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What is needed to enjoy fire emblem?


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I am very fond of fire emblem games and I keep playing other fire emblem games, probably until I played all 13. But the more I like the franchise, the more I want to share it with some closer friends. Thats where the problem is.

It seems that a person must be quite specific to enjoy fire emblem. I managed to get a few good friends to try it out, but they didn't like the game.

So, what must a person be like to definitely like the games?

-Probably a fan of strategy games, but then again its turn based, which is not fun for most RTS players.

-Maybe a masochist, as the games can be frustrating, hard and unforgiving at times. Not many would enjoy playing one chapter for 45 minutes and then making a mistake, losing a character and restarting everything.

Or reinforcements could come unexpected and ruin everything, forcing the player to trial and error.

Anything else?

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Depends on the person.

I got into them because I love the settings, characters, play style and such. And word of mouth due to Smash Bros.

Edited by JediSwordSaint
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FE players come in 3 packages.




Occaisonally, the packages mingle a bit too!

Edited by Irysa
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I got into them because I love the settings, characters, play style

Pretty much this but one thing that I do remember was how "simple" the way the game presented its graphics. Can't art to save my life so I appreciate the graphics I see.

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FE players come in 3 packages.




Occaisonally, the packages mingle a bit too!

I was neither of the three when i first joined. Unless I'm secretly a masochist.

I got into them because I love the settings, characters, play style and such h.

This. It's also nice to have someone to talk to about the games. (my case being my sister)

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who even plays fire emblem


On a more serious note, I like either completely stomping maps with my omguberpowered units or coming up with an elaborate strategy to win with weaker units. Having a decent storyline (with characters I can get behind) helps too.

Something I don't like is a kind of halfassed mix of the two; a game like FE8 is fun because I can either work hard and try to LTC or I can just stomp with Seth implying there's a difference. FE11 wasn't fun because enemies are just strong enough that screwing up is a possibility, but not strong enough that I had to really think about what I was doing

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FE players come in 3 packages.




Occaisonally, the packages mingle a bit too!

I'm a masochistic stat whore.

Sometimes I use save states when I feel depressed. When one feels like trying they need a functioning brain, patience, and the ability accept some characters for who they are unless their stats make a difference.

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b-b-but caeda

you would be surprised how often i've managed to fuck up and get even ubercaeda killed

the fact that she should be stomping but then i do something wrong is exactly it; it just makes it doubly frustrating for me :(

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Depends on the person.

I got into them because I love the settings, characters, play style and such. And word of mouth due to Smash Bros.

Totally this. I love its simplicity and the game's randomness, putting you through diverse situations (excluding predetermined events, that is).

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You know, i legit dont understand how this series manages to attract so many weebs. Genuinely curious about how that is.

Anyway, it just takes determination, problem solving skills, and a desire to see the blood of your enemies bubble up in pools around adorable little girls holding very large weapons.

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I always enjoyed watching my favorite characters get strong enough to take on sections of the map on their own for the most part.

Having main characters with goals to give a damn about also helped but that kind of died for me once FE10 and onward happened.

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You know, i legit dont understand how this series manages to attract so many weebs. Genuinely curious about how that is.

Anyway, it just takes determination, problem solving skills, and a desire to see the blood of your enemies bubble up in pools around adorable little girls holding very large weapons.

The characters have the patented Colorful Animu Hair?
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Well I can't explain why I loved it so much, but SSB got me interested, and trying out FE7 sealed the deal. I think if more people tried that game the series would have a lot more fans, seriously I wasn't even big on this genre before that and I spent literally 3 days straight living and breathing fire emblem when I picked up FE7 because I loved it so much. Idk why. I think more people need to play that game, I still wouldn't even know what FE was like if I hadn't tried that game out just because you almost never hear about it (although I did see a player named Eliwood7 once in LoL, that was awesome :D (is that any of you?? :O ))

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