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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Flight


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"I can deal with a broken leg. And we'll see how much I regret later," was what she left that at, taking her place behind both Angelica and Norbert. She sighed. Maybe fanning the flames wasn't the best idea right now, but she was rather frustrated, and keeping those feelings inside had proven more than difficult not moments before they were even fighting. Maybe there'll be a tree nearby when we get out, and I can swing at it a few times before we have to leave. I hate feeling like this...

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Hoshi cringed at the arguing, burying her head further into the shoulder of the wyvern rider holding her. Lumi, on the other hand, took a different approach. "Will you two stop bickering? Geeze, we're on the same side here, not that you could tell from the way you two are acting. Lets stop arguing and just let them do their jobs! If she says her wyvern will get her, then her wyvern will get her. I'd trust Star to catch me if I needed to, so maybe she's the same. But arguing about it's not going to do anything. So lets just go." She glared at both of them, the pain of her arm causing a bit of a temper to flare. She was ready to get out of there and get her shoulder back into its socket already.

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Wait, you said "groups." Just how small of groups were you talking about? Norbert would've asked that, but then the idiot with the big mouth began talking, getting into an argument with the woman who looked like she thought the was a doll or something. He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. We don't have time for this! To his relief, Lumi more or less expressed his thoughts for him. He didn't agree that the wyvern would get to her in time no matter what -- truthfully, he was worried about what distance from the ground Rizen would be appearing at, since if it was too close to the ground or at a weird angle, Rizen could hurt her legs -- but he just wanted to get to it now.

Still irritated from the arguing, he snapped, "Thank you, Lumi! Now that that's taken care of..." He returned his focus to the warpers and he climbed back into Rizen's saddle as well as he was able with the dimensions of the hall as it was. It also took a fair bit of focus to ignore the pain from his injuries. He'd just have to power through them, as usual. "Go ahead and warp us whenever you'd like. We'll catch whoever you send falling on top of us, but give us enough time to ferry them down between warps. Rizen won't be able to handle two people falling on her. That's why I think sending someone else who has a flying mount after me would go best. That way, we can increase the number of people per warp and get everyone out of here faster. You could also send the Avians after me since they can fly without anyone else's help."

He glanced over to Joanna and Liam after saying that, figuring Joanna, at least, wouldn't be able to do any catching of her own. He wondered if Liam would be able to, though. Norbert didn't feel like volunteering anyone else, though. If Liam wanted to help with catching people and setting them down gently, then he could offer his own services.

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Jam was shaken out of her depression as the three acolytes prepared them for warping. She was somewhat happy that they would take turns warping. She didn't want to end up as a Jamonorbertiangelicalumeina Petevalterizenadyahoshishadrakliamluther.

This was before Tia grasped onto her tightly. Though she didn't say anything, Jam didn't like the idea of becoming Jamtia anymore.

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"I suppose I could catch someone if they required my aid," Liam admitted, catching the hint from the pegasus rider. He supposed he would not be here without their help after all, and watching someone plummet to their death was...undesirable regardless.

"If ya fall fast enough, won't ya end up crushin' your wyvern or pegasus or whatever? Doesn't sound very safe- kinda like droppin' a rock off a buildin' onto someone's head," Nadya pointed out.

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These are people in charge of getting us out of here? They don’t seem too confident… Luther grimaced as the acolytes explained how they would be warped. He would end up being one of the last to be warped out regardless of the order since he didn’t have anything that might help break or slow a fall should the mages screw up. There was also the issue of how the group planned to flee Europa and in the event they were separated, there was a chance he wouldn't find out. He quietly approached Amon while the others debated the warping order. “Got a minute?” Luther lowered his voice as he addressed the Rexian.

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Warp Terminal One

"Yeah? What is it?" Amon replied.

