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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Flight


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Lumi started to touch her hair before stopping, since the dye hadn't set yet. She smiled at Tia, and nodded. "It's still me, don't worry! I'm just wearing makeup, that's all. It'll come off when I get back. Though, the hair dye will take a bit longer to go away. Never been a red head before, should be fun!"

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The Wait

Greta sorely wished someone other than Lumi or anyone in her group had volunteered for the makeover, as she had to wait until it was finished. It was faster than a typical makeover, but not fast enough. "Can we go, now, please? We're just burnin' daylight." Furthermore, Shadrak had made it to the city's outer wall and was mixed in with others coming and going. That wasn't worth mentioning, but it did mean that they could have at least been that far by now. "Maybe I should've gone on ahead, after all ..."

Amon didn't really have an answer for Eva. As far as he could tell, it was a fourth or ... fifth power that was leagues more versatile than conventional magic. He supposed that meant Nyx didn't know exactly what it was, either, but that wasn't the sense he was getting from all these unsorted memories. Maybe once he figured out exactly how everything came together, he'd see it the way she did. Not being a mage definitely factored into his inability to interpret all of this in a meaningful way, so he was beginning to think that some lessons might be in order at some point, if only to give him a foundation to work from. "It's ... magic ... on a level all its own. That's the only way I can describe it at the moment," he eventually answered.

The Gate

Despite his earlier confidence in his hood being enough to keep the authorities from recognizing him, he was extremely uncomfortable weaving through the crowds around the gate. They weren't forming a line or being barred entrance, there were simply a lot of makeshift market stands and wagons set up as shops just outside the city. It seemed like some traveling merchants had set up stores here temporarily. Things became absolutely nerve racking as he approached the open northern gate and its slew of guardsmen. He tried to find others heading in that he could blend in with but for the moment, he seemed to be the only one approaching. "Maybe I should have waited for the others, after all," he muttered to himself. If there were wanted signs of the group, they would definitely be somewhere around this area, so he kept his eyes open for them. If he saw anyone who even slightly resembled him, he was going to make himself scarce, and quickly.

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“Yes, we can. We might also learn from each other as well,” Kimiko replied with a smile.

Greta was raring to leave, and the alchemist realized she may be left behind at this rate. Best to get moving. “I am also coming with you, Greta,” she called over. As soon as the merchant began heading out she would leave with them.


Angelica was apparently offering disguises in the form of make up, but Valter doubted it would help much with his predicament. Mismatched eyes were much harder to hide than other facial features.

When he looked back to Norbert the man was nodding. What he said, however… Valter couldn’t tell whether Bert was inventing an excuse for him or thought he knew what the horseman was up to. Either way, it wasn’t immediately registering what the man was getting at and the horseman briefly shot him a blank, questioning look before replying. “I am aware. I know how to avoid the guards. As for my appearance, though, this’ll have to do, he said and pulled up the hood. It hid most of his hair, at least.

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The look on Valter's face was a little confusing. It was one of those "what in Sardius are you talking about?" looks. Still the subject seemed to move on, and he supposed the hood would have to do.

"Well, good luck in there." Norbert didn't want to take up any more of the horseman's time, but by now he, himself was thoroughly confused, and it was plain on his face.

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"So you don't really know?" she asked, as he answered, at length. That didn't make that much sense to Eva. Why would you want something so badly, but not really know how it works? "Why do you want it then?" she then asked, deciding to speak her mind. Maybe he was getting it for someone... "Sorry for asking. I wasn't all that into the debrief for this mission... Sort of just came along, haha." It was a bit awkward that she didn't know why she was there, aside from personal reasons. But Amon seemed like an alright guy. He probably wouldn't get mad over it.

Tia continue to stare at Lumi, still ridiculously surprised by the change. She was almost tempted to ask Angelica to give her a change as well, had Greta not been antsy to speed things up. She took a step back so she didn't get in the way of anyone. "Don't worry, Lumi. Being a red head is fun, most of the time!" Just, shockingly awful for all the others.

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Because Reasons

It was almost funny how often people followed the carriers of emblem pieces around out of sheer boredom or for other tangentially related reasons, but this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Amon realized. He could only imagine the levels of distrust and eventual backstabbing that would be consuming the group if its members consisted of nothing but people like Liam, carrier guardians, Malik, people with a mission related to the emblem, and Shadrak, the emphatically curious.

"You don't always need to know exactly what something is to get some use out of it ..." Amon replied, "but you're right, it's for someone else."

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People were busy fiddlin' about with disguises- Nadya supposed it couldn't hurt, but a quick story could make up for their appearance possibly being recognized and an obvious disguise just made one more suspicious. "Maybe ya should stay back at the wagon Tia, read a book or whatever it is that ya do," Nadya suggested bluntly.

