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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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If the guards didn’t believe her story before, they certainly did after those gunshots. What was going on over there now? Well, they told her to leave, so leave she was going to. Their crescent shaped formation allowed enough room to reenter the alley leading back to the wagon, but she wasn’t sure she should go for it. Maybe they were distracted enough? Eh. Better safe than sorry, she thought, and started jogging the long way around the second building to swing back around.


“I don’t think Jericho would approve of that idea,” Kat said, chuckling. Volga took off, gaining some height before flying back the way they came. While they were passing over the second alley again, the gunshots rang out, and Kat looked in the direction of the org-wrathite conflict. “Do you think we should go see what happened? It’s not like we can’t catch up with those on the ground later.”

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"It'd probably be best if we did, we're in the best position to check it out." Zach agreed, more gunshots at a time like this wasn't going to be a good thing, and certainly needed to be checked out

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Jericho had half a mind to break away and start looking for Hayato as the guards turned their attention away from their situation to another one ... but he didn't know where to start, and Hayato already had a good enough lead on him to be anywhere. He decided, though not easily, to let it go for now. This was something he still planned to do, but only once he was in a better position to. For now, he'd head back with the others without protest or a struggle ....

The Forger

They were all gone before the guards arrived in great numbers to reinforce the surviving wrathites. A vicious ranged battle played out in the area around the complex as the organization's surviving men tried to blast their way out of area. The guardsmen were unable to surround them on all sides, and so many inevitably escaped, but their enemies' numbers were cut in half before all was said and done.

Cassandra put some distance between herself and her ... friends? She supposed that's what Silvia and Colin had become to her, even though she was essentially a double agent. She didn't want any harm to come to them specifically, though with the way Samael had treated her, and given Sardis' poor state, as well as Jethro's disappearance, she really wasn't sure what made her a double agent, anymore. She had nothing left in the way of animosity toward this group, a thought that surprised her as she headed southeast, away from the complex.


The driver breathed a sigh of relief as the transport pulled up to the main entrance of the estate and some hands and healers came to relieve him and check for any injured. The ground was still wet, and the air was thick with humidity, despite the rain having stopped seemingly for good awhile ago. The driver stepped down and scooped up his things before heading inside, intending to let the help handle the rest while he got some much needed rest.

Reign meanwhile carefully rode Sandrock toward the stables, carefully leading Riley along his right side. As far as he was concerned, he'd been damn lucky Riley didn't find a reason to yank him right off Sandrock's saddle or some other nefarious trick. "Not looking forward to the debrief on this one," Reign said, shaking his head as he headed for the stables. "See ya inside," he added, though he figured Faatina would be right behind him since she had a horse to take care of, too.

It had been half an hour since they got the hell out of there, so the situation with Raquel could have worsened. It was something weighing heavily on Reign's mind as he entered the stables and hopped down from Sandrock. "I seriously hope you two still have a caretaker to look after you. It really shouldn't end like this."


Gabbie tried but she just couldn't get to sleep after her ordeal with Jethro. It brought back the memory of nigh true helplessness and like some of her colleagues, such thoughts could be devastating if they hit their stride. With nothing better to do, she sat and watched while Connor worked, wondering when she was going to hear his stomach growl or notice him swaying from fatigue. Sooner or later, she told herself, he was going to reach his limit. Still, for how long he'd been at it, they were making some serious progress. Most of the outer hull was finished. Putting it together was out of Connor's domain, but just having this much finished meant they'd crammed a four days worth of work into one and a half. Anna would make a nightmarish slave driver, and Connor a nightmarish engineer.

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It had been more than a half-an-hour, or it at least felt like it. Raquel was hurt, bad, and Robin had barely made it to the transport in time before it left. All Robin could feel as she slipped down onto firm ground again was guilt. She had gotten drunk, hadn't been able to help Raquel, and now could feel herself slipping in her own health.

With a small shake of the head she tried to clear her mind as she started to leave the stables, hoping no one would notice how unusually tired she felt.

"Are we all alright from that run?" she asked, hoping that the answer would be a yes.

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"I think we're all fine," Veronika replied to Robin. Those of us who are here anyway... "I'm going to go check on Raquel," she announced, immediately heading off towards the estate. That was definitely the priority at the moment.


Thoughts of the Organization and the group's plan had completely left the young alchemist's mind as he toiled away on The Paladin. After shifting position to make some adjustments, he noticed a familiar figure watching him out of the corner of his eye. He decided to take a short break and walked over there, wondering how long Gabbie had been waiting.

"Hey you. So how did everything go?" Connor asked out of curiosity, although Gabbie being alive and seeming uninjured relieved some of his worst fears.

