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Hello, fellow fans of Fire Emblem!

Julius Nepos

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Hello, fellow fans of Fire Emblem!

I suppose introductions are in order.

First things first:

My name is Daniel Boerman. I have always been really bad at thinking up usernames, so my username is the name of a Hittite king.

My hobbies: justice, law, history, linguistics, Fire Emblem, the works of Tolkien. I am quite scrupulous, sometimes to an annoying extent, so apologies in advance if I ever annoy anyone here with my attention to detail.

Now the Fire Emblem related stuff:

I've been a fan of Fire Emblem for quite a few years now (I think six, maybe even seven).

I haven't played that many Fire Emblem games though, mainly due to lack of time (I am a big fan though, and intend to play all Fire Emblem games).

The first game I played was Shadow Dragon and I have since then also played The Sacred Stones and Awakening, but I haven't beaten either of the three, because the thought entered my head: 'I should play all Fire Emblem games in order.'

So I have now beaten Shadow Dragons and the Sword of Light and am currently playing Side Story (don't expect me to ever call it 'Gaiden', because, even though it's its official English name, it isn't even English).

Don't expect me to be very active, as I haven't got much time to spare, but being the Fire Emblem fan I am, I could not resist the urge to create an account anyway. Being the Fire Emblem fan I am, I probably also won't be able to resist the urge to post things on these forums from time to time, though.

And closing, a summary of this lengthy introduction:


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[spoiler=I Welcome you, have some chocolate.]lvdVy1j.jpg

Side Story (don't expect me to ever call it 'Gaiden', because, even though it's its official English name, it isn't even English).

But calling it side story sounds dumb.
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I know 'Side Story' sounds silly, but then, '外伝' is not really a word that is easy to translate.

That's probably why it's called Gaiden.

But I don't like 'Gaiden'. It's not really Japanese, and it's not really English either.

Translation of names is a topic I have often thought about, but without ever reaching really satisfactory conclusions.

So let's just call it FE2 from now on.

Anyway, thanks for the welcomes.

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Translation of names is a topic I have often thought about, but without ever reaching really satisfactory conclusions.

That's basically the entire community in a nutshell, haha.

And hello from here, also.

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