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Mistakes or errors on the site 2


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The Shadow Dragon characters pages seems to be broken, and clicking on characters in the bar of links thing takes you back to the main SD page:


Also, I don't know if it's really an error, per se, but Eyrios still doesn't have a mugshot and is instead just a scene of him in battle.

Edited by Oshimos
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The Shadow Dragon characters pages seems to be broken, and clicking on characters in the bar of links thing takes you back to the main SD page:


Also, I don't know if it's really an error, per se, but Eyrios still doesn't have a mugshot and is instead just a scene of him in battle.

The New Mystery character page is... blank? http://serenesforest.net/light-and-shadow/characters/

Fixed. Not sure how those were overlooked.

On Page 5 of the Character Introduction section of Binding Blade, Percival is missing the L in his name.

Also fixed.

Thanks guys.

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Looking more closely at the Thracia page, a lot of mugshots seem to be pulling their images from the wrong place. Most characters who were in Genealogy (Nanna, Delmud, Sety, Ishtar, Celice, Altenna, Blume, Asaello, Janne, Arthur, and Daisy) are pulling their mugshots from that game, and Eyrios is pulling a screenshot from the Thracia general introduction page also titled "Eyrios". I'd assume the proper images have altered names and it just wasn't caught (Leaf is Leaf-1 and has his proper mugshot, but that didn't work for Nanna and I didn't try for the rest of them) or they somehow were allowed to be named the same thing but it just pulls the first one uploaded.

I checked to see if the New Mystery characters with different mugshots were doing the same thing, but the whole character page for 12 page is broken, too.

If New Mystery is doing the same thing as Thracia, something like 80% of the portraits have been slightly touched up, and Marth, Gordin, Shiida, Linde, Jeorge, Cain. Merric, Tiki, and Samson have been completely redrawn.

Edited by Oshimos
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The link on the Light and Shadow page goes to http://serenesforest.net/light-and-shadow/characters/introduction/ instead. That's where the other pages' characters are listed too, with all of the /characters being redirects that take you to their games' main pages instead of the character pages. There's an extra step listed on the pages (for example, Serenes Forest > Genealogy of the Holy War > Characters > Introduction) that isn't actually a page. There's nothing filling the 'characters' spot on any pages other than the New Mystery one.

Also, in the Sacred Stones section, if you click on the third link in the path on any of the sections in the Sacred Stones section (eg, 'classes' in Serenes Forest > The Sacred Stones > Classes > Introduction) you just get a dead link, since it's redirecting to http://old.serenesforest.net/sacred-stones/ for some reason.

Also, both forging pages and 'Falling Rocks' are broken in PoR.

Alsoalso, several pages (I know of BB's item locations page and SD's cards page) have text with notes. There's hover text, but you can also click on it to jump to the exact same text as a footnote. Is this supposed to work that way? It feels pretty redundant. The footnotes at the bottom look and behave like they should be clickable too, but they aren't.

Edited by Oshimos
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On the Character NPC Data for Path of Radiance, the data for Caineghis is in a much bigger font size than the others.

I fixed that. Looks like there was a typo in the markup.

The link on the Light and Shadow page goes to http://serenesforest.net/light-and-shadow/characters/introduction/ instead. That's where the other pages' characters are listed too, with all of the /characters being redirects that take you to their games' main pages instead of the character pages. There's an extra step listed on the pages (for example, Serenes Forest > Genealogy of the Holy War > Characters > Introduction) that isn't actually a page. There's nothing filling the 'characters' spot on any pages other than the New Mystery one.

Also, in the Sacred Stones section, if you click on the third link in the path on any of the sections in the Sacred Stones section (eg, 'classes' in Serenes Forest > The Sacred Stones > Classes > Introduction) you just get a dead link, since it's redirecting to http://old.serenesforest.net/sacred-stones/ for some reason.

Also, both forging pages and 'Falling Rocks' are broken in PoR.

Alsoalso, several pages (I know of BB's item locations page and SD's cards page) have text with notes. There's hover text, but you can also click on it to jump to the exact same text as a footnote. Is this supposed to work that way? It feels pretty redundant. The footnotes at the bottom look and behave like they should be clickable too, but they aren't.

