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Y'all silly I think it was rather obvious that it wouldn't have as many characters as the latest Dynasty Warriors games.

15 is a little low, but what can you do?

Edited by Tryhard
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I was hoping for hidden characters that weren't revealed (like the characters I wanted for instance). :(

But oh well, it looks like an amazing game anyway and I can't wait to try Ghirahim. ^^

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Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper was the last Warriors game I played. That has somewhere around 130+ characters. Get on my level.

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My most recent was Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate...

Some of you guys are bummed about the roster size?

The first Samurai Warriors game had 15 as well...

But this game makes up for a small roster with different weapons for each character so I say, it's almost a fair trade.

And it's the first HW game, so they have to be a little cautious about it, I'd say.

Edited by Soledai
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I'm still not entirely sure if i'll go for the scarf. Its awesome of course, but its also 79 euro and my wallet thinks that is less awesome.

A little dissapointed about the amount of characters and the fact that only a few characters get second movesets, but its not a huge deal to me. The characters we did get where awesome and Koei will support the game for a good while longer.

Edited by Sasori
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I'm not surprised, KT is becoming rather engrossed in DLC, if that's what you meant.

Character DLC is certainly a possibility, they've done it with DoA, so there's the possibility, though I would prefer stages and weapons(somewhat) as DLC.

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I'm actually quite disappointed with that roster size, especially since characters like Agatha and Fi are taking the place of characters like Groose, Skull Kid, Ravio, or the potential joke character of Error. I kind of felt this would be like the ultimate Zelda game crossover of all the games, but it's really only the most popular three, TP, SS and OoT, with a couple of nods to the next most popular, MM and WW. Games like Zelda 2, Awakening, Phantom/Spirit, or even Link to the Past don't get any representation as far as I know.

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I doubt we're getting any DLC for characters other than Cia, Valga, and Wizro.

[spoiler=Major story spoilers! Don't click if you want to go in spoiler free]Actually Cia might be a moveset for Lana. It's revealed that Cia and Lana were once the same person, and at the end, Lana becomes wielder of the Triforce of Power, like how Cia wields it throughout the game.

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characters like Agatha and Fi are taking the place of characters like Groose, Skull Kid, Ravio, or the potential joke character of Error.

I'm one hundred percent sure that Agatha is the joke character of this game.

Games like Zelda 2, Awakening, Phantom/Spirit, or even Link to the Past don't get any representation as far as I know.

Most of those don't have any memorable side characters or set pieces.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Did you seriously just say that Link to the Past, Awakening and Zelda II weren't memorable?

Awakening had you know the FIRST IMPLYED romance in the series. Marin you know?

Link to the Past had quite a few NPCs not to mention Agrahim

Zelda II had the amazing comedic possibility of Error. Not to mention the towns are all named after the future sages (or in timeline retrospect the previous sages)

All of these work better then anything from Skyward Sword.

Edited by JediSwordSaint
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Link's Awakening is my favorite 2D Zelda and second only to Twilight Princess to me (my top 5 is SS, WW, MM, LA, and TP), but it didn't have very amazing sets to draw from in comparison to the 3D ones. I mean, Koholint Village is the best choice.

It had Marin as a character. That's about it. Don't like Zelda II and don't care about Link to the Past.

However, you did NOT just put down Skyward Sword :(.

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Most of those don't have any memorable side characters or set pieces.

Apart from Error, there is Dark Link in Zelda 2. There's a few in Link to the Past, there's Linebeck in the DS games.

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However, you did NOT just put down Skyward Sword :(.

Just ignore the haters. We know Skyward Sword was an excellent game. ^^ It's still my favorite Zelda to this day too. And it revived my love for the series after it went a bit stale. Though it was mostly because I felt Mario was becoming a better series. Now I absolutely can't WAIT to get my hands on a new Zelda. lol And Hyrule Warriors is my most wanted game after Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS at the moment. :D

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Did you seriously just say that Link to the Past, Awakening and Zelda II weren't memorable?

I suggest you carefully re-read my post, as you clearly didn't do it the first time.

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I have to agree with Ninjamonkey, by the way. The original two Zeldas and A Link to the Past don't really have any memorable characters or locations. Though I loved ALttP to bits. It's in my top five Zeldas.

Link's Awakening does have Marin though, and The Minish Cap also has Ezlo and Vaati. So a couple of the 2D games DO have memorable characters. As for locations, I don't remember any from LA though I played through most of it. TMC has Veil Falls and Vaati's wind palace though. Those are the first two that come to mind anyway.

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Vaati, there's another character who should have got some representation. I guess they didn't want to make 3D models for 2D characters or something.

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