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"I thought it was Raquel but how did she come to wield the emblem like that?" Lilith wondered to herself as she cautiously roamed the streets. Several guards and wrathites alike were following her around, checking alleys and windows that Lilith herself seemed to be overlooking. She didn't pay them any mind once she realized they had their own obligations to track down and stop all the criminals that were holding up in the complex. As long as they didn't stop her when she got to the bottom of this situation and claimed the girl's emblem piece, she was fine with them 'helping' out. "She looks like Raquel, but her eyes are different ... not to mention the color--her features are nearly identical to mine."

"Stop following me," came an all too familiar voice from somewhere down the road. Lilith was ready, or at least she thought she was. Expecting little more than another volley of rifle fire, she was caught off guard when Cassandra reached out with the emblem and an intense golden light rushed forth, taking the shape of a large naval gun. When the light vanished, Lilith was staring down the barrel of a heavily refined long nine, a cannon more than capable of dealing her a crippling blow and then some. She quickly moved as the cannon fired, and the guards and wrathites behind her ran or dove for cover as the golden shot flew by, leaving a bright streak of golden dust in its wake. As the dust faded, the shot that produced it having crashed somewhere up the street, Lilith took off running toward Cassandra, who quickly dismissed the cannon and turned to run, herself.

I don't know how I'm supposed to get away, now! I can't hit her, and I'm running out of ideas!

Pyrrhic Victory

"... mostly a success," Gabbie answered softly. She was tired, but she couldn't sleep just yet. "Seems loike Hayato got away but only that new guy even cared about him. As for the actual mission, well ... that got done but not by who it was supposed to. I brought her father back here but he really gave me a hard time. Raquel also got seriously hurt so Ethan's taking care of her now. Don't expect anyone to be in a good mood for awhile," she concluded with a shrug.

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"The convoy has arrived at Weyland's... the wounded are being tended to, and while I can't see Seeker herself, Tacito is near the main entranceway... I presume that she moved Jethro to seek medical attention." Isabella reported, as she took up position near by the Weyland estate.

"How should I proceed? Should I attempt to rendezvous with Seeker?"


"You've gotta have faith, Reign... she got through the worst of it, right? Normally a hit like that kills you instantly." Faatina added, hoping to try and comfort the mage slightly, placing a supportive hand on his shoulder, as she lead Sharif slightly behind Raquel's horses. Perhaps he had been trying to shoo her off, with his earlier comment, but...


"Well, we're back... a hell of a time that was..." Arietta noted with a sigh, as they arrived... what next, she wondered...

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Dining Hall

Not knowing Raquel's location, Veronika headed to the dining hall as that seemed to be the easiest way to find directions. She found a somber looking Blake and Erion when she arrived, the latter had already begun drinking it seemed.

"What's the situation?" she asked them as she arrived, skipping the small talk for the moment.


"Oh...that's not good," Connor said, feeling rather ineffective in helping the group at the moment. "Did Tia go with you? I haven't seen her around lately which is odd- she's usually eager to see what I'm working on," he asked Gabbie

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"<Yea. Raquel.>"

As Robin left the stable behind and started to head back to the estate where the others were the guilt started to fester and ferment inside of her. This wasn't like the times Raquel had faltered in battle. She knew she couldn't protect Raquel 100% of the time, but it was different in battle where things could turn on a whim. She had done her best, but it hadn't mattered.

"Wait... Veronika..." She started to say, only to notice it was too late as she had already left. "Tell her I am sorry." she said with a sigh as the woman was gone.

"<I helped though. I did as good as I could. I spotted them, told the others... What the heck is wrong with me? I took on a BEAR armed with a knife and now I'm fretting over this? I grew up hunting alone and now I'm worried people might not accept me? I can't even face Raquel and have to ask Veronika to check up on her for me? I had to stop for breath while fleeing when I used to be able to carry an entire catch back home. Why have I become so soft?>"

A shudder went down Robin's spine as she took a deep breath and went off, following Veronika to where Raquel had been taken. As she arrived she heard Nika ask her own question as to Raquel's status and decided to stay quiet. Even if she needed to apologize, while Raquel was in a bad spot was not the time.

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Yes, that should work for now. If anyone asks, you're looking to meet Gabriella.


Axel was still adjusting his shoulder plates as he stepped out of the medical ward. As soon as he saw how bad Raquel's injury was, Ethan stopped for a moment, healed the incision he made, and quickly went about sending the non-Valcyn patient on his way. It was abrupt, but typical of the doctor.

Alright, then, since that had been dealt with, Zero Eight figured that he'd may as well go and see who else nearly got themselves killed at the complex, if they even made it back, anyways. As a result, he began to head towards the main hall.


Blake wasn't sure how long he was sitting there, wrapped in his own thoughts. Eventually, however, he was broken out of them by the arrival of Veronika and Robin, the former wanting to know the situation.

