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Starting Thracia. What exactly should I know?


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So, I plan on starting thracia soon, since it's one of the few FE games I still haven't playing, but heard people saying that it's an unfair game if you try it blindly. I also heard that Leif can get really good if you give him some of the resources. What exactly should I give him? What should I know about the chapters and the characters?

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There's a spoiler event in Chapter 3 that deprives you from items and leaves you only with Leif and a thief. There are chests in the map which contain the items they've been carrying. You should only bring the most important things, particularly the Light Sword.

You should definitely give Leif the Speed Ring, and people also think he has claim to the Life Ring.

Afterwards he's an excellent support unit, and he has claim to the King Sword. Idk if you should slap him Sol, but I've read it's a decent idea.

Get Warp.

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Honestly, the only important notes that are missing in that thread are The fact that scrolls give you crit immunity as welll as a growth boost, THe fact that anyone left on an escape map after lief leaves will be captured and only rerecrutable in chapter 21x(although you have to do it once if you want to get that chapter), and the fact that attempting to muscle through this game with only one or two characters is a hillariously bad idea. Also, to quote this site's secrets page, which is linked in the other thread, and you should really visit:

Elite mode

At the loading screen, choose New Game. Before choosing an empty file, quickly press the following button combination:

Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right

If done successfully you should hear a chime. Now press B to cancel and you should see a new option called Elite Mode. Select that and choose an empty file.

Now when you play that file, all the characters will have a hidden Elite skill. If a character already has Elite (either as a personal skill or from the weapon), the effect will stack and the character can gain x4 EXP. Elite Mode has no other effects besides those stated.

Edited by sirmola
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's definitely tough, but that's part of the challenge. The game was originally meant to be played blind, but you're free to look up events if you wish, or you will certainly miss some things. I'd recommend not doing Elite mode unless you want to make the game considerably easier, but it's up to you.

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