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So, might as well get the ball rolling on this, eh?

My names Northwind, real name Joe and I've finally desided to come out of the shadows and join in on Serenes Forrest.

Where to start? I guess I've been a fan of Fire Emblem since the mid-2000s or so. Got into it with Sacred Stones and it spiraled off from there. I've currently played through every Fire Emblem game released in America, and have enjoyed each one of them, with enjoyment ranging from ( 'good game' to 'one of the best games I've ever played.'

I like a challenge when gaming, so fire Emblem fits right in with other franchises i like (the Souls series, Shin Megami Tensai). I've found even the easiest of the games in the series to be fun though, so I'm not going to be looking down on anyone for liking what they like.

Outside of gaming, my other hobbies include fencing, historical european martial arts, reading, and writing. I'm currently working on finishing up a BA in history and sociology, after which I plan to pursue a career in public health.

I think that's enough to start off on. I hope I can acclimate well to this place.

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You should play the Japan only games as well, especially if you like challenges. Thracia 776 is considered the series toughest, and Binding Blade is my favorite and more difficult than its GBA brethren.

Besides that...[spoiler=I Welcome you, have some chocolate.]lvdVy1j.jpg

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The best (Japanese) FE, imo, is FE4, which is also known as Genealogy of the Holy War. It can be quite challenging, too, which sounds right up your alley

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost, and enjoy your stay!

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Hello, hello. I'm sure you'll fit in well, but make sure you're familiar with the rules so you don't accidentally step on some toes. (They're mostly common, sensible ones, but you never know...)

Also, if you ever need to ask something, don't hesitate to pop someone with a question. Usually people will be happy to help, if asked politely and in the right manner.

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