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Shin Megami Tensei Recommendations

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So I'm likely going to be getting this game day 1 because of my love for Fire Emblem but my experience of Shin Megami Tensei is sadly lacking. I've only played half of Digital Devil Saga 2, up to the second Heat fight. It's a shame because I was really getting into it until my data suddenly got corrupted. And from what I've heard it's very unlike most Shin Megami Tensei games in terms of style.

Since they don't seem to be in any hurry to make the cross over it looks like I have enough time to get acquainted with the series. The problem is from what I've seen the series is quite big. Something like fifty games, a couple of animes and a book that started it all off (though I imagine the game's have evolved well beyond the novel original style). Assuming I have access to every console available (I don't but let's assume I do) what are the most quintessential Shin Megami Tensei games? The best ones that need to be played or the ones that most convey the feel of the series so I can be fully familiar with the Shin Megami aspects of the crossover?

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Probably smt 3 and smt 4 and strange journey.

smt 1 and 2 could work but veery old games.

I do like to get into series by playing old games. I know I wouldn't have enjoyed the original Metroid nearly as much if I played it after Super Metroid. In this case though it's such a dauntingly big series and I have no where near the amount of free time as I used to, I'm not sure how much of it to actually play.

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SMT1 is annoying because you can't access a minimap without going through three menus

I would recommend SMT3 (Nocturne) and SMT4 if you want more traditional SMT experiences; Strange Journey is pretty hit or miss (I thought it was mediocre, some people think it's amazing).

I am also personally a huge fan of DEVIL SURVIVOR

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SMT1 is annoying because you can't access a minimap without going through three menus

I would recommend SMT3 (Nocturne) and SMT4 if you want more traditional SMT experiences; Strange Journey is pretty hit or miss (I thought it was mediocre, some people think it's amazing).

I am also personally a huge fan of DEVIL SURVIVOR

I heard there was a hack for SMT1 that gives you a minimap.

Basically this, I just want to add SMT2 as well, so you don't get confused when SMT fans mention the messiah and... well it's good

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Nocturne, IV, Devil Survivor 1&2 (especially 2), the Raidou Kuzunoha games (the first is up on the PSN Store if you're on PS3), Strange Journey.

If you really want, you can go for the Persona 2 duology since it's a bit more like mainline SMT than 3/4 are, but that's entirely up to you.

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Any advised place to get them like Serenes or will I just try my look googling Shin Megami Tensei translation patch?

Edited by Jotari
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I wholeheartedly recommend Nocturne and SMT IV. They're basically gold. I also cautiously recomment SMT II since it's built well and still plays well to this day. Not SMT I or If... though, they aged far too poorly IMO.

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SMT 1 was officially localized to English for IOS a few months back.

I would recommend buying that because the translation is more to the standards of the latest releases.

Plus, maybe if enough people buy it Atlus will localize the second one.

If ever I have the opportunity to buy a game rather than pirate it then I will buy it. I don't even emulate old games if they got released in my country, instead preferring to buy second hand games. But I don't have an IOS and won't buy one for the sake of one game (especially since I'll be inheriting an IPhone soon enough). Emulating the original version that wasn't released in my country with a fan patch is good enough for me. Though when I do get an IOS I likely will buy the game even if I've already played it to support translating old games like that (in the same way I bought Earthbound even though I played it on emulator, it took twenty four years to get a Mother game in Europe, I wasn't going to pass up a chance to show my support after that!).

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If ever I have the opportunity to buy a game rather than pirate it then I will buy it. I don't even emulate old games if they got released in my country, instead preferring to buy second hand games. But I don't have an IOS and won't buy one for the sake of one game (especially since I'll be inheriting an IPhone soon enough). Emulating the original version that wasn't released in my country with a fan patch is good enough for me. Though when I do get an IOS I likely will buy the game even if I've already played it to support translating old games like that (in the same way I bought Earthbound even though I played it on emulator, it took twenty four years to get a Mother game in Europe, I wasn't going to pass up a chance to show my support after that!).

I hold the same attitudes towards piracy, I only do it if I'm pretty much totally unable to purchase the game within reason.

So you all wouldn't recommend SMT I to start with? I'm pretty much debating between 1 and 4 to delve into with.

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If you know you will play more than one, and won't be turned off by an interface that hasn't aged well, and a minimalist story, do start with SMT 1. You'll enjoy it more if you're not constantly comparing it to the better entries you've played when you get around to it than if you start with say Strange Journey.

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Trying to play SMT4, but I'm not feeling it. I've heard the game is a little slow at the start, and right now I'm about to enter the forest near my home for the first time--how much further do I have to go before it picks up?

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Presumably where most people say it picks up is probably right after the boss fight with Medusa, when there's kind of a big reveal and the world opens up quite a bit more for exploring. I can't remember if Kikugucci village was before or after Minotaur, so I have a bad judge of where you are and how close.

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