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I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm underleveled for Adventure Mode. My highest-leveled character is about 35 or so, and some of these levels are a real slog to get through.

I'm thinking I should maybe play around in Free Mode to get levels, or find the Skultulas on hard mode.

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Well, it looks like I'm not going to get Ghirahim. It doesn't seem possible to win this battle. And yes, I searched the area and uncovered the secret before doing the fight. No matter what I do, one of the enemy armies takes the allied base. I would defeat one commander, but the other would take the allied base as I do so. Or I would take a bunch of keeps and outposts and one of them still gets the allied base. Ghirahim isn't hard to beat, but the Big Poe is, and no matter which one goes down, they ALL gain morale. They have too big of an advantage.

So much for being able to PLAY as my favorite villain in the series barring Vaati. This was one of the main reasons I even got the game too. This sucks hard.

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Well, it looks like I'm not going to get Ghirahim. It doesn't seem possible to win this battle. And yes, I searched the area and uncovered the secret before doing the fight. No matter what I do, one of the enemy armies takes the allied base. I would defeat one commander, but the other would take the allied base as I do so. Or I would take a bunch of keeps and outposts and one of them still gets the allied base. Ghirahim isn't hard to beat, but the Big Poe is, and no matter which one goes down, they ALL gain morale. They have too big of an advantage.

So much for being able to PLAY as my favorite villain in the series barring Vaati. This was one of the main reasons I even got the game too. This sucks hard.

Hey, don't just give up yet after getting this far. These battles can be pretty tough. It sometimes takes a bit of trial and error, finding out what you need to go for first to make things work in your favor. I don't remember Ghirahim's battle so I can't give you specific advice, but Poes use attacks that expose their weak points a lot, so you should be able to take advantage of that. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Hey, don't just give up yet after getting this far. These battles can be pretty tough. It sometimes takes a bit of trial and error, finding out what you need to go for first to make things work in your favor. I don't remember Ghirahim's battle so I can't give you specific advice, but Poes use attacks that expose their weak points a lot, so you should be able to take advantage of that.

I tried this battle like a dozen times though. And I WAS doing trial and error. I tried taking out Ghirahim first, the poe first, capturing keeps and outposts first, etc.

Also, the rest of you seem to be having little trouble since you've done a LOT more than I have in the game. Or maybe I just haven't played enough... But I played it for hours every day so far. xP

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I tried this battle like a dozen times though. And I WAS doing trial and error. I tried taking out Ghirahim first, the poe first, capturing keeps and outposts first, etc.

Also, the rest of you seem to be having little trouble since you've done a LOT more than I have in the game. Or maybe I just haven't played enough... But I played it for hours every day so far. xP

This is on of those maps were the enemy throws a massive amount of officers at your bases from all directions. So don't go out of your way to conquer enemy bases before you have stopped the initial assault. Until then, just focus on protecting the headquarter.

Once the enemy runs out of officers, you can start the counter attack. Don't be intimidated by the constant buffs that the enemy gets. It's going to happen no matter what you do.

Edited by BrightBow
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So who is enjoying the Twilight Princess costumes~?

Might I ask when you guys got your codes via email? I'm wondering when I should expect it.

Amazon finally got around to shipping the game to me, 3 hours ago. ...Won't get here 'til next Thursday. ;A; I've been going crazy having to wait so long.

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So who is enjoying the Twilight Princess costumes~?

Might I ask when you guys got your codes via email? I'm wondering when I should expect it.

Amazon finally got around to shipping the game to me, 3 hours ago. ...Won't get here 'til next Thursday. ;A; I've been going crazy having to wait so long.

On the day they shipped (one day before release). Eu though.

I like Link's costume, but blonde Zelda is superior to the her Twilight counterpart :3

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This is on of those maps were the enemy throws a massive amount of officers at your bases from all directions. So don't go out of your way to conquer enemy bases before you have stopped the initial assault. Until then, just focus on protecting the headquarter.

Once the enemy runs out of officers, you can start the counter attack. Don't be intimidated by the constant buffs that the enemy gets. It's going to happen no matter what you do.

