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Help with Melee


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Argh. I've been trying at the later event matches for a long time and can never seem to beat them, if just because they're set on the harder difficulties. Also, the unlock conditions for Dream Land/Final Destination/Kongo Jungle seem a bit... extreme. At least Yoshi's Story N64 is doable. I'm having trouble with a number of target tests even.

Am I just really bad?
I mean, Mewtwo Strikes and Fire Emblem Pride are the only two of the last 20 matches I've beaten. Melee had a lot of difficultly that seems unfair. Brawl's gameplay was less fun, but you could pick difficulties that weren't intense for the last few events >_>.

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This may not be what you want to hear, but you have to play, practice, and keep trying. That's the best way to improve at Smash. Also which character do you use? I may be able to give more tips based on your character.

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I've been practicing for the past few days, but "Pikachu and Pichu" in particular is an awful event out of the ones I'm trying.

I play Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Ness mainly. I can use Roy, but not as much as them.

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In an event like that Link is a pretty good choice. He can tank some damage and separate your foes. His Up B on the ground hits all around if you're surrounded. Also if you use it by the edge as an opponent tries to recover, the underside of the spin attack shoots them at a deadly angle. You can also work at keeping opponents at bay with your projectiles. At close range the boomerang can actually link into a forward smash or possibly your Up B. Also, down throw into Up B works.

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Pikachu and pichu event is a bitch. Just keep trying... That's all I can say for that.

Kongo jungle: spam donkey kong's down b for 15 minutes. Just watch out for bombs.

Target test: google. Seriously, this got me through young link's.

Event 51: LEDGE STALL. Everybody will jump off and die.

BTW I did all the events with pichu so it's completely possible.

Edited by Comet
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lol you can just ledge stall event 51? that's hilarious. Along time ago I would just use jiggly and rest giga bowser off, and then fight the other two.

yeah. It would probably be really easy if you could do the hax dash (wavedash off the ledge, then back on, while keeping invincibility), but if you're that good, I don't think event 51 is a problem lol. Or you could learn sheik or mewtwo's up b stall.
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i know this game well so i'm going to give you a little faq for how i handled them. ready?

30 All-Star Match 3

use a heavy hitter like ganondorf because these guys are all low weights without very high speed..
31 Mario Bros. Madness

not sure what to say about this other than focus on luigi, because he is a total idiot in melee x3
32 Target Acquired

maybe let the arwings get the first few hits on jigglypuff? you don't want to be the one to start hurting her and then have the arwings steal the kills.
33 Lethal Marathon

it's hard to specifially tell you how to handle this because i don't have the game right now, so get yourself used to the high speed controls, and watch a video to help you plan out where you make stops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAcG32ZzPoA
34 Seven Years

this is an easy one, but since you have trouble i guess you aren't very familiar with young link? with young links right smash, press a again after the first slash to do another slash. with young link the second slash is stronger so that can trip players up a bit at first since his first slash has almost no knockback. just chuck bombs at old link too because the bombs are an awesome projectile.
35 Time For a Checkup

this is, in my opinion, the hardest event match there ever was...i might just be really bad with luigi? i can't stop peach from kicking my butt! since peach is tougher, focus on mario so she can't capitalize on you as much while mario is busy chucking pills at you. luigi's up b attack is your friend, since it's super powerful if you touch someone as the attack starts.
36 Space Travelers

you might need to practice with ness some more on this one. i'm not sure what else to say...but ness' down hair is a really helpful attack, and a spike.
37 Legendary Pokémon

just focus on offing jigglypuff first, since she really is the biggest threat. i don't recommend a light character save for maybe jigglypuff herself since she's good in the air.
38 Super Mario Bros. 2

just ignore luigi. he's really stupid.
39 Jigglypuff Live!

1. grab

2. control stick up

3. ???

