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Leif's Journey On The FE4 Maps


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I'm sure playing Thracia you noticed the map leading up to Mease was similar to Holy War or Altena opting not to attack Manster was an almost word for word retelling in Thracia. Well here's an interesting video that tracks Leif's path across the FE4 Maps to see what villages could correspond to chapters in Thracia. Pretty interesting in my opinion. I never associated the cluster of villages in chapter 9 with Tahra though it makes a lot of sense with that assumption in mind.

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Yeah, i saw that a while back. Tharia being the clump of villages makes sense than it being retconed from the ether, although i supose you could say that it is in the blank patch.

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Should be heavenly Marty and hellish Mareeta. Swordgirls are overrated.

I never really did the whole process myself but it was rather easy to think about. Chapter 8-13's a bit iffy within the mountains thanks to the lack of details in the original FE4.

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One thing I'm kind of surprised they didn't include in Thracia was the second attack on Lenster. Faval, Ishtar and the three mage sisters all attack Lenster in Holy War at the start of Chapter 8 while Celice is still stuck defending Alster. It would have been a good point to introduce Delmud as a character along with Patty to recruit Faval. It could all have been done in one chapter, would have really solidified the whole playing part of Holy War and having another Holy Weapon user would have helped Leif's Holy Weapon envy coming less out of no where too.

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Well, there are some unused mugshost in the game from other FE4 characters, so there was probably something planned for more story. I thought there were Patty and Faval mugshots, but turns out I was thinking of the binary hack :/

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Well, there are some unused mugshost in the game from other FE4 characters, so there was probably something planned for more story. I thought there were Patty and Faval mugshots, but turns out I was thinking of the binary hack :/

They had Arthur, Janne, Daisy, Asaello, and some green-haired girl that might've been Femina. Odd mix.

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Janne, Daisy, and Asaello all are relevant to the area FE5 is interested in, so that's not a stretch, and we already know the substitutes exist alongside the standard second generation as canon. Arthur could've had some relationship to the plot, especially if the green haired girl was the substitute daughter of Fury.

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Janne, Daisy, and Asaello all are relevant to the area FE5 is interested in, so that's not a stretch, and we already know the substitutes exist alongside the standard second generation as canon. Arthur could've had some relationship to the plot, especially if the green haired girl was the substitute daughter of Fury.

Out of curiosity, what's you source on that? I've been wondering about this question for some time.

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Out of curiosity, what's you source on that? I've been wondering about this question for some time.

I was just about the ask the same thing until you ninja'd me.

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VincentASM, from when he mentioned the mugshots years and years ago. You should be able to load them in the game yourself. Several Japanese hacks also use the Arthur and co's unused mugs in their projects.

Oh, unless you mean the substitute canon thing. I forget where, but Vincent prolly remembers. It might have been in some of those forum posts by that Kaga guy, or in some interviews. I think one of these also explained that some gen1 characters survived in the second gen, or were turned to stone, and not necessarily all were executed. Some sub parents also fraught for Sigurd apparently.

Edited by Celice
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VincentASM, from when he mentioned the mugshots years and years ago. You should be able to load them in the game yourself. Several Japanese hacks also use the Arthur and co's unused mugs in their projects.

Oh, unless you mean the substitute canon thing. I forget where, but Vincent prolly remembers. It might have been in some of those forum posts by that Kaga guy, or in some interviews. I think one of these also explained that some gen1 characters survived in the second gen, or were turned to stone, and not necessarily all were executed. Some sub parents also fraught for Sigurd apparently.

I always fook the amid/linda conversation from the final chapter of fe4 to imply that they were not in your army if tiltyu had kids:


Linda, we're getting pretty close to mother's homeland.


Yeah... I wish I could be happier about it. What're you thinking?


I've resented the Freeges since the day they took you and mother away from me.

I can't tell you how much I've wanted to smash their skulls in...


Hey Amid, what made mum defect Freege and join Sigurd's army?


She joined because her sister died fighting for Sigurd's army. The two were real close.


She was our aunt, huh...


Yeah. I think her name was Tiltyu.


She died in battle... How sad...

Amid/linda are only in this army because there mother was, which only happened because tiltu died pre battle of brahara. Obviously, if arthur and tinny exist, then that did not happen, so they never had the motive to join the revolutionary army, although they probably exist somewhere in the world. As for the other kids, who knows?

Edited by sirmola
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I always fook the amid/linda conversation from the final chapter of fe4 to imply that they were not in your army if tiltyu had kids:

Amid/linda are only in this army because there mother was, which only happened because tiltu died pre battle of brahara. Obviously, if arthur and tinny exist, then that did not happen, so they never had the motive to join the revolutionary army, although they probably exist somewhere in the world. As for the other kids, who knows?

That just really confirms Tiltyu still exists even if she dies. The replacement characters would need to be referred to even if they aren't used in the game for them to be confirmed to exist in the same canon. Like if Arthur and Tinny mentioned they had some cousins who weren't complete ass holes. It is possible all the replacement characters do still exist in cannon and are just wandering the world fighting battles but they also could just be non canon replacement units like the ones you get in Shadow Dragon.

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