Raquel is supposedly a nice person, but is she able to be trusted with the power of the emblem? Hard to judge from here. "You also don't have to know exactly what something is to know whose hands it shouldn't fall into," Liam chimed into Amon's conversation. "Why do you think Lady Aisha should have a piece of the emblem?" he asked the Rexian, turning towards him.

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That was quick. "No, I suppose not. I'm pretty sure even I could use something like that. Not that I have any want for it, just saying. And thanks Liam, you answered my next question. Who is this Lady Aisha, though?" She wasn't sure she'd heard the name, or at least if she had, it'd disappeared in her head a while ago. "You're right, though, Liam. Even if I can't get to know exactly how it works, it'd be easy to abuse magic like the emblem."

Tia looked at Nadya, without much of an expression. "No. I'm going into town. If I spend one more minute in that wagon I'll go stir crazy. I need to get my mind off of endless roads and slow moving wheels." She wasn't going to address much more than that. She was going in, and that was that.

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Lumi shrugged. "Ready when you are." She figured that black pegasi were rare enough that a black pegasus with a blue haired rider would have possibly drawn attention, so she was happy with the disguise she'd received. "Thanks Angel! It all looks great!" She whistled for Star to follow and headed towards Greta.

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As much as Angelica wanted to cringe at the liberal application of that name... especially with the impressionable youths not too far away, she supposed she could let it slide this time around. Walking over to Greta, the adept handed the merchant a small sack of gold coins.

"While you're doing your shopping, think you could pick me up some more cosmetics and things? I'm kind of running low, myself."

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Figuring it was only a matter of time before Malik caught wind of the discussion and inserted himself, Amon tried to strike a precarious balance between aggression and friendliness, hoping to smooth things over without letting his queen become yet another person on par with the average criminal. At least as far as the emblem was concerned. It went a little something like this ... "Because she wants it. It's not my place to decide whether or not she's worthy of it; I'm just her servant," he explained, smiling faintly through much of it, "it's my job to deliver one to her and trust in her intentions after that. She hasn't given me any reason to worry." Hopefully the brief explanation would address Eva's question, too, somewhat.

"Cosmewhat, now?" Greta replied. She managed to accept the gold just fine, but what she was asked to do with it ... "You wanna try makin' a detailed shoppin' list, Angelica? I haven't seen a makeup collection since Ma passed. It's not really my thing ..." She would have rather told Angelica to just tag along, but she figured she would have if not for the cathedral incident.

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"A list, huh? Sure, give me a second and I can do that." Angelica replied, taking a moment to write out a list of what she was looking for, along with where she usually bought it when she was in the area.

"Here it is. I noted where I usually pick the stuff up, if you can't find it while you're about."

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"Well try to keep your trap shut while we're there, we are tryin' not to get killed here," Nadya advised to Tia. Not being the group leader, she couldn't exactly command Tia not to go.

"That is...understandable, but I am not sure I can support it. My mission is to keep Joanna's emblem piece in her possession, but I do not know if my duty extends to all the emblem pieces," Liam said, frowning.

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Casualty List and Shopping List

"Well ... if it is, you should just let it go," Amon advised. "I don't think anyone was able to keep count of how many people died trying to steal Raquel's piece from her. She's a kind person, but the others and I didn't always have the luxury of taking captives. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing starts happening here. Joanna's a kind person, too ..."

What is all this for? Just disguises? Greta mused after giving the list a quick once over. "Wish ya would just put your hair up and come with us, but alright. We'll be back as soon as we can."

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Seems serious. "This, uh, this Aisha, is she another, like, Vasilus, or something? Or just someone you work for...?" She didn't get that part, but if Amon didn't answer, it probably wasn't an important detail. "As long as you know she isn't going to do what you figured the Wrathites were going to do, with it." Then Liam spoke up about being Joanna's protector. Wonder what he'll do if she wants to give it up, but... Joanna didn't seem that keen on it, the other night. And on top of that, there was even talk of how many people died to get Raquel's. "This is... A lot more serious than I ever thought, isn't it?"

"How rude," Tia grumbled, ignoring Nadya further and walking over near Greta. Where does she get off? Whatever... I mean, I guess I ran my mouth to that mercenary hunter guy, but, he didn't seem bad. I don't think it'd be a big deal to do it to someone nice, here. Maybe they'd sympathize, and help, or something! Ugh...

