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The dragon(cat)'s shiny pixels: 4/2/2015 Extreme Makeover: OC edition


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...the battle sprites have a ton of pillow shading going on, mainly the middle two. Their designs don't really match their mugs either, and seem just bland...

Think you can make these more interesting, as you have done better works in the past... But right now on the custom battle sprites just too plain design wise and needing work shading wise. Mugs are alright though. :)

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Yeah it was difficult to work with the female hero/Echidna...too much stuff that had to be tweaked and removed. Is there a female fighter sprite that I can ref?

Thinking about using an assassin for Milo instead of a rogue. Oh, and you saying mugs are alright made my day xD


Tried to fix Ciara. Her shirt WAS terribly pillow shaded...added shoulder pads and used different legs. Changed Milo to an assassin base.

Edited by Dragoncat
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WoC antagonists: Nyra, Valmas, Xemar. This time with mugs, and Xemar's horns and claws have been colored silver, cause they are in the artwork I made of him.

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Ooh, not bad at all! I would've given the wyvern arms and made Xemar's dragon form bipedal though, not just because I prefer them that way, but also to keep consistency, because that's how Tellius wyverns and dragon laguz look. :P

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Wow, I've shown you Cerai, Leo, and Rannoc and you just now decided to say that? xD

Tellius wyverns might have arms, and the dragon laguz might be bipeds, but I have the right to tweak things, especially minor ones like that. Wyverns are defined as being two limbed dragons. IS can't seem to decide on that. I mean I used to make them just standing on their legs and with arms, but I changed it.

Dragons just look more awesome standing on four legs imo. Otherwise they look like they belong on Barney or Dragon Tales. I even change the adult dragons from the PS1 Spyro games to be quadrupeds. My avatar is one of them for example...

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Um, okay... I don't consider those tweaks to be minor, nor do I think the dragon laguz look anything like they belong in Barney or Dragon Tales, but they're your sprites and your choice.

I know wyverns are typically defined as arm-less dragons, but imo, they look weird that way to me. And I just think bipedal dragons are more badass-looking than quadrupedal ones. They also make me think of dinosaurs like the T-Rex and Spinosaurus, only with wings and slightly larger arms. And sometimes standing more upright. This is just what I think...

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Well here's the thing. Dinosaurs =/= dragons. Suppose they're the closest thing we had irl, but by that logic, the wings would be feathered. Dinosaurs evolved into birds and a lot of scientists believe raptors had feathers.

The armless wyverns from Awakening and Sacred Stones have grown on me. And growing up with Spyro...my dragon laguz kinda resemble him. Spyro was the first thing I got into that made me love dragons.

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That doesn't matter to me. Pterosaurs were basically winged dinosaurs, you know, and they didn't have feathers. Also, dragons are mythological creatures, so how they look can vary. They don't ALWAYS have to be quadrupedal.

I've always liked dinosaurs and I also liked the sword-wielding dragon enemies in Zelda: Twilight Princess. Interestingly, I had created this long before TP even came out... Then came the dragon laguz in Tellius. So you could also say I got used to seeing bipedal dragons.

But fine, you can leave your dragons inaccurate to in-game designs. I can't stop you.

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Yep. I like dinosaurs too :) And you're right, they can look however you want. I was used to seeing Spyro run around on 4 legs so yeah.

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Amazing how just using a different pose on the base sprite makes my dog laguz look so much better! I've included differences stat and appearance wise. Have to fix the beasts now...and when I do, you'll see that the mammal laguz tribes aren't copies of each other. Foxes for example, while they appear to be just like cats, are slightly different stat wise. And all dog laguz are weak against ice magic. Beasts are weak against fire.

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Amazing how just using a different pose on the base sprite makes my dog laguz look so much better! I've included differences stat and appearance wise. Have to fix the beasts now...and when I do, you'll see that the mammal laguz tribes aren't copies of each other. Foxes for example, while they appear to be just like cats, are slightly different stat wise. And all dog laguz are weak against ice magic. Beasts are weak against fire.

Since when do foxes and cats look a like? they look nothing a like haha.

And I kinda don't understand how they are weak to ice. All three can live and strive in the winter.

as for the sprites, idk. They all look way too similar. And the Mauthe Doog/gwyligaifhoafiigi or whatever the fuck it is reference has been done to death. And tbh is a really poop reference to begin with and I really hate it when people use them as bases.

Maybe you can find a real picture of a fox for example, and reference off that? Many spriters do that, it's both challenging and rewarding because you actually can see they anatomy differences between animals. And then end result isn't so... Mauthe Doog.

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I meant statwise foxes and cats seem similar. Both have high speed. But while foxes also have high luck, cats have high skill instead.

Weak to ice is just so they have another difference. Beast laguz weakness is fire magic. It's true that they can handle cold weather, but there are also feline species that live in the desert/can handle heat, and yet fire is the weakness IS chose. My headcanon adds ice magic and as you've seen, a new laguz tribe for wolves. If I kept fire as their weakness ice would be the odd one out, the only one that isn't good against a laguz tribe.

Using the mauthe doog I can guarantee that it'll be FE style. I still have a ways to go before I can do full custom...there's a good reason it's used to make laguz. It's the closest thing there is in the GBA FE sprites. If it ain't broke don't fix it...

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I meant statwise foxes and cats seem similar. Both have high speed. But while foxes also have high luck, cats have high skill instead.

cats have 9 lives tho okay nevermind lol

Weak to ice is just so they have another difference. Beast laguz weakness is fire magic. It's true that they can handle cold weather, but there are also feline species that live in the desert/can handle heat, and yet fire is the weakness IS chose. My headcanon adds ice magic and as you've seen, a new laguz tribe for wolves. If I kept fire as their weakness ice would be the odd one out, the only one that isn't good against a laguz tribe.

eh, your head not mine xD

Using the mauthe doog I can guarantee that it'll be FE style. I still have a ways to go before I can do full custom...there's a good reason it's used to make laguz. It's the closest thing there is in the GBA FE sprites. If it ain't broke don't fix it...

I agree that they are the closest thing, but even so, they are still not good. They are starving demon dogs. and most sprites i've seen trying to fill them out has either made them deformed and/or poorly shaded. It already requires custom work right off the bat.

another reason is that it's a really obvious reference and most times the only thing people can go off of. So to me its like if people just took like the myrmidon and slapped a skin on it and was like 'hey check me out!' Which doesn't really have any room for improvement. And it's hard for me to give what you're doing any positive feedback. Which I assume is what you are looking for, right?

You don't even need to try to ref real animals. You can go on spriters resource and look up wolves or dogs, and compile a master sheet of sheets that you think could fit in the fe spriting style. And have the mauthe doog as a ref along side it. Then compile it all, and poke at it until you have something that looks like you were thinking outside the box. At that point we can see what is possible to improve, and then you can reach closer to more custom spriting levels. You'd be surprised on how easy that is. That's what I did with Dewey's sprite and now look ;D

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I think they look cool, except for the tails. They...um...look like a certain man part, imo. ._.


Weirdest comment I've ever recieved...seriously? *squints at them* Nope. I think they look like canine tails....

And I thought I had a dirty mind xD

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Well I suppose that can be fixed...does the thicker fox tail not look like it? Because I can use it for the other two and make the fox's more thicker.

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