Ah, I see. Thanks. I fixed the characters > introduction page. That's the correct page, but due to an error, the introduction page contents were on the 'characters' page. The redirects are intentional. The category titles are just there for people and search crawlers to understand the hierarchy of the website. If we did implement a page at those URLs, it would just be a smaller subsection of what's already available on the parent game's page. There'd be no point to it.

I fixed the links for the PoR pages.

The hover text and footnotes are intentional. Hover text doesn't work on mobile devices, so the footnotes are necessary. However, hover text is more convenient for desktop users.

The FE4 family tree link is broken


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Brave Axe icon doesn't exist


Recovery Card icon doesn't exist



etc etc etc

The Miscellaneous url just brings you back to the Shadow Dragon main page. Miscellaneous doesn't need to exist on any of these, anywhere, since there is no Miscellaneous section


I'm pretty sure Nintendo doesn't support the WiFi Shop anymore?


Promoted Classes reclass stat/growth changes are null


Chapter 8 has weird image placeholders that don't load, between seperating text lines

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What is the progress of the FE3 gamerip soundtrack? The link on FE3's main page (Media section) is...not a link and there isn't a link/non-link on the Music page either.

FE4's main page (Media section) doesn't have a link to The Best Vol. 2.

Genealogy of the Holy War Original Soundtrack, Disc 3 Track 24 has a mishap in its title in the playlist: Gold Axe, Silver Axeôô

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OK, here's a ton of stuff from the Awakening section.

All the Boss Data pages have exploded and don't fit the fixed width.

As has this page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/dlc-conversations/

While not technically an error, in this page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/cgs/ Male Avatar's confession scenes are labeled as female confessions and female Avatar's confession scenes are labeled as male confessions. Does that warrant clarification?

This page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/trivia/ has a list of the children's birthdays and what FE release they match up to. It also mentions that Morgan's Birthday corresponds to Japan's Children's Day, but for some reason her actual date isn't listed while everyone else's is.

Travant's image on this page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/introduction/spotpass/ is missing. It used to just be a missing link on the old site (the picture was still on the server somewhere), but now I can't even manually find the picture.

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The link to the Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light manga vol. 3 download links instead to vol. 2. All the other ones seem fine, though.

Also, the link in the TCG Series 1 sends me to the site map.

Edited by Power Master
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Looking more closely at the Thracia page, a lot of mugshots seem to be pulling their images from the wrong place. Most characters who were in Genealogy (Nanna, Delmud, Sety, Ishtar, Celice, Altenna, Blume, Asaello, Janne, Arthur, and Daisy) are pulling their mugshots from that game, and Eyrios is pulling a screenshot from the Thracia general introduction page also titled "Eyrios". I'd assume the proper images have altered names and it just wasn't caught (Leaf is Leaf-1 and has his proper mugshot, but that didn't work for Nanna and I didn't try for the rest of them) or they somehow were allowed to be named the same thing but it just pulls the first one uploaded.

I checked to see if the New Mystery characters with different mugshots were doing the same thing, but the whole character page for 12 page is broken, too.

If New Mystery is doing the same thing as Thracia, something like 80% of the portraits have been slightly touched up, and Marth, Gordin, Shiida, Linde, Jeorge, Cain. Merric, Tiki, and Samson have been completely redrawn.

To be precise, nana, delmud. sety, altena, celice, ishtar, blume and all unused characters except for femina use their fe4 portrates, and eriyos uses the battle screenshot described above.

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Garret and Shin's average stats page don't have the page asking which mode to look at, so you can't access their hard mode boosts without changing the URL yourself.

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On the Awakening DLC Script page, would it be all right to remove the "Information" and "Note for editors" sections?

I was about to but then thought maybe I shouldn't...

Aha, I didn't catch that.

If the pages are now complete, then those two parts aren't needed anymore. But for safe measure, I'll go in and comment them out.

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The FE4 class section has the Thief Staff icon from FE3 instead of an actual picture of a Thief.

and this isn't really relevant, but could you add pictures of female classes to the FE4 section? Some don't appear at all in game but I do know they exist and idk i feel like it would be a nice addition. others do, like Tinny as a female mage

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The "Paralogues" section is labeled as "paraloguequests".


Also, this page is missing another Short Axe Fighter.

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The "Paralogues" section is labeled as "paraloguequests".


Also, this page is missing another Short Axe Fighter.

Oh, that last one's my fault. Added him in. And I'll fix the first one too.

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