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"Well, I'm just not sure... that's one other thing I wanted to ask you, Greta. I want you to check up on the wanted posters... see, I was... an acquaintance of Prince Athrun... and he was there, when it happened. I don't know if that makes me the most well known of us all, or the least... he seemed like he wanted me to run and leave this behind, but I don't know if that means he spared my identity for searching... it's kind of nerve-wracking having no idea." Angelica replied.

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"I guess so," Amon shrugged lightly. The further from Ursium one got, the more often the term 'god' referred to what was technically a vasilus, and somewhere inbetween Ursium and more remote places, the two terms were interchangeable. If there was a more tangible difference between the two, he didn't fully grasp it, yet.

"Angelica, if you were seen with the prince himself, there I doubt he can protect your identity," Greta grimly warned, "well ... at least not your face. You'd best just put this makeup to good use when we get back, because he's just gonna look suspicious tryin' to cover for ya. I'll check to see if any of ya made the list and let ya know but I'm almost positive you are, Angelica."

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"Well, that's the thing... I met the Prince beforehand... yes, he saw me there, but other people who did among the fighting were scarce... I know it's a long shot, and that's why I'm not going into town myself. Maybe a part of me still wants to believe in him, silly as it may be. Well, don't you worry about me too much, just check for me if you get the chance." Angelica replied with a smile, though it was decidedly solemn... even her usual façade wasn't quite up to par at the moment, it seemed.

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Well, now Bert looked to be the one confused. The horseman would explain when he got back, probably. For now Valter was going to try to finish is business as quickly as possible. Taking Phyllis’s reins, he led the horse over to Nadya to hand her off. “Please keep a good eye on her,” he said.


Kimiko had taken out her list of supplies as she walked towards Greta. She had intended to ask if others could help keep an eye out for some of the materials, but when she saw Angelica hand over her own list the alchemist thought it might be a bit much to ask more of Greta. “Erm…” What was this about the prince? She’d gathered from what she’d heard that the list was make up. “If you do not mind, I could help look for some of your items,” she said.

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Alphonse HAD been enjoying a damn good nap, but those things never last for very long. All the hubub woke him up, listening for a few minutes before stretching out. "So, what all am I carrying, how long am I carrying it for, who else is carrying stuff, and how likely is it I'm going to have to kill people by the end of today, because to be frank, I'm on a pretty good streak so far."

Someone rather liked their naps it seems....

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"You all sure love dealing with Vasilus..." Eva said with a bit of a sigh. It wasn't her business, but Nyx had been absolutely terrifying to be near. "They aren't all like Nyx, right?" she asked, looking between Amon and Liam. "What about you, Liam?" she asked, resting her gaze on him, finally. "You ever have to deal with one? Or, like, meet one, at least. I guess deal with isn't reserved for all of them."

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"Star and I are helping to carry things! Tia's coming to, so she'll be carrying some stuff too, right Tia?" She grinned at the small girl. "As for what," she shrugged. "Supplies and stuff. Also apparently makeup stuff for Angel."

Hoshi was watching everything that was going on, not planning on going into town herself, but wanting to make sure that things were going smoothly. She wasn't entirely happy about some of the people who were going in, but didn't feel strongly enough about it to speak up.

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Liam thought about what Amon had to say, saying nothing for a short while. Perhaps I have my hands full enough protecting Joanna- the fate of the other emblem pieces may be out of my hands. "Lady Isolde and Lord Luminous have watched over Aquila for quite some time and I recently met Lady Lilith and Lord Griffin. Vasili are very different- Lady Isolde and Lord Luminous protect and guide us and ask for nothing in return. Lady Nyx is not quite so benevolent I hear, but she is not the worst of them. Are vasili not a common topic of education among humans?" he asked Eva.

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Eva listened in, nodding along. They sounded entirely different from Nyx; like 'Vasilus' was just some moniker, to blanket them together. And there was worse than her? While Nyx had been terrifying, she mostly seemed playful in her power. If there was a Vasilus out there bent on destruction or harm without any restraint in their minds, Eva would make sure to steer clear. "Maybe for some-- the term isn't lost on me, or anything. But, my life growing up was family time, blacksmithing, and learning how to ride a Wyvern. I... Admittedly, didn't get out much. Probably only learned the term from a book at home. Hah..." It was oddly embarrassing to admit, like that. Perhaps it was because, in the presence of so many others that knew what was going on, Eva finally realized how out of the loop she'd been.

"Oh, uh, sure. I suppose I can. I'm not exactly fit, though..." Tia recalled how, even running away from the prince at the cathedral, she'd lost her breath. She needed to work on that if she had any hopes of fighting up close. Lumi will have to teach me how to train my stamina... I hope we can all get some free time to do what we want, soon.

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