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Deino's lazy sprite gallery


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Welcome to my circus of horrible lazy FE and Pokémon sprites:

Max_zps04d65d03.pngThis was my first mug, I know, simple.

Sylvian_zps47ce8b82.pngLadies and gentlemen, I present you the laziest sprite in the world Bluewolthead Percivalbody!

Alexis_zps8bc4f125.pngI think I messed up here and mixed FE8 colors with FE7 colors still I quite like this one.

PK_zps95fac15a.pngThis was supposed to be a pegaus rider of some sorts looks cool.

mS_zpsa3ace676.pngThis was Ok, the hair was messy.

Mel_zps612f7e46.pngAlso another meh one, I think I have not put effort in any of these, specially in shading

Fabolousdeformity_zpsaa926001.pngThis was supposed to be a more Fire Emblish me that went wrong so I painted him pink and called it a day.

GenericBoss_zpse6f35cd1.pngIts black haired Merc Oswin our savior.

Roggenrot_zps607d5150.pngThis was a request from my 7 year old cousin, I has an eye on its torso, he named it.

Gigarott_zps8f6f7f5d.pngThis is also a request from him kind of dope.

Max3_zpse3d34e15.pngThis one went Ok but I do not know how to beard, also dropped the white dyed hair.

I would appreciate feedback and as someone will point out, instructions on how to do spoilers.

Edited by Deino
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You do spoilers with [ spoiler="subtitle for the spoiler" ] hidden content [ / spoiler ]

I like your splices~ They're pretty simplistic but some of them are decently clean. I would agree that the shading is kind of consistently weak, in some cases it's like not even shaded at all where you added new parts, so I'd make an effort to work on that more.

I like the last mug the most probably, so Ill focus on that a little. Some tips for doing a beard are to make it look more like hair, at the moment it looks abit like a cloud stuck on his face. It doesn't really appear to be attached to the face or anything. A good example of the shape you might want to think of is in Oswin's hair, how the hairline is sort of jagged. I think it's also worth a mention that you might want to use less border color, particularly since you opted for 3 colors in the cloak. I'd substitute the border color between the shirt/cloak area for a mix of the 2nd darkest skin tone (that grayish dark in his shirt) and the darkest red of the cloak. I think that will make it feel less slapped on and cartoony.


The border color is broken here where his hair is next to the cloak. :0 Just a tiny mistake

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