on scum and is less dangerous for his team

BBM: I'm pretty confident BBM is town at this point just because BBM is not the sort of player who struggles to generate real content when he's scum. His townreads are pointless but not necessarily mafia behavior. The only thing that makes me hesitate on this is that BBM is smart enough to imitate what he's doing now as scum for a pass, but I just don't understand why he would when he can stick with his typical scum play, keep his lynch pool open and still look pretty damn good. keep alive unless he starts mislynching his townreads without getting NKed

Manix: is town but irritates me by calling my late D2 play scummy for no reason when obviously my play when I just subbed in and haven't read the thread isn't exactly going to be good anyway, also still tunneling town!BBM in 2014. why

Polydeuces: is a lurker. i'm not sure darros' vote was a bus? i think that following a huge wagon early in the day scum would want to pick on the townies to start momentum toward a mislynch for the rest of the day. just doesn't seem like optimal distancing time. well, it's not impossible for him to be scum at least.

Mitsuki: has a lot of words but in the end I'm probably going to just write her off as town for the rolespec (which I don't think scum could come up with)so I'm going to not read her and do that. would consider a case like with Refa though. not Elie's though his is kinda scummy.

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oh uhhh scorri: scorri is just "idk lol *shrug*" mode and I wouldn't feel bad about lynching her. super null. mostly i didn't like her starting d2 off by continuing her d1 case without discussing the flip or whatever she missed.

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Also reads off of the top of my head without any additional research whatsoever.

Prims could be scum I guess IDK I should probably read him CUT BY PRIMS.

I need to reread kirsche's interactions with Darros before I get anything on him because I had like two completely different reads on him (one is he's scummy for Darros interactions, another one is he's townie wow people should call me out more). Going to read Mitsuki's case there as well.

Still kind of suspicious of Elieson, but that really has nothing to do with the flip.

Prims is absolutely right about Marth. Would not lynch there, probably. Still going to read Mitsuki's case on him to see if there's anything of merit that I missed though.

Really don't like how BBM pushed Shinori ("you guys all did the same thing with Darros yesterday"), but I feel like I wouldn't bring attention to himself like that (tying himself to his scumbuddy) as scum. It's just too obvious.

Manix, obvious scum for dayvigging scum only scum would do that OMG.

Polydeuces, do something. I guess it's too much to ask for a second vig.

scorri has done uh...things. Don't remember why I was so adamant about not lynching her before, guess I'll have to reread.

Mitsuki's defense of Darros is not something scum would do. Yeah, WIFOM and all of that but it's just the way she went about it (more direct and idk how to phrase it). Also only town sends messages over the night amirite guys.

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@Mitsuki (regarding her Darros and kirsche cases):

-You did the not commenting thing too, so I don't get how that particularly implicates kirsche. Like if you think he's scummy for lack of content it's fine but I don't buy him being scum on implying he's holding back content.


-Also legit

-Also also legit

Also your bussing comment totally makes sense. I thought he wouldn't bus because well, Darros, but I totally forgot about EM because Darros like never rolls scum on EM, the lucky bastard. Now let's see your case on Marth.

-Didn't Bluedoom explain his issues with the townreads? I thought he did, maybe I'm wrong.

-I don't...get this?

-OK, that's a valid point.

-These last two points just strike me as weird play over scum play. What exactly is scummy about them?

Hmmm, that is kind of a good point actually. This would be a lot easier to understand if Marth had more freaking scum games (the last one being where he had like no suspicion on him whatsoever, so I don't know if he discredits peoples' cases on him as scum). OK, your double standard thing makes sense too dammit no fuck me I hate rereading.

Yeah, your Poly read is pretty legit actually.

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Manix, pt. 2: Realtalk because I read your ISO in case you had something really good on BBM instead of dismissing it off Darros' flip. You need to stop being a waste of space coastfucker this game. Before I subbed in I was 99% certain you were scum because so much of your spam is garbage that does nothing to find scum or further the thread. I can not for the life of me tell why you suspect BBM even after going through your posts and he seemed to be your only non-Darros read during Day 2. I seriously think you just had a minor suspicion on him D1 and decided you need to contrive as many vague reasons as possible to keep it going because nothing you've said about him supports him being scum - yes his townreads are silly, yes his "sheep my investigative reads post" was silly too, however neither of those are scummy. Your accusation against me from the start of today just exacerbates my frustration because it's not something I can defend against (there's no case whatsoever) and it also furthers my belief you only care to read new posts while keeping your vote parked on BBM instead of being assed to actually do anything productive. Can't even remember the most recent time you stated a read on another player, especially not without prompting. Step the fuck up, if you hadn't vigged Darros you would be #1 on my scumlist for general uselessness. Reading Elie and scorri would be a good place to start.
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