"For crying out loud, it's the foundation," the (formerly) quiet acolyte growled through his teeth, insulted by all the arguing born of mostly useless precaution. "This cathedral's on a higher foundation than other buildings, or don't you people remember the stairs you took to get up here?! That's why there's a chance you could end up in the air or on a roof, and not even a good one! We've been practicing hard, okay?! Darn it ... one little warning and suddenly it's like we've never done this before." With his own venting mostly finished, he hung his head and began glaring at nothing.

"You could end up on a roof or in the air, though, that's a real thing," the female acolyte chimed in again matter of factly.

The first acolyte had been twirling his staff slower and slower as the argument ensued, not sure what to do until just now. He set the staff upright with its bottom touching the ground. "Well I'm sure I can get you guys on the ground so whoever's fine with going first just step into the glyph, heheh." And the glyph appeared, a glowing white, alien symbol with hundreds of strokes, right outside in the hall beneath Norbert and Rizen. There was barely any room for anyone else, but they could manage if they tried.

"Get Joanna out of here, first, please," Amon quickly asked Liam, turning away from Luther for a second to do so. At least if they got out of the building first then Joanna getting recaptured wasn't likely.

The Archives

Nyx smirked. "Bring me back something nice while you're out there, won't you?" It didn't seem like she was going to elaborate on that request, unfortunately.

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"Whatever, let's just get this over with." Angelica concluded with a sigh, as things began to move forward.


"Sure, I can do that... though I do wonder what a Goddess' pleasure might be... wine, spirits, perhaps a light lager... or maybe you're not the drinking type... chocolate?" Kit replied with a light smirk.

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While Liam did not appreciate taking orders from humans regarding Joanna's safety, he supposed the man had a fair point. Liam moved himself in front of the wind mage woman without words, disinterested in their argument about who should leave after the pegasus rider.

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Between Hoshi cowering and Lumi yelling, Eva realized it was time to stop adding fuel to that fire. With a disgruntled sigh, she managed to contain herself, and waited for the priority people to get warped. "Sorry, tiny mage." This frustration would have to wait until they were out of there and there wasn't anything she could do about that. That just makes it worse... Ugh.


"Uhm, uhm, Jam, you don't mind i-if I warp with you, right?" Tia asked, trying to hold onto herself lest she faint and have to get carried out of there. Whatever Jam's answer was, Tia's grip wasn't getting any less tight, for whatever her tiny girl grip was worth.

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Posted · Hidden by Balcerzak, August 25, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, August 25, 2014 - No reason given

umm may i ask if it is a custom game like other posted or just story to read? if its a custom game or a hack pls point me to the right direction for the link of the patch.... pls.... i love fire emblem and i finished most of the hacks already ...

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Norbert was glad to hear that Liam was both capable and willing to help with lowering people down. Hopefully, that'd speed up the process. From the sound of things, too, the issue with landing in the air wasn't actually the most likely. If there was any chance of it at all and they could do something about it, though, it made sense to take some precautions. They had the time for that much, at least. "Put us in the air or on the ground, as long as it's at a good angle. I don't need Rizen's legs getting messed up, and appearing in the air would save us on the energy needed for takeoff. Remember -- we just came from a fight. Whatever you need to do, though." I'll try to pick up anyone who's falling by flying at them and pulling them on. Getting under them would just be stupid.

When the glyph appeared, Rizen looked down at the light under her hooves curiously and a little worriedly. She was rather confined, so she probably couldn't get away from this thing, but it didn't seem entirely unfriendly. Not knowing what else to do, really, she unfurled her wings somewhat at the shoulders.

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"And here we go," the first acolyte said, confident the first batch would be alright. The light engulfed and carried everyone standing on the glyph away as an innumerable collection of light particles. Those quickly faded into nothing in front of everyone. "Okay ... yeah I'm still okay. It's someone else's turn though, just to be on the safe side. Strain can really creep up on you when you least expect it if you're not careful, heheh."

"At least you're not dark warping," the female offered before stepping forward with her staff. It was a dark warping staff, interestingly enough.