4. profit!
40 All-Star Match 4

i think you should just use your best character for this? idk
41 En Garde!

you have trouble with this? try to really take advantage of how good marth's down air spike is. remember that marth's sword is strongest at the tip, too. not melee range.
42 Trouble King 2

the easiest way is to try to fake out bowser into killing himself. dumb ai is your friend.
43 Birds of Prey

just play keep-away. captain falcon is going to be more aggressive; warning. punish them for their attacks, since you have to be careful not to die to the stage.
44 Mewtwo Strikes!

this event is hard....how did you do it? i don't even have any advice lol. a guide says to keep restarting until you get a homerun bat to instakill mewtwo with.
45 Game and Watch Forever!

try to off them as soon as they get on screen with a heavy hit before they can react.
46 Fire Emblem Pride

this is an easy one that you've already beaten.
47 Trophy Tussle 3

for some reason, i had trouble with this one until i noticed that adult link dominates this event. just stand in the middle, and keep doing side smashes and tapping the shield button with you get knocked down so you get up instantly and you should be fine.
48 Pikachu and Pichu

this one is terrible. use someone that can take a lot of punishment and still hit heavy, like ganondorf. really useful guy.
49 All-Star Match Deluxe

again, i'm not sure how to help you...use your best.
50 Final Destination Match

i find that yoshi is the best character for this event because his down air attack reliably deals the most damage. you'll get better at surviving as you learn the attack patterns.
51 The Showdown

to this day, i have never beaten this event without jigglypuff without having to rely on dumb luck. jigglypuff's down+b attack is strong, but only hits if you're very close. giga's bowser's enormous hitbox makes it easy to use it on him, and the attack will always kill him in 2-3 hits. that's 2 if the second hit is near the ledge he flies from. after that, be careful with ganondorf. punish ganondorf with he attacks since he's a powerful idiot. jump=>down air=>rest is effective when you get the hang of it, and keep in mind jigglypuff's smashes are pretty good and she has a very easy time moving in the air.

and done! i really love this game...

Edited by xXHoshiiHeartXx
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Ugh, Pikachu and Pichu. The nightmares never stop.

I don't remember how I beat that one, but the CPU have extreme flaws that can be taken full advantage of.

For 50, I just used Ganon and Up Smashed, I sincerely believe it is the best and fasted strategy.

For 51, I used Jiggz, Rest Bowser first, he should be gone within the first minute. Then for the other 2, I just rolled out until they died.

For Pikachu and Pichu, well, good luck finding a strat.

(This was when I was a kid, but I'm sure I'm better than I was 13 years ago... but I can't even play 1p mode now >_<. Lack of c-stick makes the game ultra hard mode.)

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This could easily sound like some very dick advice? Because "get good with Captain Falcon" probably isn't what I'd want to hear if I were in your situation. But I'm totally serious.

If you use can learn to l-cancel, even moreso if you can learn to dashdance, Captain Falcon's dair, knee and uair are basically made to destroy opponents in situations where they've left themselves open for punishment. If you can do both that and learn what tics high level CPUs have that make them open to punishment (for example, level 9 Ganondorfs tend to upB as an antiair technique, which is very exploitable), you'll be able to put it all together and make the event matches look like jokes eventually.

In events where you can't use Falcon, take what you've learned from the ones where you can; lcancel well, and wait for/provoke the CPU to leave itself open, then punish it hard with your easiest setups. (Falcon's dair > knee is an example of a simple one) You'll find them falling on your sword soon enough

Edited by Rehab
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Thank you all for your help. My family has had Melee for about 12 years, and we still don't have everything. I don't have Melee with me, but I'll try when I get back home.

I've been practicing basic techniques and when to use them like Air Dodges, rolls, or dodges. I'm going to try to learn more advanced techniques soon, but that'd probably destroy my family lol.

Hoshi, that is a really good guide. I beat Mewtwo Strikes by luck. He just ended up being knocked off in a way where he couldn't get back on.

Captain Falcon also seems godly when you have full master of the game. dat knee

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