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Hello. I am ikeisopbrawl and i am new to this site. I created my account late yesterday evening, so I wasn't able to introduce myself fully. I am apparently funny to everyone I end up meeting. Also, I am a good friend and a lot of my friends I actually have can trust me, though I haven't keep in touch with one of my friends. It basically was a friendship but ended up declining due to reasons. But I am pretty dang trustworthy though so that means I can be trusted. That is the basic information I am willing enough to share with everyone. Also, on my facebook I befriended Grant Kirkhope. No, really I did.

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I am apparently funny to everyone I end up meeting.

Not anymore! Today, you meet me. I choose what I laugh at, and my sense of humor is quite different. Whenever somebody says they're funny, they tend not to be.


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