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Deserted Spriter's Guild hideout


General Bio Questionnaire  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Mapping Level

    • N/A
    • Beginner (familiar with a few tilesets, can make maps)
    • Intermediate (familiar with most tilesets, understands common map issues and how to fix them)
    • Advanced (familiar with the majority of tilesets, understands how map affects gameplay and able to create professional-looking maps)
  2. 2. Portrait Level

    • N/A
    • Beginner (can create simple splices and recolors)
    • Intermediate (able to create splices with minimal errors, might be starting custom work)
    • Advanced (capable of creating polished splices and custom work, at or comparable to official quality)
  3. 3. Battle Sprite Level

    • N/A
    • Beginner (can do splices, modifications, repaints, possibly limited to a few frames of work)
    • Intermediate (beginner skills, +capable of working and providing complete animations)
    • Advanced (can create full animations from scratch)
  4. 4. When taking a request, I would appreciate

    • Nothing
    • A trade (for example: a portrait in exchange for a map)
    • Financial compensation
    • Credit where used
    • Praise of my name and work sung throughout the halls of Serenes
    • Feedback
  5. 5. Misc Skills

    • N/A
    • Weapon Icons
    • Map / Overworld Sprites
    • Chibi Portraits
    • Non-pixel Arts
    • Hacking
    • Music
    • Writing / Proofing

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I'd add gradations to battle sprites too, as they range from spliced to full custom as well. Hell, all those categories could vary in skill level. We could also be rated by each other if we volunteer and are not too worried about hurt feelings.

Also, my spriting topic, if that's needed: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25606

(if we're not going by the poll, Portraits: D, Maps: C, Battle Sprites: B, Animating said battle sprites: B? that's more either you know what you're doing or you don't)

And map sprite sprinters, few as there may be, is another type. Chibis as well, if they're not thrown in with mugs.

Hell, we've got a wide enough set of skills on here, might as well include the entire community (as in hackers too).

Edited by deranger
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Well. Looking at the requirements, I put myself in advanced for mugs and intermediate in maps. ( though I think I'd be more of a beginner )

What's your opinion. I'm interested. Since I may overestimate me, I can still be put in intermediate.

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Another d'oh moment: should've put 'I don't take requests' in the requests options. (Technically you can just always say you're busy once the other poll is up.)

The descriptions for the tiers are more guidelines than rules. If you feel that you're more of a beginner or fit in better with a particular group, then I'd go with that. I put myself in Intermediate because while I can do stuff in Advanced, I still struggle and don't have much confidence in regularly producing work at that level.

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So I'm the only one who voted for wanting nothing in return, who'd have figured, eh?

Kind of disappointed, really, oh well, I've filled in the thing, I guess I just now wait for someone to inbox me? How does this fiasco work.

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So I'm the only one who voted for wanting nothing in return, who'd have figured, eh?

Kind of disappointed, really, oh well, I've filled in the thing, I guess I just now wait for someone to inbox me? How does this fiasco work.

Well, there is the nothing option, true. But there's also the "Give credit where due" and the "feedback" option which I'm pretty sure must folks who do requests of one sort or another appreciate.

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So I'm the only one who voted for wanting nothing in return, who'd have figured, eh?

Kind of disappointed, really, oh well, I've filled in the thing, I guess I just now wait for someone to inbox me? How does this fiasco work.

I've gone through enough thankless freebie/lowYield requests to be jaded and define exactly what makes me happy about taking and completing requests. It's one thing when the splice/mug already exists, but another when someone wants new time investment and potentially exclusive rights over the product.


This is still in the 'Recruiting' phase for the group. If people want to jump the gun and start asking for particular people's service, they certainly can go the PM/post route. People can also start posting requests for spriters to see. I'm fine with and would like to promote regular breakroom talk in the thread as well, similar to the community thread where you can just talk about spriting things, ideas, or provide updates on things that are vaguely connected with spriting (like if anyone is doing or needing things for FEE3).

The plan is to leave the survey open for a few days so people have the chance to report their skillsets easily, and then I'll close that survey, make a pretty roster and put that in the first post of a new, clean thread. In the original post (now and future) I'll start recording requests that are made in the thread and in the community, so people are aware they exist (kind of like a bulletin board). Once the format of everything looks stable and maintenance is clear I'll ask Tangerine to pin/sticky the thread.

It'd be great to highlight active hack projects that need any creative roles/products filled or just want to showcase their spriter's work, but for now I'd like to get a handle on keeping a smaller amount of info collected and organized.


EDIT: Whoops, sorry deranger, missed your post. Since Hacking and Spriting are two different sections, thought it'd be better just to have the two specialties separate (though they do overlap, there's a lot that can be unique to Hacking, mostly in that members probably want to be known for the projects they're working on and have completed).

About the other skills, guess I should have put them on there. I missed a ton of possibilities on the misc traits (including 'Can actually draw') but hopefully covered the usually requested skills.

Edited by Lenh
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I'd like to sign up for the guild, but I haven't had any time to sprite in a while due to school and work ;-;

I guess if I were to join, I'd be... Advanced? Or high Intermediate at least? I'm not really sure... :<

Although even if I were to join I'm already booked with a bunch of sprites for other people, mostly Nyz for Death or Glory, so It would probably be a pointless endeavour anyhow. .-.

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Just pick one that feel right, Kon!

As for the newly instituted rankings

Mugs - lolTerrible

Chibis - Advanced

Mapping - Advanced

Battle sprites - Idk Intermediate!

Hacking - Advanced? Can I say that after restarting 10+ times?

Weapon Icons - Intermediate!

That's all!

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bah why not, i would like to sign up.

