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Do you like the Avatar as a character?

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Micaiah being a Sue is a debate that always ends in "SHE'S NOT A SUE SHE IS RUTHLESS AND FLAWED" or "SHE IS A SUE SHE IS PERFECT AND AWESOME" and go on forever.

Avatar debates don't last long, and the final consensus of many seems to be "Oh God, what a Mary Sue".

I don't want to be a blunt asshole but who states that the Avatar isn't perfect isn't exactly playing the game I played.

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I don't really mind how Robin is portrayed in the game. The mary-sue traits apparent but they don't bother me that much. Although, it might have helped that I pretty much made my firs avatar look like Reiner from Attack on titan, so I was kinda was imagining his personailty over the actual one XD

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Micaiah being a Sue is a debate that always ends in "SHE'S NOT A SUE SHE IS RUTHLESS AND FLAWED" or "SHE IS A SUE SHE IS PERFECT AND AWESOME" and go on forever.

And Ike being a Stu is a debate that always ends up "HE STOLE MICAIAH'S SPOTLIGHT" and "HE IS NOT A STU, PATH OF RADIANCE EXISTS!!" xP

I can't say I agree with BrightBow's post though. A lot of those issues should really be blamed on bad story telling rather than the Avatar, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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Brilliant all rounded stat unit and a somewhat kind personality.

Brilliant all rounded stat unit and a somewhat kind personality.

I'm rewriting that, they have an interesting personality and portray themselves to be kind around other people and they somehow make themselves awkward to be around during some supports but I still like her/him seeing as my main OTP features the female avatar.

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I like having a customizable character. I don't think the writing on this one in particular was great, but it never really bothered me. So at the end of the day, I would say I like her.

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Micaiah being a Sue is a debate that always ends in "SHE'S NOT A SUE SHE IS RUTHLESS AND FLAWED" or "SHE IS A SUE SHE IS PERFECT AND AWESOME" and go on forever.

Avatar debates don't last long, and the final consensus of many seems to be "Oh God, what a Mary Sue".

I don't want to be a blunt asshole but who states that the Avatar isn't perfect isn't exactly playing the game I played.

There isn't really a debate though. There are two types of people. Those who realise that all of Micaiah's Mary Sue-esque qualities are subverted (brutally at times) and those who are wrong. :p

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Micaiah being a Sue is a debate that always ends in "SHE'S NOT A SUE SHE IS RUTHLESS AND FLAWED" or "SHE IS A SUE SHE IS PERFECT AND AWESOME" and go on forever.

Avatar debates don't last long, and the final consensus of many seems to be "Oh God, what a Mary Sue".

I don't want to be a blunt asshole but who states that the Avatar isn't perfect isn't exactly playing the game I played.

Eh, back when I first became aware of the term Mary Sue, it didn't mean a character was objectively perfect, it meant the author/narrator was pulling whatever kind of stunts they had to so that the character was never presented as wrong or at fault. The "flaws" that were supposed to be flaws were creampuff things with no impact and the things Mary Sue and Gary Stu did that were awful were somehow always justified. I like that criteria a hell of a lot better than whatever conception of the Mary Sue is floating around today. In FE terms, I'd say FE3 Marth has some classic Sue traits, not because he's a chosen savior but because whenever he starts taking himself to task for the mess of a war he's in, Jagen or someone else steps in and goes "No no no, you're wonderful and everyone else is to blame." THAT sort of thing.

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Eh, back when I first became aware of the term Mary Sue, it didn't mean a character was objectively perfect, it meant the author/narrator was pulling whatever kind of stunts they had to so that the character was never presented as wrong or at fault. The "flaws" that were supposed to be flaws were creampuff things with no impact and the things Mary Sue and Gary Stu did that were awful were somehow always justified. I like that criteria a hell of a lot better than whatever conception of the Mary Sue is floating around today. In FE terms, I'd say FE3 Marth has some classic Sue traits, not because he's a chosen savior but because whenever he starts taking himself to task for the mess of a war he's in, Jagen or someone else steps in and goes "No no no, you're wonderful and everyone else is to blame." THAT sort of thing.

