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Some FE10 questions


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Hi, I am new to this forum. I have been editing FE10 for a while with the help of Vincent's notes. But, there are some things that I am unable/not sure how to do. Here is a few questions:

1) How can I edit the stats of minor bosses (and maybe giving them a skill)? Vincent's notes does say where they are, but I don't know what to change in the hexeditor.

2) How can I make crossbows and ballistae NOT ignore the user's strength?

3) Is it possible to change the effect of skills? Like, for example, nerfing Luna to do only 10% more damage and ignoring defence as opposed to triple damage. If not, I at least want to change the capacity. I just don't understand the skill editor in Vincent's note.

And that's it. Thank you for answering.

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