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If Pokemon Red/Blue Was An iPhone Game...


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According to Game theory's latest video that is just a tactic, the game would be so addicting that you would want to play it more, but playing alot would get it boring for you so making you wait to play it more would make it feel greater.

well just saying unless if that things blocked you from battling then it would be no worth.

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I would give up on Nintendo if they started this business practice. Micro management is a horrible practice that's there to get a quick buck.

It's a joke, lol. Don't take it so seriously! Game Freak has stated how much they are against DLC and microtransactions.

It's pretty funny, though. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if there was a Pokemon ripoff out there with stuff like this.

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This is exactly why I never want Nintendo to put their games on mobiles. It's obviously an exaggerated view of what it would be like, but at the same time it's not too far off.

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This is what I imagine Final Fantasy on iOS to be like.

"Firion cannot attack for 3 minutes, or you could use a Speed Potion! Only $.99!"

It's not.

They're just regular ports. It's a little hard to control the game using only the touch screen, and they're a bit overpriced for the iOS store, but buying them you get the whole game. No micro management BS as far as I know.

Edited by Valesca Popozuda
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I would give up on Nintendo if they started this business practice. Micro management is a horrible practice that's there to get a quick buck.

Do you mean microtransaction based pay models? It's not from a business perspective, hardly anybody will spend money on a game for your phones even if it's a big name like Final Fantasy which i'm pretty sure has been done. If it was on any other platform than phone (MAYBE pc) than yeah it's pretty horrible, but Nintendo is such a power house they dont need to resort to that.
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Do you mean microtransaction based pay models? It's not from a business perspective, hardly anybody will spend money on a game for your phones even if it's a big name like Final Fantasy which i'm pretty sure has been done. If it was on any other platform than phone (MAYBE pc) than yeah it's pretty horrible, but Nintendo is such a power house they dont need to resort to that.

Judging from how the medium as a whole is changing, what the industry is moving towards in regards to the rapid influx of DLC, extra avenues of payment, I wouldn't put it past any company to begin shafting it's consumer base. All it takes is one poor sap of a company to take the fall for being the first to take such a drastic move, but once the pieces have fallen any company thereafter can move in and we'll care less about any poor choices they make.

EA, Ubisoft, the both of them are already engaging in a lot of acts and made a lot of choices that aren't for the benefit of the average consumer/gamer, at first, may have been a big deal, but then the next big game will come out, say uh, Battlefield Hardline? Farcry 4? Maybe the next Assassin's Creed. People are fickle, they'll say they won't buy the next one after they've been taken to the cleaners from their previous experiences but come release date we'll all be in line to fork over for the latest. Something like Pokemon? It's an absolute powerhouse, I'm sure that despite whatever backlash Nintendo and Game Freak would get for doing something like this, there would be an absolute fuck-tonne of people who would still buy it and give their money hand over fist, ensuring a profit one way or another for Nintendo. At that point, all that matters is the money, if you get the money then who cares if some people didn't like it, right? So just go and do it again.

It's a scary path we're on, and I hold fear for the average gamer and consumer that's going to end up accepting a mediocre product because they don't expect or feel they deserve any better..

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