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What the hell happened to me?


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I know what you mean I had people I trusted stab me in the back and just treat me bad and now I don't trust anyone I did not know before that happened to me. The only thing I can say is be wary of strangers and be carful I do go out I am just not out going and tend to avoid people and I avoid crowds like the plague, lucky for me the stores I like to go to don't get crowded and I can order stuff online as well. It is hard when you turn in to an adult and you see how people really act because kids tend to see the better side of people while adults tend to see how other adults actually act. There are good people out there but they are hard to find, be nice to people who reach out to you and don't push yourself in to doing things where you might freak out, take it slow like go to a park or the library or somewhere there are people but not a big crowd and see how you feel about that and go from there. hope this helps.

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As insensitive as it sounds, relax your sacks and/or grow some balls, once you gain that confidence back you won't have much trouble, just gotta be smart.

More or less this.

Fear doesn't help. It only holds you back.

[spoiler=had to]

for (i = 0, myString = "Drop that ass!"; i < 5; i++) {
Edited by Makaze
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Back when I was a kid I loved going places, meeting new people, and just enjoying life. Nowadays I'm afraid of going anywhere, I can't trust anyone since I think I might get back stabbed, and I'm just worried. Has life stolen my innocence?!

being a teenager does that

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