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Is it even possible to give Lucina Galeforce?


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If you want Galeforce, you first need to get a pegasus knight to at least level 10, then further train the Dark Flier to Level 15. And you need to do all this all before Chapter 13.

The best one to do this with is Sumia, since you get her the soonest (Chapter 3). Which means that you need her to gain 10 levels, then another 15 promoted levels, in 10 chapters. If you had her finish off everything, it may be possible. But then you also have to deal with the rest of your units lagging behind thanks to her soaking up all the EXP.

I just don't see it happening thanks to the short time frame and the risk of having one superpowered unit and a bunch of weaklings

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It's quite easily possible with any mother that passes the Peg knight line. Just reclass Lucina to Dark Flier and have her learn it naturally. You don't need DLC, you can use Reeking Boxes to summon Risen and have her beat them up.

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As long as chrom marries not-sully, Lucina will inherit the peg kknight class tree and learn it herself.

(Oh, and village girl)

Edited by Sara.
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It's quite easily possible with any mother that passes the Peg knight line. Just reclass Lucina to Dark Flier and have her learn it naturally. You don't need DLC, you can use Reeking Boxes to summon Risen and have her beat them up.

As long as chrom marries not-sully, Lucina will inherit the peg kknight class tree and learn it herself.

(Oh, and village girl)

Ehem... He wants to make Lucina inherit Galeforce from her mom, not make Lucina learn Galeforce by herself. The idea is to have Lucina Galeforce-ready upon recruitment.

All moms except Sully get Galeforce, but Sumia is obviously the easiest because she already starts as Pegasus Knight, so you don't need to waste a Second Seal on her.

Reeking Boxes are only viable on Normal. On Hard and above, they cost 4800G and the summoned Risen are harder than story chapters (maybe not on Hard, but they do get equipment not available to the player until much later, which makes them very damaging).

OP, your best bet is to powerlevel the fuck out of Sumia before Chapter 13, and even then it's not guaranteed to succeed... Best to just grind the mom on EXP Growth DLC and take advantage of the fact you can buy Master Seals after Chapter 12.

Edited by Waifu Cordelia
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Ehem... He wants to make Lucina inherit Galeforce from her mom, not make Lucina learn Galeforce by herself. The idea is to have Lucina Galeforce-ready upon recruitment.

I don't see where he specified this. All I see is that he asked if it's possible to give Lucina Galeforce. Not "is it possible to have her inherit Galeforce?" xP

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Ana is right. OP seems under the impression that the only way lucina can learn gf is through inheritance, and that isnt the case.

If you are set on power grinding for inheritance only, dlc and Paragon would be your best bet

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Sumia is the easiest to get Galeforce on since she starts off as a Pegasus Knight -- she only needs a Master Seal once she's level 10+ to become a Dark Flier.

Maribelle, F!Avatar and Olivia require Second Seals, which are not available in bulk until Chapter 16, Paralogue 6 (Inigo), 10 (Severa) or 16 (Nah) is completed. Sully and Maiden, of course, do not offer the Pegasus Knight line to Lucina.

It's easy to do on Normal mode because of how cheap the Reeking boxes are (500 G per Reeking box; 250 w/ Silver Card). All that matters on that difficulty is if you're willing to grind or not.

Hard mode and up however may require DLC since Reeking boxes are 4800 G per Reeking box; 2400 G w/ Silver Card.

If you have DLC and are willing to use it, getting Lucina to inherit Galeforce is only a matter of you being willing to grind or not -- EXPonential Growth is plenty enough to help out for Sumia.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I was able to get FeMU to pass down Galeforce to Lucina by chapter 13. Veteran was very helpful in getting to Galeforce on time, but even with Veteran, I still needed to have FeMU nearly solo Chapter 12 to reach level 15. I'm unsure of how reasonable it is to get Sumia to level 10/15 by chapter 13. Sumia needs less levels than FeMU to get to that point, but Sumia gains less experience than FeMU. I'll try to get Galeforce on Sumia my next playthrough and see how it goes.

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I was able to get FeMU to pass down Galeforce to Lucina by chapter 13. Veteran was very helpful in getting to Galeforce on time, but even with Veteran, I still needed to have FeMU nearly solo Chapter 12 to reach level 15. I'm unsure of how reasonable it is to get Sumia to level 10/15 by chapter 13. Sumia needs less levels than FeMU to get to that point, but Sumia gains less experience than FeMU. I'll try to get Galeforce on Sumia my next playthrough and see how it goes.

Actually, it's not that difficult.

If you promote Sumia right after Ch.8, you'll have 5 (you don't have to enter Ch.13 with Galeforce equipped) full chapters remaining. That's 3 levels per chapter, and there are also Paralogues 2, 3 and 4 (assuming Donnel's paralogue has already been completed).

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Inheritance: Realistically (no grind playthrough) only Sumia and Robin can pull this off. Robin if she Second Seals ASAP should be able to manage it fairly easily. Sumia is definitely possibly, I managed it on a Hard challenge (no SS/no pair up etc.) playthrough earlier this year. Most of the rest of my team were like, just promoted when Sumia reached 20/1 but you know, that's the price you pay. It was 100% worth it mind you. On Lunatic, I think this is less reasonable, although I still suspect it's feasible. My Sumia would have fallen a few levels short if I'd been heavily pushing for it from chapter 10 onwards in a recent challenge playthrough, but I decided to cut my losses.

Reclassing: Literally every Lucina except Sully and Maiden can reclass straight into Pegasus Knight and get Galeforce in a reasonable time that way. The downside is not using Parallel Falchion, so if it's worth it or not is up to the player to decide.

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If you want Galeforce, you first need to get a pegasus knight to at least level 10, then further train the Dark Flier to Level 15. And you need to do all this all before Chapter 13.

The best one to do this with is Sumia, since you get her the soonest (Chapter 3). Which means that you need her to gain 10 levels, then another 15 promoted levels, in 10 chapters. If you had her finish off everything, it may be possible. But then you also have to deal with the rest of your units lagging behind thanks to her soaking up all the EXP.

I just don't see it happening thanks to the short time frame and the risk of having one superpowered unit and a bunch of weaklings

Assuming you want to pass GF and not have Lucina get it herself (which is quicker and much easier).

A couple things you're missing here: namely, funneling all your exp into one unit (other than Frederick on Lunatic(+)) is the best way to break the game and is in no way a bad thing unless you're trying to preserve challenge.

Also, you don't have to have GF by Cht.13, because Lucina's inheritance isn't calculated until the end of the chapter- if you learn GF mid-chapter, it'll still work.

Finally, if you aren't grinding, this is actually easier on Lunatic if you're good enough because there's more enemy exp and the higher IL cap won't hurt you until you've made at least two reclasses. I've gotten Olivia to pass Lucina GF on Lunatic multiple times without Risen/Spotpass/DLC, and I didn't even need to train her on the Paralogues (she did get pretty much every kill in Cht.11/12 and half of Cht.13 though).

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