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Well, has any of the portable Zeldas gotten a rep, or even an item?

The chain chomp or Bow-Wows from Link to the Past, Link's Awakening and Four Swords made it in. That's about it really. Although it's debatable.

Edited by kingddd
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I personally don't count the chain chomp since it really originated in a Mario game. xP

Not to mention it also appeared in Four Swords Adventures, so it wouldn't JUST count for the old Zeldas.

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Actually, it was originally designed as an enemy in Zelda, but wound up being used in Mario first instead, according to one of the developers

And it's more a matter of being from a console game rather than the handhelds than it is about the age of the games that I'm focusing on.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Hahaha.... Nintendo world store only, you can't even preorder it. (The US version of the special edition with the scarf, I mean.)

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The worst thing about this game is that I'm going to have to buy all three DLC costume packs separately (since there's only one major store that sells videogames here in the UK).

But I guess getting the scarf and having the game released seven days earlier makes up for it...

Sort of.

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Guesses on who?

MM: Mikau/Skullkid/Tingle most likely, Romani, Kafei, and Garo master outside horses. Koume and Kotake would be nice, but they were pretty minor in MM

TP: Adult Midna/Ashlei/Rusl

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Oh those dlc packs sound nice. So we'll be getting the 3 villains, Skull kid and two other characters if i'm correct.

Aso I managed to get the game a day earlier and will be playing the game in a little while.

nice. Let us know what you think.

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Kafei and Ashei, plz. :D

I wish there was a Skyward Sword pack too. It could add Groose and Pipit. :(

Aso I managed to get the game a day earlier and will be playing the game in a little while.

A day earlier? You mean over a week earlier. It's not out until next Friday. Or do you not live in the US and Europe/Australia have an earlier release?

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The DLC looks nice. Looking forward to wrecking shit as Valga. For the other DLC I think it will be Skull Kid, Fierce Deity Link (Really big stretch, but I feel he fits HR best. And it would just be amazing to have him in), and that big bokoblin that you fought multiple times in TP (think this would be pretty interesting and it makes another race playable)

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A day earlier? You mean over a week earlier. It's not out until next Friday. Or do you not live in the US and Europe/Australia have an earlier release?

Europe/Australia gets the game a week earlier than the US.

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Europe/Australia gets the game a week earlier than the US.

Yup thats right. It comes out the 19th here and my store had it a day earlier.

I played the first 3 stages and a little bit of adventure mode. So far i'm really enjoying it. Combat feels like a warrior game, but a bit more over the top with the less realistic Zelda movesets. Enemy officers can be a little annoying with their weakness gauge, but other then that I have fun mashing through hordes of enemies.

I played one level co-op with my brother and that was not as good as I had hoped. The game's performance takes a hit and i'm no fan of the Wii mote controlls. You need to swing the wii mote for normal attacks which takes some time getting used to. The game allows you to change some buttons, but you can't change that part. A shame otherwise I would put the musou move on the controller shake and attacking on a button.

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Time for a double post.

I've had the chance to play around with some of the characters a little more and thought about giving my opinion. I like the warriors games, but i'm no export so I could be a little off.


Sword and shield: In the beginning Link is good, but a little standard. Quick on his feet and able to chain some nice attacks together. After a little while you can give him a upgrade where he can perform a spin attack after every strong move and that turns him into a real monster on the battlefield. So far I think he is the best character by quite a big margin.

Fire rod: I haven't ugraded this that much, but so far the rod is surprisingly short ranged. Damage is nice, but there are some moved that leave Link quite exposed. I need some more time with this weapon.


Giant blade: Powerfull and deceptively fast. The X3 attack is also a great move, drawing people in a bubble and slashing them apart. One of my favourites so far.

Naginata: I only tried this one once and so far i'm not a fan. Its more of a multi hitting combo weapon in comparison to the giant Blade's strong hits, but I thought it was a little ackward to use and one attack has a fixed range making it tricky to use. Its Musou attack looks really cool though so that makes up for it a little.

Sheik: Obviously a fast character and she does have some cool moves, but others are pretty useless. Her standard special which is playing music on her harp, changes depending on your last move and those are a bit of a mixed bag. Serenade of water is great since it almost makes you invincible and it lasts a long time, but Song of storms and Bolero of fire are dissapointing. Bolero of fire does a lot of damage, but I only managed to hit an officer with it once. It takes a loooong time to fall after you've completed the long song.

Song of storms is nice when running through a crowd, but it has a habbit of pushing officers away. All of her standard specials are also iffy to use in big crowds because your completely exposed when Sheik is playing on her harp.

Her other specials are nice, but they did't wow me.

I just unlocked Fi, but I did't have a chance playing with her and Lana yet.

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Combat in the game is definitely a blast. It's so much more varied then what I've ever seen in a warriors game. Lock-on and surprisingly creative enemy design makes for a pretty neat combination. I would also say the controls feel a lot better in general.

I also like that the leveling system seems like it no longer possess that much power. My biggest issue with the Warriors games is that the massive stat inflation over the levels made it very difficult to get a good experience because there was no easy way to tell how high-leveled the enemies were.

And it gets only worse when the difficulties are factored in. The difficulty levels weren't only affecting the AI, they were also affecting stats to an absurd the degree. So with a fresh lv 1 character, you usually have the choice between enemies who essentially can't fight back and decently acting enemies who take ages to kill.

This doesn't seem to be the case here. There are no visible stats, only the power of your weapon and the amounts of hears in your lifebar. I thought it was just for show but they really do seem to work like a proper Zelda lifebar. So there is a lot more wiggle room when deciding what maps to tackle without things getting boring or a massive pain in the ass. Or maybe the game just successfully tricked me by automatically leveling new character.

My biggest grief with the game is that it sometimes tries to imitate Zelda tropes when it doesn't really work. Like, in a 3D Zelda you usually open a chest once you get rid of all the enemies around and you can catch a breath again. But using the same kind of animation when there is a huge battle going on and you still have the adrenalin going feels weird. The animation is just way too slow and over-dramatic for that. It at least works fine when you get a chest right at the end of the map as a reward.

Also similarly, the animation of the Great Fairy appearing and casting a spell quickly outstayed it's welcome. I know it's hard to resist for Koei to move their camera all over the body of a near naked women but it's just the same motions over and over and over. There isn't even dialog to read in the meantime. It gets old fast but you can't skip it if you want to see the part of the cutscene that is actually relevant to the battle.

Besides, the Great Fairies are essentially a Deus Ex Machina, doing random crap that needs to happen in order to win a battle rather then letting the player do something themselves to win the battle.

And it's just way too overused. I think it happened in every second map so far. Heck, it should never happen at all. Like, I have to fight a boss. I beat him once, suddenly he gets back-up and I'm told to get to the Fairy to prevent that from happening again. There is no point to this other then wasting my time by making me run all over the map.

It's not like the Great Fairies ever did that in the Zelda games. They just give new items, abilities or enhancements and bait you with gold/silver bombs. They don't cause random miracles all over the place.

Also, I hate how the first DLC has already a huge button plastered over the main menu. It makes the menu look like an add-infested homepage. And I'm afraid of what might happen when more DLC gets released. Maybe those buttons will end up taking the entire right side of the screen. Screw the DLC, were can I get a Premium account so I no longer get hassled by those flashy ads?

I know that sounds very negative and all but it's always easier to point out the small things which distract from an otherwise near-flawless experience. At this point I find it hard to imagine that this game won't turn out to be my favorite Warriors game.

Edited by BrightBow
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