Mugs - Advancedish (clean splices and moderate custom work)

mapping - advanced

battle sprites- er intermediate i guess? (i dont do these very often)

other skills - hacking, writing (i guess), and weapons icons all at about intermediate to beginner range.

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Cool, I'll record what you guys are specifically saying for the other categories. (Can't really change the poll just due to how the forum polling works. It's fairly limited.)

I'd like to sign up for the guild, but I haven't had any time to sprite in a while due to school and work ;-;

I guess if I were to join, I'd be... Advanced? Or high Intermediate at least? I'm not really sure... :<

Although even if I were to join I'm already booked with a bunch of sprites for other people, mostly Nyz for Death or Glory, so It would probably be a pointless endeavour anyhow. .-.

It's alright either way, glad to know you're still around, Kon. I haven't seen your work in a while so I'm not sure where you'd land, although high/mid-intermediate sounds right. ^_^;

I'm pretty sure most desirable people are booked or taken with their own projects; it's expected, so no worries there. Ideally, this will just make it easier for people to see who actually does have some spare time, who is busy with their own things and don't want to be bothered, and who is seeking some help.

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It helps that I just kind of stopped updating my topic not long after I started up spriting for Nyz two years ago >_< I kept meaning to make a sprite dump in a new topic when I had nicer sprites to show off, but that idea never really took off DX

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A couple of people don't keep topics for various reasons (don't want to bother maintaining, keeping mugs exclusive to a project, anti-thief protection, only does FE occasionally, etc). Still fine~

If you guys want to say which projects you're working on or have worked on substantially, I can put that in as well, probably (but I was hoping a hacking topic could take care of that).

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Hack wise I almost exclusively sprite for Death or Glory, although I've made/given a few sprites for other projects. Not enough to say that I work for them though DX

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Head Mapper for Project Z and Project 76 unless I have been secretly replaced *Shot*.

I have done at least a few maps for Eternal Bond, Death or Glory, and Dream of Five.

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So I'm the only one who voted for wanting nothing in return, who'd have figured, eh?

Kind of disappointed, really, oh well, I've filled in the thing, I guess I just now wait for someone to inbox me? How does this fiasco work.

I've gone through enough thankless freebie/lowYield requests to be jaded and define exactly what makes me happy about taking and completing requests. It's one thing when the splice/mug already exists, but another when someone wants new time investment and potentially exclusive rights over the product.

As someone who freelances creatively...(albeit with music, not art) and whose body of friends includes a number of visual artists, I am very of mind with Lenh on this.

I would never hold anything against artists or content creators for wanting compensation for their skills. Creating is by no means easy. In the end its to each their own, but I strongly encourage people to not let their talents be taken for granted.

Doubling back around - If possible, can we get one or two items from each person's portfolio linked next to their name in the main thread? (Provided it doesn't skew or destroy formatting), as an example of style?

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Doubling back around - If possible, can we get one or two items from each person's portfolio linked next to their name in the main thread? (Provided it doesn't skew or destroy formatting), as an example of style?

With maps being included, I don't think there's a clean way of incorporating sample work in the main chunk of data. It'd also get to be a maintenance nightmare if people always want to update their showcase, so I'd rather just let people manage their own profile/page and link to that.

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With maps being included, I don't think there's a clean way of incorporating sample work in the main chunk of data. It'd also get to be a maintenance nightmare if people always want to update their showcase, so I'd rather just let people manage their own profile/page and link to that.

Maps had totally slipped your mind. You're right - The congestion would likely end up too great, and that's the cleaner approach.

Looking forward to seeing this take shape.

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Maps had totally slipped your mind.

Indeed they had. ^w^

Anyways, I'll close up the generic survey and add the status one, so we can see what works and what doesn't.

Everything is good to start making requests, but don't direct it at people unless they've listed themselves as free on the new poll. Public posting of requests on the thread is good to go. I'll probably start asking projects if they'd like to list a request they have if no one steps forward with the first one. ;w;

It's not pretty, but here's the data, and I'm beginning to work on the first post as I have time to. (It might not be until the weekend things can get really organized and polished, so please bear with me, and let me know if anything could be better! )


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Trying to vote o the poll give me the following error:

"You must cast your vote in each question of the poll."

Anyone know how to fix it? (And yes, I did vote in the one question of the poll.)

EDIT: Also, I can do Chibi's as well.

Edited by Kisara
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Indeed they had. ^w^

My language skills are deplorable sometimes.

I wasn't aware we were jumping right into the fray with non spriting stuff as well! In that case you can *** me in music. Most of my video game-y sounding stuff is in my Soundcloud, and I did the Tale select theme for Elibian Nights. I do compositions, arrangements, ROM insertions, etc. Basically everything that isn't sample importing at the moment, since I've been so focused on the first Inheritance of Ash patch that I haven't really delved into setting anything up in that regard.

Speaking of my project...I've got about 3 or so mugs left on that current patch that I'll update this post with descriptions in a bit, but if anyone's interested in that, feel free to get in touch. (Or I can continue to put Merc's hypothetical children through college. J/K Merc, you're a deity.)

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I don't remember voting for that new poll.

Huh, interesting.

Also, some of us has our own 'project' that we're working on, so maybe you should include those?

For example, me and my Nemesis project.

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Trying to vote o the poll give me the following error:

"You must cast your vote in each question of the poll."

Anyone know how to fix it? (And yes, I did vote in the one question of the poll.)

EDIT: Also, I can do Chibi's as well.

Yeah, I got that too, second time I tried, it worked? Since it's being a problem I'm gonna go ahead and make a clean thread.

Everyone move to that one!

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