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Do you consider Fire Emblem a "AAA" franchise?

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Do you consider Fire Emblem a "AAA" franchise?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you consider Fire Emblem a "AAA" franchise?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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Do you consider Fire Emblem a "AAA" franchise? On one hand, the games are made by Nintendo, one of the largest video game companies in the world and a household name, and Awakening helped to bring Fire Emblem into gaming's mainstream. On the other hand, Fire Emblem is still relatively niche compared to franchises such as the Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and the Elder Scrolls.

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On the other hand, Fire Emblem is still relatively niche compared to franchises such as the Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and the Elder Scrolls.

this should answer your question

it definitely provides my answer

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I don't think we know the budgets of FE games, so it's hard to say. What with all the promotion it got, Awakening can probably be considered a AAA title, though.

Of course, if you just consider any game made by a AAA developer - such as Nintendo - to be a AAA game, then yes, it's a AAA series.

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AAA to me, is defined by bloated budgets, false promises, slicing up of content to sell as pre-order bonuses and a general contempt for the consumers.

So thankfully, Fire Emblem is not a AAA franchise.

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Not that there is anything wrong with triple A games (or at least the ones that employ sound business practices but are on a higher budget).

If I can't expect my non hardcore game playing friends to know about it, then it's not AAA.

people know awakening cry 5ever Edited by Tryhard
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I consider awakening a triple a game

But so are the call of duty games

As far their popularity in the states goes,no matter how much I love it,I'd rather not have fire emblem shoved in my face constantly,because now fire emblem=awakening, which=bad

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The general consensus on the term "triple-A game" indicates a budget for development and marketing MUCH higher than that of Awakening's. FE13 might be costly compared to the DSFE's or something akin to that, but it's still far, far away from that triple-A status.

Edited by Topazd255
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It's not a bad series at all, but the 'AAA' moinker is a bit overstretched now-a-days and, sadly, FE doesn't fit it. Sales-wise it's probably more of a B or A, but in my eyes it's an AA series. It's... just not on the same level as something like the newest LoZ game.

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Not even close, when it's fully voice acted with a huge budget focused on graphics with an overemphasis on the story and being described as Cinematic it will be pushing into AAA teritory.

Though there's little way they could present a SRPG as a AAA game it's usually limited to action(Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider,etc.) and shooter(Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, Uncharted,CoD) where over the top "press X to awesome" kind of things occur all the time during gameplay, this such as:


While all you're doing is tilting a direction due to the game doing the platforming for you.

Edited by arvilino
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People here seem to have some serious issues with AAA games for whatever reason. Fun fact, having a bigger budget does not mean your game is inherently flawed.

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The games may not be but the decisions made by the companies behind them usually are. It's no secret that games exist to make money and bigger companies are regularly seen engaging in business practices that are only profitable in the short term and are generally harmful for the consumer.

That's not to say indie developers don't make shitty anti-consumer decisions but they don't have the wider influence that the larger ones do.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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For me FE games are good, but not that good. IMO Only FE5 should be called aaa game. Every game after or before don't have that good design.

FE games are good, but not as good as Super Metroid, Castlevania, Team Fortress 2, Quake, Deus Ex.

Oftopic: Everybody who consider CoD as good game have made big mistake.

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Once again, AAA games do not refer to the level of design or the quality of the game. They are simply a measure of the budget and promotion of the game and subsequently good sales. So FE5 is most definitely not, as it sold extremely poorly, would not have a higher budget over other FE games and came out extremely late for the SNES. It wasn't even released worldwide as most AAA games are.

lol I find it funny how everyone picks on CoD here. It's like the easy thing to hate. "B-but m-muh RPGS!". While I think that the latest games are not good and have really shitty practices, I don't think anyone really gives the older ones (especially 1-4, some people like 5, not really me) a chance. Because they were pretty good standard FPS'. Call of Duty 2 is still one of my favourites.

caw a doodie

Edited by Tryhard
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yeah the thing is, AAA isn't a definition that's still up for debate or something. it doesn't matter what anyone 'thinks' when they see the term AAA, AAA means big budget high profile, neither of which fire emblem is. the only argument you can possibly make is that awakening is a AAA game, since it was marketed very heavily as a savior for the flagging 3DS, but i don't know what kind of budget went into the game.

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