"You could have taken light like everyone else but you had to be a special dark snowflake," the first acolyte teased.

"I'm going next," Shadrak quickly chimed in as he stepped closer.

The Landing

Joanna had practically been asleep as her mind desperately tried to pull her away from the whole ordeal, but she came to quickly as they were warped and when she opened her eyes, they were outside in the middle of the street. People and some patrolmen, unaware of the situation at the cathedral, eyed them curiously as they appeared right in the middle of the road. "We're outside ..." she mused aloud. It was obvious, but for her it was more significant than that. The chances of anyone else having to die just so she could be free were much lower, now. She was almost beginning to feel better ... almost.

Picking Gifts

The goddess wasn't giving any hints, seeming content to let Kit mull things over herself. Nadine silently gestured at the fox woman, though, pointing out the enormous collection of books. While she wasn't absolutely certain of it, she had a good feeling that something that would always interest Nyx was information. It was still something of a long shot when considering how much she already knew, but Nadine wasn't even sure if Nyx ate or drank anything, while even mundane life stories seemed to at least be worth something to her. She'd apparently been in this room for centuries ... millennia, even.

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If they're doing multiple people at once... "Then I guess I will go second, too," Eva said, standing herself next to Shadrak. "<The sooner I get out of here, the better.> You can handle a group of four people, I'm sure. Your friend just warped a pegasus, after all." She didn't know what the implications of dark warping meant, but she really didn't care too much. The girl seemed confident of herself and that was all Eva needed at the moment. Whether or not she ended up on a room or not would remain to be seen.


Tia gulped once the first group had been warped out, and shook her head. "I-I'll wait, until he's feeling better." If she was going through with this, she was waiting until the professional was ready to go.

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"Let's just get this over with." Angelica murmured, as she stepped forward with the others who were to be sent on the second trip.


"Heehee... well, I suppose I'll come up with something." Kit replied, giving Nadine a wink before leaving... it was considerate of her to point it out, at least. Making her way towards the large doors, she stepped out into the main hall before warping out of the Cathedral.

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<"We're safe- for the moment. Is there anything I can get for you?"> Liam asked Joanna. Asking whether she was all right was rather pointless as the answer was obviously no.

Tia's statement drew Nadya's attention. Why is she travelin' with us? She wasn't welcome before and without her magic she's not any use to us. I'll mention somethin' to Amon or somebody later, she decided, though this was not the time to bring up the matter.

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As it turned out, they appeared on the ground. Rizen looked around in confusion, but she had a lot more room now, so she wasn't complaining. In fact, she spread and fanned her wings -- she didn't like being stuck with such little room to move around in. Liam started talking to Joanna in a language Norbert had never heard before...though the sounds were vaguely familiar. Maybe he had heard it before sometime in the past. Well, that didn't matter right now.

"We don't know when or where the others will start appearing," Norbert informed the Avians, "I'm heading up."

He almost added that Liam should follow since he volunteered to help, but one look at Joanna got him wondering if his going up right that second was really necessary. Bah, whatever. He was born with wings -- he knows better than I do how fast he can get to falling humans. With those thoughts, he had Rizen launch into the air and start circling and climbing. I just hope they don't send too many for us to catch. I doubt he can handle more than one and Riz is already carrying me, so I can only take on one more person.

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Hoshi just sat quietly on Eva's back, half wishing she could be set down already, half wishing she'd never come along the way. She perked up slightly when one of the warpers mentioned using dark magic, lifting her head to watch what the woman was doing.

Lumi meanwhile grimaced as she was forced to wait for another round of warping. Turning to Pete, she begged, "Please, can you just help me fix my arm now? We're waiting for them to warp us anyways."