Going by that criteria, and considering all the stuff BrightBow and Irsya have said, Micaiah does seem to be a Sue anyways.

While the "Daein populace cares nothing about their king" angle is shown, they never utilize it, to the point where no one ever asks about Pelleas after his death in 3-13. Not to mention that if Micaiah was really humble, then she wouldn't let herself take over as queen, though Pelleas was probably in the right for abdicating the throne to her. Therefore, it feels like a weakness that the story is embarrassed about, but refuses to rectify it.

Also, and this is a big one, if I were Ike and/or Tibarn, if someone were to burn alive approximately two-thirds of my entire army, and then make an attempt to gun down the Empress of the continent herself, I'd just kill them. No shenanigans like faking Sothe's death, or asking Tauroneo to talk sense into her. Negotiations kinda don't work if they've happened after willingly murdering 10,000 soldiers in a manner befitting war crimes.

Finally, if the Begnion Senate really was dickish enough to force a neutral country into an unrighteous war to exterminate an entire species, what would make you think they wouldn't kill you if you won anyways? If you had strength enough to slaughter all laguz, the Senate would obviously decide they weren't worth hanging around as a potential rebel. Thus they'd enact the blood pact, and then after a few months, stage their own invasion, and before you know it, Lekain rules over the entire continent without any opposition. Thus the blood pact was REALLY not worth that much as blackmail when Daein could've instead staged a blitzkrieg on Sienne.

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I like having a customizable character. I don't think the writing on this one in particular was great, but it never really bothered me. So at the end of the day, I would say I like her.

i would say that this describes my feelings towards paul to the letter except for the pronoun at the end that i don't feel like fixing

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On the topic of story relevance, I agree they had too much importance to the story. I wish they just stayed a unit Chrom found and was a regular ol' member of the shepherds and was treated like all the other characters. They could have kept the ties to Grima thing but kept it on the downlow. Getting tired of the whole asskissing the self-insert thing.

Personality wise they were okay. Pretty much the generic tactician character.

Edited by Alertcircuit
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FE13 avatar: yes. I like his personality, he's likeable in general.

FE12 avatar: hell no. He's just SO boring, and every conversation in the game is about how he loves Marth and wants to protect him.

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I think it might depend quite a bit on how you made your avatar look on your first run. My first run avatar was a build 3, tall, samurai looking dude who really fit the role of a disciplined tactician who was smart enough to sling magic and be able to defend himself with a sword up close, and at least to me his personality throughout the game and facial expressions really matched up to everything he said and his calculating but always relaxed demeanor and I liked him a lot as a character.

On my second playthrough I made a female MU... And I don't think her personality fit nearly as much with her looks that time around and didn't care for her as much (though I already knew what all the lines were), and I kept thinking back to my first avatar and how it fit him so much better and that he'll always be the real avatar to me.

Currently I'm doing generic Robin featured in SSB4, which is probably the most canon and what this thread should probably be based off of and I think it's just okay. Not as good previous ones but not terrible, though he does feel kinda bland and boring with a lot of his lines, while some make the same line much more fitting and interesting. Guess it's all in the face.

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I feel like Robin is.. Like getting your fortune told. Everything is indeed very generic, but I think that's the charm of the character. In whatever he or she does, you can see a part of yourself back in him or her. The choices he or she makes may not always be what you would want. But that's what in life too, you regret some deciscions, and I think that in their unique way, Robin has something for most people.

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Posted · Hidden by Integrity, July 30, 2014 - spam
Hidden by Integrity, July 30, 2014 - spam

I feel like Robin is.. Like getting your fortune told. Everything is indeed very generic, but I think that's the charm of the character. In whatever he or she does, you can see a part of yourself back in him or her. The choices he or she makes may not always be what you would want. But that's what in life too, you regret some deciscions, and I think that in their unique way, Robin has something for most people.

Welcome to 4chan Serenesforest, Traveling_Merchant. Hope you enjoy your stay.

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