"Raquel's in the medical ward, being looked at by the doctor. There was no change in her condition since she was healed at the complex," Blake said, with a hollow tone. "Speaking of which, we succeeded in our aim, sort of. Jethro is in the medical ward as well, thanks to Gabbie. How is everyone else?"


"Just hold on a little longer, Cassandra," Uniter said, as he tossed a used rifle into the now lifeless building. That hadn't been so bad. Now, for getting Cassandra out of here... "I'll handle it. Gatekeeper, are you busy?"

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"Understood." Isabella replied, before moving down from her vantage point, and moving to the main road, began approaching the entrance to the Weyland estate. Stopping just shy of the gate, she presumed a guardsman would move to speak with her any moment.

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"A number of members of our group went chasing after Hayato- they may or may not be safe. There's been no sign of Gar either," Veronika said with a sigh, although surprised and relieved that they managed to rescue Jethro somehow. "Are either of the Valcyns able to talk? I would like to speak with them."

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"I see... Like I said, there's been no change in Raquel's condition, so I doubt she's conscious," Blake said, looking down at the table. "Jethro might be able to talk, but he was severely injured last I saw him. You'd have to try the medical ward, though I'm assuming the doctor's still working on the two of them right now."

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"Hurry ... I'm so tired," Cassandra groaned as she ran, her motions becoming more and more sluggish. She'd been fleeing for half an hour, only stopping to try to slow Lilith and the pursuing soldiers down with gunfire. "I have to find a place to rest or I'll just collapse ..." That prophecy came true much sooner than she had expected. A slightly misstep as her strength began to wane caused her to topple over onto the ground. She didn't see it coming, nor did she react to the sudden and painful fall. She just lied there, panting heavily as her hair soaked up the water on the ground.

"It's about time she ran out of steam," Lilith muttered, taking off to try and close the distance from the air. I don't want to hurt her, but I will if she falls back on the emblem again. "Wait ..."


She slowly lifted her head up to see exactly who was talking to her. From the sound of things, he was standing right ahead of her. He was so close. Even as she looked up, she could see a pair of legs obscuring most of the world in front of her, and they themselves were partially covered by a cape and robes. The further up she looked, the more she recognized the man. His fierce red eyes were bearing down on her like a pair of angry stars, but his expression was something more like relief. "Samael?"

He knelt down and offered her his hand. "You didn't think I would actually abandon you here, did you?" As soon as she began to reach for his hand, he took her by the wrist and swiftly hauled her to her feet. "Let's be off, then."

"Oh no you don't," Lilith swung hard and Ascension came spinning at the two at terrifying speed. Even before Samael could warp them away, the legendary sword struck the ground right in front of them, showering them with stone and dirt, and interrupting the spell that would have whisked them away. Lilith quickly appeared, grabbing both of them by their collars through all of the debris and slamming them both down on their backs. Two ordinary humans in that position might have been in tears from such an impact, but Cassandra was only in enough pain to warrant a slight cringe, and Samael was merely irritated.

"Urgh ... quite the blunt instrument, aren't you?" Samael muttered, forcing a smirk.


"... I hope Weyland's healers know their stuff," Reign mumbled. Since Sandrock had actually wandered into her stall of her own volition, apparently wanting to sleep, that just left Riley, and the black horse stared at the two humans, his equine face, unreadable.


"Eh," Gabbie grimaced, "probably with the others who left." Connor apparently didn't hear about the incident at the cathedral earlier ... so he probably didn't need to hear about it now. At least not yet. He had enough reason to be upset with the dark vasilus and adding to it might only make matters worse. "Don't worry about her."


The guards weren't surprised to see another person showing up, not after the group returned from their mission. No, they were taken aback by this newcomer's attire and headpiece. "Can we help you, Miss?"

"A little late to be wandering these roads, isn't it?" the other asked, sounding more cautious about her.

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Erion sat up a little as Veronika entered the dining hall. "Not... not likely that Jethro'll be up fer talkin. He was beat up pretty bad by someone at the complex well as by Gabbie. Stupid. Went to that effort, almost got Raquel killed, an she just went an started kickin him and lettin her wyvern try an bite his arm off. Plus he's probably worried bout Raquel." He shrugged and took another drink. "Course, you're still gonna talk to him. Good luck and all that."


"Gatekeeper here. Not busy with anything that can't be put aside for now. What are my orders, Uniter?"

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"I wouldn't call it wandering... I'm looking to speak with Gabriella. She is here, is she not?" Isabella replied curtly, ignoring the guardsmen's wary gazes, for the moment.


"I suppose that's all we can bank on now, huh?" Faatina replied with a sigh, taking a look at Riley, Sandrock having already retreated to her stall.