Oh, I see. I did of course notice the insane assaults on the allied base.

That doesn't seem fair though, the player never gets buffs like that as far as I've seen. :/ (and I mean in any battle)

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Can anyone who has the game give an idea of how Agitha plays?

She whacks enemies with her parasol and summons giant bugs to attack enemies. She can also fly around on a butterfly.

Her weak point critical is actually very effective against large groups of enemies.

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I've played most of the characters and weapon movesets by now, but I seem to be missing something about two characters.

First is Lana with the Deku spear. It just doesn't feel powerful and I think its ackward to use with its short range and specials that do little to impress me.

Secondly is Zant. I hear a lot of people praise him and calling him one of the best characters in the game, but i'm not seeing it. His specials tend to be on the unsafe side even if you stop before the gauge is completed. Getting that gauge to empty itself is a bit of a chore too. The torndado move is good against crowds, but I don't think it does enough damage against officers and I haven't found a good use for the rapid energy blasts. Its a shame since I like Zant and I do think he's fun to play as, but I just can't seem to use him verry effectively.

Darunia on the other hand seems to have impressed me more then I originally thought. I originally dismissed him as Shimazu+. I never liked Shimazu much in Samurai warriors so I kind of wrote him off before I even played him. He's still not spectecular, but he has some nice moves and is surprisingly fun to play as.

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So who is enjoying the Twilight Princess costumes~?

Might I ask when you guys got your codes via email? I'm wondering when I should expect it.

Amazon finally got around to shipping the game to me, 3 hours ago. ...Won't get here 'til next Thursday. ;A; I've been going crazy having to wait so long.

Okay, I got the code a few minutes ago. I can stop worrying! \o/

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I still will never understand why she's even in the game over someone like Ashei or Rusl. But yeah. xP

I'm having trouble with her too. Seriously why would they consider she as a playable character?

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So I'm curious, am I the only one who always finds the boss enemies to be right on my heels for the "Kill x enemies in y minutes" no matter how far I run? I have completed quite a few of these fights, I'm just having trouble using the only advice I've gotten for avoiding the bosses in those stage.

As an aside, how high are the characters most of you are using? I only have two characters over level 30, Link and Ganondorf.

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My Link is like 85 or something. I boosted my Zelda up to 50 and Ganon is around 40. Everyone else is around 30 (except for Darunia and Lana which are 18).

And the boss enemies can be pretty annoying. I always just run and use Master Sword Link on those missions because the sword beams he gets just mows down enemies.

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The boss enemies are chasing you, to make it harder to avoid them. However, it's still better just to run away from them when they're coming too close, usually there should be enough enemies somewhere else where you can run to when this happens. This is especially annoying with Gohma and Argorok though, since they're a lot faster than the other ones.

My Link and Agitha are at Level 99, Zelda is Level 92 while the rest is somewhere around Level 70.

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Five days of nothing but Hyrule Warriors. Wee~

I'm loving the music. Especially Skyloft, holy crap mdoisnhgbrjoisjfea. It makes me tear up, no joke. It's beautiful.

Legend Mode is too short. But, at least it isn't shorter than it already is. Ganondorf's part is cruel. ;~; It's a neat idea, but aaaaah so hard to stomach.

Adventure Mode...is Adventure Mode. Fun sometimes, frustrating other times. It's ridiculous that for most of the second level weapons you have to fight with the first level of that same weapon. The battles are too difficult for those weak weapons! Almost.

Impa and Sheik are hax. Master Sword is hax. Lana takes a bit to get used to, but she's rather good. Zelda seems a little too weak, but I think I'm getting the hang of her rapier...and I've had only one baton battle. Fi is so-so. Midna and Darunia are really difficult for me. Haven't tried Agitha or Ghirahim, haven't had a legit fight with Ruto, don't have Zant.

Skulltulas are such a huge distraction.

Darned badges and their need for rare materials...

Link is about lv54 now. He's my go-to guy because of the Master Sword. Next highest is...Sheik at lv29? 32? Something. Everyone is at least lv25.

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