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Yeah, I hate Tingle so much. I wanted Kafei (he could actually be played as in MM itself during a puzzle sequence!).

But I'm cool with Young Link and his badass Oni Link form. ^^

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Yeah, that really was to be expected. After all, Tingle is so famous that he was the star in two spin-off games. Unfortunately, few characters are as deserving to be in this game as he is.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'd be fine with Young Link as the..."secondary," so to speak, if the other one wasn't fucking Tingle. Having a DLC cast of two alternate character forms and Tingle is pretty damn disappointing.

Well, some of us Zelda fans haven't gotten ANY sort of DLC pack for our favorite titles in the series. Skyward Sword only got those costumes. The Four Sword Zeldas don't even have any default representation in the game. Those are all my favorites.

So I think MM fans should be grateful. Previously, all they had was the creepy moon in one map. Now they have a whole DLC pack.

Where's my Skyward Sword and Four Sword packs, Nintendo. ;_; Groose? Pipit? Vaati? Plzzz?

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I'm glad skull Kid isn't in the game, to be honest. The biggest thing I can think of is having him employ the moon, and we already have enough of that going on.

Also...why the fuck is the Kokiri Sword suddenly a Biggoron Sword-esque weapon? I don't remember it being a two-hander.

Also...who the hell is getting that Skull Kid alt? I can't define that silhouette.

Edited by Dai
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Well, some of us Zelda fans haven't gotten ANY sort of DLC pack for our favorite titles in the series. Skyward Sword only got those costumes. The Four Sword Zeldas don't even have any default representation in the game. Those are all my favorites.

Skyward Sword is represented in the main game as it is...and the game focused on the 3D Zelda titles. And hey, you know what? Windwaker is my favorite Zelda, and what did I get from that? A tier 1 weapon. What's more, that makes Windwaker the only 3D Zelda title that isn't given any special representation in the form of either story significance or DLC. But I'm not complaining about that, because that's not the point. The point is that the DLC characters are pitiful, regardless of where they came from. Two alternates of existing characters and one of the worst characters ever to appear in the series.
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We still got a TP pack and MM pack. And TP already had representation with Midna and Zant. So why can't Skyward Sword have a little bit more too?

Still, I agree that Tingle and Midna's true form are awful choices.

Edited by Anacybele
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To be honest, it might have been better if Twili Midna had been a DLC weapon for Midna, rather than a character herself (And it could work, if Great Fairy and Epona are any indication), but I'm also more lenient, so I'm not so bothered by this so much.

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We still got a TP pack and MM pack. And TP already had representation with Midna and Zant. So why can't Skyward Sword have a little bit more too?

Still, I agree that Tingle and Midna's true form are awful choices.

I am mildly disappointed myself that Groose never made it in.

But that was not the damn point.

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...You were trying to make a point to me?

Sorry, but I honestly never noticed. Still, it doesn't matter what "point" you're trying to make. I was trying to make a different one.

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I think her point is that having two out of three characters that are essentially alternates of current characters in the game is a waste compared to other characters that could have been in the game from the series' packs.

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Oh, I realized that. But that was not the point I was trying to make, is what I'm saying.

I was saying that they keep giving more content to games that already have representation and leaving others high and dry. I myself didn't like Wind Waker at all, but I'd love to play as Medli. Vaati would be a perfect rep for the Four Sword titles. Toon Link too, though three different Links at this point would be overkill. xP

And then, if one already-represented game is given more content, why can't another have more as well? My other question.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh, I realized that. But that was not the point I was trying to make, is what I'm saying.

I was saying that they keep giving more content to games that already have representation and leaving others high and dry. I myself didn't like Wind Waker at all, but I'd love to play as Medli. Vaati would be a perfect rep for the Four Sword titles. Toon Link too, though three different Links at this point would be overkill. xP

And then, if one already-represented game is given more content, why can't another have more as well? My other question.

These are reasonable questions on their own, but made little sense as a direct response to my post.
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Oh, when I responded to your post, I was just trying to back up my statement that MM fans should be grateful that they're getting anything. TWW fans have almost nothing, Four Sword fans have literally nothing, etc.

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I could tell straight away that he wasn't. The silhouette was far too tall, and the proportions were far too adult for a child.

Edited by Dai
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