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Hello, fellow Fire Emblem enthusiasts!

My name is AsukaDrag, I've been a lurker on these foruns for quite some time now, so I decided to finally join it today.

I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes I make: English is not my first language, you see.

Anyway, onto the Fire Emblem stuff:

Like most people, my first contact with the Fire Emblem series was through Smash Bros, though I did not play any of the games until I many fortunate coincidences led me into buying FE11 (Shadow Dragon). My first outing with the game wasn't as disastrous as most people's: I managed to get half way through the game without losing a unit, but my resourses were running low and my team was just terrible, so I turned to the Internet for advice. I started a new file following some guy on gamefaqs' advice and it payed off: my experience with the game was so good I expanded to the rest of the series, however, an unfortunate side effect of this is my undieing irational fear of prepromotes.

Its been at least 3 years since and now FE11 has ironically become one of my least favorite games in the franchise.

I've played every game in the franchise except FE1, 3 and 9. I've also stil not played FE2 the whole way through.

My favorite game is FE4, with FE7 and FE8 following closelly. On the other hand, my least favorite is FE5.

I usually play through the games at my own pace with the strongest endgame team as a goal, though I only use units I enjoy as characters.

I don't know how active I'll be here, this is the first forum I've ever joined, after all, but I'm still excited to join.

Anyway, long story short: Hi!

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