"You always seem pretty wary around this one... he that bad? I know he gave Colin a bit of a beating but he was a stranger, after all..."

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"Veronika." started Robin, her voice a bit uneven. It had been a while since she had done what she was about to do, but it needed to be said. "Maybe we should look to get some more healers for our group, seeing how badly Raquel got hurt. If we end up on the go and someone else gets hurt as badly as we were just now we may, very well, lose a person or two. Maybe I am being overly worried considering what just happened, but it seems like a wise idea. After all, I do not wish Raquel to die."

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"You should see two disciple signatures, including myself, in the greater area. Take the one that's not me to Purgatory. Now," Uniter said, as he began to sprint towards the carnage. "Cassandra, just hold out for a few more seconds."


"I have no idea how she got him, since she wasn't apparently helping us out," Blake admitted, once Erion brought Gabbie into the conversation, albeit in a negative manner, "But she was kicking him in the head by the time we arrived. I think Samael had a go at him too, because of his arm burn."

Before much more could be said, Robin jumped in with a suggestion to getting more healers, considering... their injuries earlier? That didn't make sense unless she meant Raquel, but even then, he didn't forsee them getting into situations like that very often. Regardless, now wasn't the time to be worrying about things like that.

"We should probably deal with things like that later," Blake said, with a frown. "We're not likely going to have to fight for a few days, anyways."

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Dining Hall

"I'm not sure how we'd recruit more healers exactly. We've just been lucky enough to run into most members of our group thus far," Veronika responded to Robin. She supposed they could try recruiting mercenary healers somehow, but she didn't know where to look for such people.

"Gabbie attacked Jethro? That is...unfortunate. I would like to give him time to rest, but I do not know how long we will be staying here. It would be remiss of me not to speak to him at all," she said thoughtfully.


"Oh ok," Connor said, satisfied by Gabbie's answer. "So are we going to stay in the estate for a few days while Raquel gets better? I'd say we would be able to finish The Paladin, but we'll probably need some parts from headquarters..."

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'Well, if we're staying long enough for Raquel to recover, I'm sure you'll have more than enough time to talk to him," Blake said, avoiding eye contact. How long that would be, of course, was yet to be known.

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Informal Training

"Jethro didn't bother to train or geld this guy when he caught him ... figured it'd be a nice challenge or some insanity like that," Reign irritably explained. "He seems to be alright ... for a near wild horse with a mare always at his side, and maybe I'm just being paranoid ... but I'd still rather err on the side of caution than assume he won't ruin my day if I get too familiar. I also know for a fact he's attacked people before. I've got nothing to prove so I'm content just keeping my distance when I can."


"I dunno," Gabbie shrugged weakly. "Weyland wanted us to check somethin' out in the capital anyway, didn't he? We've got an excuse to go, but after what happened to Raquel, and the specialoized treatment she's gonna need, I'm not sure if they're really gonna be up for it. There's nothin' to do around here, though, and the 'skotians still have no idea they're about to get bowled over by the largest army they've ever seen. Honestly ... I think we should just let her recover here and get a move on. She's got what she wanted out of all this and without her around, we won't have to waste toime on missions loike this one or deal with the vasili every week."


"D.W.? Ooookay, things just got weird."

"Ignore him," the other guard muttered, "... mind if I ask what you want with her?"

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"Order received, heading out." The man stood, stretched, and grinned. Touching one of the large gems embedded in one of his bracelets, he disappeared and reappeared next to Cassandra, Samael, and Lilith. With a grin at the latter two, he reached out and grabbed onto Cassandra's wrist. "So sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid I have some urgent business to discuss with this lady. So if you two don't mind, we'll be heading out." With a cheeky two fingered salute to the two he was leaving behind, he activated his warp again, causing Cass and himself to disappear. When they reappeared, the two of them were in a dark version of the world they'd just left, with black skies overhead. "Right then. Where am I taking you now? Also, Uniter, I've got her."

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"That's just irresponsible... and he let his daughter around him?" Faatina replied with a troubled sigh.

"Well I certainly don't blame you for keeping your distance..."


"I'm looking to check and see if she and Jethro got back without consequence." Isabella replied. If this was where she took him to be treated, that meant they would have been expecting him already, even if not directly from her, considering the party they sent.

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Dining Hall

Veronika sighed and sat down. "Then I suppose I will just wait and hope for the best." It seemed a remarkably ineffective solution, but there was nothing she could stab to make Raquel's wound heal any faster.


"Oh right, the Lois Gizem kidnapping right? If the Organization is involved, she could end up making more advanced weaponry for them...which would make things more difficult for us going forward. It could be worth looking into, but I don't make the decisions around here," Connor said, shrugging.

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