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Hey everyone, recently I've become interested in Fire Emblem once again, and decided to just join after looking through this forum for a bit.

Online name: Usually tends to have "Ace' in it
Real name: Ashton
Favourite FE Game: Sacred Stones / Blazing Sword
Favourite Game (other than FE): Ehh...No particular game comes to mind. I like RPGs, platformers... etc.
Favourite FE Character: Lyon
Least Favourite game: FPS are my least favorite genre...
Sports: None, not an athlete
Online friends: I mostly keep to myself online (introverted)
Favourite music: Hip-hop/Rap, Rock
Favourite artist/band: Black Hippy, Paramore, Kendrick Lamar, Ab-Soul
Favourite song: No single one comes to mind, I like a lot of songs
Country: USA
MSN/Yahoo/AIM: ...Not really
Hobbies: Writing (poetry/ stories), playing games, reading , listening to music, researching, learning
Good Point: Really perceptive, I'm good at "reading" a person based on their actions
Bad Point: Kind of gullible, a bit absentminded, sometimes I find it difficult to concentrate
Anything else? : [/b]Eh.... I'm 18 lol I come from Brooklyn NY... surrounded by a lot of wannabe closeminded thugs and thugettes, so coming to these forums is a breath of fresh air.

Hoping that you guys will be cool to talk to, and that I can interact with everyone well. Cool beans, everyone!

Edited by SavantEdge
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