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“Mind letting me hang around a little longer? It’ll be easier for me to escape with you guys than trying to get out on my own.” Luther paused as he looked over his shoulder to see that Norbert and the two avians had been warped out. Turning back toward Amon, the mercenary continued. “I’ll lend my services free of charge in the meantime. At the very least, I just need to get a good distance away from Europa.”. With any luck, he’d be able to stick around until then. As he concluded his offer, he briefly pondered how he was going to explain this to the boss. No doubt word of the jailbreak would reach him. He'd have to explain his involvement in this mess to Weyland after he was far away from the city. He's not going to like this at all...

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The first group had already been warped out, including Joanna, and Valter was anxious to get out of here. That there was no room left on the second trip wasn’t helping matters. He still had the self-control not to complain out loud about it, but he looked agitated all the same.

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Second Batch

"Okay, hang on to your butts," the girl warned before giving her staff a twirl like the first acolyte had. Her was more impromptu and less fluid than his, but she deserved some credit for not losing her grip on the thing during such a fast maneuver. "Aaand off you go!" A dark glyph appeared at their feet for only an instant before they were all pulled into nothingness and vanished.

Amon glanced back at the minor spectacle before answering Luther. "Yeah, sure," he nodded. There was nothing wrong with him tagging along as far as he was concerned, though the man mentioning working for free reminded him of some of the issues Raquel had to contend with as the defacto leader of her group. Amon wasn't looking forward to going through the same thing, but fortunately, he likely wouldn't have to. The only one that needed any hired help was Greta, so she would be paying for it, not him. He would have to keep track of who was working with whom, though, otherwise he might end up expecting more help than he would actually get in fights that didn't involve Greta.

"That was easy. Next up?"

Second Landing

Joanna was a little surprised at Liam; he was speaking quilesh to her. The memories of speaking it on a daily basis was nigh therapeutic. She shook her head gently at the actual question, however. <"I'll be fine ... and thank you.">

"Argh!" The familiar voice drew Joanna's eyes, and she looked over toward the source to find Shadrak hanging from a window sill up on the second floor of the face of the building on the right side of the road. The others weren't so lucky and appeared closer to the street, but at exactly the same height Shadrak had.

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Norbert was glad he'd already gotten into the air. What he wasn't glad for was... "WHAT IN MERCY'S NAME DO THOSE BUMBLING IDIOTS THINK THEY'RE DOING SENDING SO MANY DOWN ON US AT ONCE?!" Norbert exclaimed in a mixture of alarm and frustration, though it just sounded outright angry. Still, even as he was exclaiming this, he wasn't wasting any time.

The rider sped at Eva and Hoshi, hoping that the smaller of the two would be light enough that her weight wouldn't be much of a factor, leaving the doll mage to Liam. Shadrak would just have to hold on while they tried to rescue the ones who were actually falling. In the meantime, as he swooped by, Norbert snatched Eva up as well as he could. That is, wrapping his arm around her waist like a hook and holding her to his side to the best of his ability while guiding Rizen back towards the ground. He was trying to use the flight's momentum to keep her there so he wouldn't be fighting gravity, but even so, his side was screaming at him to stop. His face twisted in pain and he grit his teeth, but his eyes kept locked on the ground as they neared it. He had to focus on his goal: setting the two down safely. Otherwise, there was the danger of letting his pain get the better of him. Finally, he let Eva go once Rizen's hooves touched the ground. Rizen's landing didn't last long, however, as right afterwards, they took off again to retrieve the remaining group member. Norbert didn't pay the pair any more mind after that -- there were other priorities.

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And lo and behold, what had she said mere moments before? Here they now were, coming out of a warp from about the second story... atleast Norbert had been on the ball and had caught Eva and Hoshi... that just left Shadrak. With some light wind manipulation, Angelica catapulted herself to the man's side, breaking her speed just before reaching the building he was hanging off of, lightly grabbing hold of the same window sill he was attached to.

"Hold on tight, Shadrak... we're going down." She noted, before moving to grasp the druid instead, preparing to bring them both down to ground level.

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