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Metroid II: Return of Samus


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I was playing this game on the 3DS and I found it to be a pretty good game, it gets a lot of hate, and I don't understand that, at all. This is a pretty good game and I was wondering if anyone here has played it and what their thoughts on it are. Also I hate Zeta Metroids... I hate them with a firey passion.

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Can't say much except that I agree - it's been years since I've played Metroid II (I still own my Game Boy cartridge), but I loved it as a child. I won't deny that it probably didn't age well as it's successors outdo it greatly. Still a great game.

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I got it on 3DS and it was the first game that I managed to beat in under 2 hours with "100%"(Though, yes, I did use Restore Points. Sue me.). I liked it a lot, to be honest. It was a lot of fun, even if it was an odd game in my opinion.

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